Author's Notes:
Back by popular demand. I present to you Part II of On the Contrary due to high requests for a second series. Well, here you go. Would you believe it only took me five minutes to think of the next forty-five themes? Yes, I'm that much of a thinker. So, here you go. The second set to the SasuNaru drabble series.


Drabble Rating: K+
Status: 1/45
Word Count: 143 words
Warning: None.
Theme: A Little More Than Friends

It took everyone in the village some time to realize that they were more than just friends.

It probably was evident when they would came out of the bathhouse together every weekend, or both would come from Sasuke's or Naruto's house every other day. Or was it when they would be seen at Ichiraku's everyday for lunch, and Sasuke would actually be seen eating Ramen?

Sasuke...eating...ramen? Only when Hell froze over.

Sasuke and Naruto thought it was obvious that they were together now. They had tried to make it as obvious as possible with the handholding, the cuddling at the movies, and the kisses each evening before they went into one of their houses.

'Obviously,' Sasuke thought as he slurped a ramen noodle watching his audience that had large, stunned eyes, 'these people aren't that smart to see we're more than just friends.'

Obviously not.