Here's the second instalment of "Haunting You". I can't wait till it's finished. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, but I own this story.

Random Person: (copies the story) "I got your story! Na na na na na!"

Me: (Pulls out shot gun)

You get the picture…….NOW….on to the story!

Arriving seconds later just outside of the school grounds, Snape and Hermione dusted themselves off and marched up the long path to Hogwarts. Walking through the gates Hermione remembered why she loved this place so much. The castle window shined from the sun's healthy rays, and the grass was as green as ever. They crossed the grounds in a pleasant silence and almost the minute they walked through the large oak doors, Dumbledore was in front of them, shaking Hermione's hand. "Congratulations my girl. Congratulations! I say I never doubted it for a second, not one second." He rambled on and on, spilling out his congratulations to a dumbfounded Hermione. "I'm sorry Professor, but what are you congratulating me for?" "For making head girl, of course!" Hermione squeaked in delight and danced on the spot. "Head girl? YES! I've always wanted to be head girl!" Snape smile at the dancing girl and shook his head. Patting her on the shoulder they made their way to the great hall for Hermione's private lessons.

Flash Back:

Hermione had been getting ready to leave platform 9 ¾, on that fateful day four years ago. Hermione and her parents were about to step through the ticket booth and make their way home, when curses began to fly at them from every direction. Hermione whipped out her wand and screamed at her parents to get down. A green jet of light whizzed past her ear, she heard her mom scream in pain and as she spun around saw her lifeless body hit the ground. "MOM!" Hermione shrieked dropping to the ground and clinging to her mother's cold hand. "Hermione run, now, while you still can." Her father shouted grabbing her by the shoulders and lifting her up. "Dad, No!" Hermione turned back around and glanced at her dad, just in time to see him take five stunners to the chest. "DAD!" Hermione cried running over to him. He stretched his hand toward her and she tried to grab it but was yanked backwards and held back by a pair of strong arms. "NO!" Hermione screamed, tears welling up in her eyes as she kick and bite her captor. A man in black with dark eyes grabbed her father by the hair and pointed his wand into his face. "Adava Kedavra!" "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Hermione shrieked, hot tears streaming down her face. "DAD!" Suddenly a red beam of light hit her captor, and he toppled backwards, bring Hermione down on top of him. A new pair of arms yanked her up from the ground and dragged her away from her parent's now dead bodies. Looking both ways, the man held Hermione close and apparated. With a pop they were in a large dark room. The man placed Hermione gently on a chair. He grabbed a pouch of powder from atop the mantle of a large fire place. He spread the powder in a circle around the chair Hermione sat in and two others, ignoring the screams of protests coming from Hermione. When the circle was finished, the man pointed the wand at Hermione and muttered a silencing charm. "Merlin! Finally, I shut you up! God in heaven I was just trying to save you girl!" Hermione looked up. She knew that voice. Snape!

End of Flash Back:

"What?" Hermione said coming out of her thoughts. "Come on girl. We don't have all day!" Snape was tapping his foot, impatient with Hermione's dawdling. "Coming!"

Flash Back:

"Professor!" Hermione tried to stuttered only just realizing she couldn't make any noise. "Shhh!" Snape pressed a finger to his lips and told her not to struggle. And then he began to chant. Softly and slowly at first then louder and louder. Out of nowhere a silvery mist swirled around the circle and created a dome around them. Once his chanting was done, he waved his wand and the silencing charm was removed. Hermione sighed and watched Snape sit in one of the two chairs in silence. "Dumbledore will be here any minute, so I will wait for him to explain." As soon as that sentence was out of his mouth, Dumbledore appeared. (Author's Note: he has a knack for doing that doesn't he?) Well Severus, it has happened at last has it?" "Yes, indeed it has Albus." came Snape's reply. Dumbledore sighed and flopped down into the last chair. He waved his wand and out of thin air Hermione's parent's bodies appeared. Hermione choked back her sob and crouched down to see them. Their pleasant faces, already greying from death, her father's blue eyes wide open, with a look of sorrow and pleading. Hermione pushed her father's eyelids closed and let her tears splash down on their cold faces. Her whole body shook with the force of her tears. She cried and cried for what seemed like hours until at last Dumbledore spoke. "We feel your pain, Miss Granger… Hermione. But time is of the essence. There is much to explain and so very little time. The men that did this to your parent's were after you. They want what you have, inside of you." Hermione just stared up at him "But what do I have?" "You have a very special gift. Something very important to everyone both good and evil. And we are here…" He glance over and Snape whose eyes were full of pity. "To explain everything to you."

End of Flash Back:

And explain they did. Hermione walked through the wooden door and into the great hall, locking them behind her. Stepping up to Snape and Dumbledore, she prepared herself for her favourite part of Hogwarts. Her lessons.

What are these lessons? What are Snape and Dumbledore teaching Hermione? And what the hell does Hermione have that everyone wants? These questions and more will be answer next time on…… THE ADVENTURES OF SNAPEMAN AND PHEONIX! (I'm a Batman and Robin fan sorry. "Holy Rusted Metal Batman"…..and all that jazz.) Sorry it was stuck in my head. Anyways, the questions WILL be answered, next chapter!

See you all in Dream Land

Sakura Akki