Hoshi- Its been awhile since I wrote/updated this story. Here we go.


The next morning, Lisa walked to the Great Hall, to find the Slytherin team talkin. She sat down and got something to eat. "Morning guys." A few of them looked at her smirking. "What?" she asked, looking at them. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Did you talk to Flint yesterday?" asked Montague. Lisa nodded, "Does it matter?..Where is he anyways?"

"He went to find the Gryffindor team.." said one of them smirking. "What the hell is he gonna do to them?!" Another smirked, "Just..talk to Woo-" Lisa shot up, running out of the Great Hall, she found them talking. "FLINT!" she yelled and soon Oliver flew back wards when Flint stunned him. Lisa had her wand out, "Marcus, get the hell away from him!" she yelled, running over to help Oliver up.

"Why should I? Its your fault you didnt' heed my warning..Kero." said Marcus glaring. Lisa looked at Oliver, "What's he talking about, Lisa?" asked Oliver. "He said..he'd hurt you if I was with you ever again, and I chose not to listen and yea." she said, hugging Oliver. "You were right not to heed his warning.." said Josh, walking up."I may be just helping with Hagrid, but I have just as much authority as anyone else. Flint, you are to come with me..now." he said glaring. "And if I refuse?" asked Marcus.

Josh smirked, "You refuse...and I'll hex you right here and now...you are not gonna fuck around with my little sister." Lisa looked at her brother shocked, he was always protective of her, but he was never this bad. "F-Fine." said Flint glaring, following Josh.

Oliver looked at Lisa, "What happened?" Lisa looked into his eyes. "Oliver..y-yesterday.." she started and hugged him. "He tried to rape me..he threatened me.." she said, tears coming to her eyes. Oliver looked at her, "No.." Lisa simply nodded. "I'm so scared of him..I know he's in my house and all..but I'm scared!" she said crying. Oliver patted her hair down while trying to soothe her. "Hey..Its okay..he's not gonna touch you..not with me and Josh on guard.."

Lisa nodded, she kissed Oliver softly. "Ca-Can we go for a walk?" she asked. He nodded, "Sure. I'll have Angelina take over with the team for now." he said, and flew up and told Angelina. He came down and wrapped and arm around Lisa's shoulder. "It'll be okay Lisa..I'm here now.."

Lisa looked at him, "Oliver...I don't know what to do." "Lisa, just calm down..It'll be alright." he said, reassuringly.

Later that night, Lisa got into the Common Room, she saw Flint sitting in a chair, "KERO! YOU TURNED ME IN? AFTER I WARNED YOU NOT TO?!" he yelled, Lisa looked alittle freightened. "No. I was told by the team where you were, so I ran out to stop you from talking to Oliver and then Josh showed up!" she said, feeling fear.

"Kero..I swear..this is all your fault.." Lisa looked at him, "What is?" "The fact that I can't play in the next match! We have to use our substitiute and worse, the captain, doesn't get to play!"

Lisa glared at him, "You shouldn't have tried to rape me.." she said, turning to go to the staircase to the girls dormitries. "Oh no Kero.." he said, turning her to face him. "Your the problem..its all your FAULT!" he yelled, slapping her. Lisa put her hand on her cheek. Others looked around. Lisa ran up the stairs to the girls dorm and fell onto her bed.

Tori looked over from her bed, "Lisa? Whats wrong?" Lis shooked her head and got out some parchment, writing to her brother to meet her on the grounds later after dinner.

Josh walked up to Lisa later, "Lisa, whats wrong?" he asked as he and his sister started to walk around. "Its Flnt..he's still not leaving me alone and I dont' know what to do!" said Lisa looking at him. "Hm..he's still on you about Oliver?" "He's blaming me for his not being able to play in the next match!"

"I told Dumbledore not to let him play..he hurt you Lisa, he's needing to be punished." said Josh putting his hands in his pockets. "He's blaming me now...and also, since I'm Co-Captain..it'll be harder on me.." said Lisa sitting down. "Lisa. You'll do fine. I'll be watching you the whole time." Josh said, hugging his sister lightly.

Lisa nodded and walked off. She went to the astronomy tower and looked out at the grounds, wind blowing her hair back. "Why me?" she thought. A moment later, she heard footsteps coming up from behind her, and a hand on her shoulder. "Kero, whatcha doin up here?" It was Montague.

"Don't scare me like that!" she snapped. He looked at her, "My apologizes.."

Lisa looked down, soon seeing the Ravenclaw team outside, running around the grounds for a training system. She watched as Roger Davies, captain, was making them jog around. A girl actually collasped due to running so fast. "Whatcha thinking about?" asked Montague, looking at her. Lisa jumped alittle and looked at him. "Oh..um..just..anything.." she said and walked off.


Sorry for short and long time of update. i hope to update soon. I've been on so much writers block. anyways, r&r