Author Note: Well here goes nothing! My first Fanfic written in FIVE YEARS. I was inspired by the game...or should I say obsessed, lol. Love Letters and Constructive Criticism are welcome.

Disclaimer: I know I don't own them, but they invited me to come and hang out on the beach with them. () Disney and Square Enix are some lucky mo-fos! I always give them back when I'm done!

Chapter One: Running Toward the Light

Kairi sat glumly on the beach, waiting for Goofy, Donald and King Mickey to return from the Main Island. They had gone to get some supplies for their flight back to Disney Castle. It had been a day already since Riku and Sora were left behind at the Altar of Naught. Kairi had a huge knot in her stomach.

How could this have happened? Once again, I sit on this beach alone.

She contemplated a shell she found in the sand. She swallowed hard as she fought back tears. Her fingers happened upon a small piece of driftwood. She began drawing in the sand, and found herself staring at a star within a heart and "Sora" written with it. A sigh escaped her lips and she rested her gaze upon the Paopu tree at the other end of the beach. Her heart began to sink.

You have to keep hope...for Sora and Riku. Remember that you are connected, and his heart will find its way to yours, especially if Roxas and Namine have anything to do with it.

"Namine," Kairi said aloud to herself, "let's bring them home." She stood up and closed her eyes and hoped with all her might. Her mind filled with visions of Sora, as the sun cast a golden glow upon the tear meandering down her cheek. Suddenly, her entire body began to tingle and her heart became light and warm. She opened her eyes, and her breath caught in her throat.

Out from the clear blue sky came two falling stars. Kairi's heart raced with excitement. Oh my god, it's THEM. I know it. She raced to the water's edge as these celestial entities crashed into the ocean about a hundred yards from the shore. The minute it took for them to surface felt like a painful eternity. She jumped, heart bursting as two heads broke through the waves.

"Sora! Riku!" Kairi waved frantically. They're HOME...

The boys swam eagerly to the shore. Sora's eyes and heart only held one thing at that moment. He ran toward her, wanting nothing but to hold her, as some familiar faces rushed in front of Kairi to greet them. Donald, Goofy and the King bounded towards them, leaping in salute of their return. Sora and Riku had barely gotten to the shore as Donald and Goofy jumped at Sora, arms open, knocking him back into the water. Sora laughed as his heart overflowed with joy and love. He was finally home.

Sora got to his knees as Kairi stood before him and reached into his pocket: Kairi's Charm. He looked down at it and felt another part of him open within...Roxas. Kairi felt Namine's presence as well. As Sora gazed up at her, for a fleeting moment he beheld Namine, as Kairi did Roxas. Their reunited nobodies dissipated into the smiling faces that made each other hearts to feel utterly complete. Sora found himself virtually speechless...Kairi, my light...

"We're Back", he smiled. "You're home," Kairi replied with an outstretched hand. He took her hand in his and let that strange tingling sensation of their energy fusing wash over them. The hair on the back of Sora's neck stood on end. Kairi, with one good tug, pulled Sora to his feet and into her arms. With tears streaming down both their faces, they shared an enormous sigh of relief. Their hearts began to speak without words…

Promise you won't ever let go, Sora.

I promise, Kairi. You... are my sanctuary.

Startled at the echoing voices in their minds, Sora broke his embrace to give Kairi a questioning look. He glanced around to see if anyone else had heard that confession and turned back to Kairi. She gave him a smile, and rested her hand on his chest over his heart.

There was a tug at Sora's shirt. "What's the big idea of scaring us like that?" asked Donald, feigning anger. "Sora and I still had some business to finish with Xemnas," answered Riku, "If it weren't for Sora, I wouldn't be here right now." Riku came up to Sora, and surprised him with something they've never shared...a hug. "Hey…this is probably the only time you'll ever get one of these." Sora laughed and hugged him back, "Hey, you saved me from Xemnas. But I guess that's just what best friends do...have each others' backs."

"Let's head back to town, your friends and family have been worried about you." King Mickey chimed in, "we'll be spending one more night before we leave for Disney Castle."

"So this calls for a celebration!" Goofy added with a chuckle.

The six friends piled into the boats and head back for the Main Island as the sun began to sink in the sky. They arrived on the shore and were greeted by a giddy, shrieking Selphie. "Oh my god! You guys are BACK! You've been gone so long! We thought you were lost and never to return or worse...dead! Your parents have been worried sick." She hugged Riku first, and then Sora, "I am going to get the guys. They won't believe this one!" And with that Selphie was off and running into town.

The whole town knew of the three kids that went missing a few years prior, amidst the storms and darkness that consumed the land. When Kairi mysteriously reappeared, she tried to explain what was happening. She had told Sora and Riku's families that they were still alive, but weren't coming home anytime soon. It was hard for the islanders to believe that a young kid from their town was off wielding the legendary Keyblade, keeping the universe in check. For short time, everyone, even Kairi to an extent, had forgotten Sora. But now, the whole town would know it wasn't a tall tale.

As the group proceeded up the path into town, people stopped and stared. They realized who this was. Children whispered to their friends about the Keyblade. Sora was a local legend now. Sora looked around, realizing that everyone was watching them. He turned to Riku with a raised brow, "This is a bit weird." Riku shrugged, "What can you do...we are returning from a life and universe-altering experience after being gone for three years. People are going to gawk, I guess."

Sora gave Riku a nod, accepting that he was not going to be left alone for a little while, "Let them see then, that we made it in one piece...together." Sora took Kairi's hand in his as they all continued towards his house, where his mother and his bedroom in which he had not slept for far too long, awaited him.