-1Mara smiled and coughed, blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. "I'm… I'm c'ld," she choked out. She was shivering terribly and choking as she breathed. Dean picked her up slowly and held her close.

"Don't worry," he whispered. "I'll take care of you. Everything's going to be all right." Dean wasn't so sure though as he looked down at her. Her skin was pale and she coughed several more time, coughing up blood.

Mara opened her eyes and saw Rowan standing a few feet away. He just watched them with the same puzzled look he had when he stabbed her in the hospital. His attention was grabbed quickly by movement from the corner. Austin watched his father rise to his feet. "Rowan my son. We had to do this to unlock her potential." Rowan glared at his father, expecting more of an answer. "She has amazing power Rowan. Your sister could bring down this entire city if her scream was channeled enough."

"So you were going to unlock that then hand her over! She's my sister!" He glared at his father and stalked over to Austin. Austin moved and was quickly in front of Dean and Mara. He smiled and looked down at his daughter. There was about twenty feet between them and ten feet in the other direction between Rowan and Mara.

"She has failed though," he said simply. Austin pulled a gun out from behind him and raised it. He cocked the gun and Rowan ran towards them. As Austin fired the gun Rowan managed to get in front of them and he fell backwards. The bulled hit him square in the chest. Rowan gasped for breath, but he stood slowly. He walked towards his father as blood spilled from his chest. Rowan grabbed his father's neck and in a split second he snapped Austin's neck. Mara's father dropped to the ground, he was dead before he hit the floor.

Mara's vision came and went but she saw what Rowan did. He turned to her and slowly made his way back to Mara and Dean. Mara stretched out her hand and he took hold of it. "I… I understand," he whispered. "Why… why you sa… saved him." Rowan was referring to taking the blow from the knife for Sam. He smiled and held her hand.

Dean looked down at Mara. She looked back at him and shivered. He held her close and closed his eyes. He couldn't get her out it would kill her. Dean slowly pulled his cell phone from his pocket. As he started to dial the number he heard a voice above him. "DEAN!" It was his father's voice. Shortly after he heard Sam's.

Dean looked up quickly. He saw them through the hole in the ceiling. "DAD, SAM!"

They stopped and looked down at him. "They're hurt. Bad. He was shot and Mara…," he paused and looked down at her. "I… I don't know what's wrong!" He stood slowly holding picking her up. Dean expected Rowan to rise with them but Mara dropped his hand. She was unconscious and when he looked down at Rowan his eyes were open, looking where his sister used to be. He lay there pale and unmoving and Dean knew the truth. He was dead. He sighed and looked down. "Thank you," he whispered to the corpse. Dean looked up at his father. He was able to climb up the fallen cement and hand the girl's lifeless body to Sam. Then he went back and picked up Rowan. Dean handed Rowan to his father and John set him on the ground then grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him up. Dean moved instantly towards Mara. He held her close and looked down at her.

"What happened?"

"He was torturing her, her father. I don't know what he was doing but I could hear her scream. Then the floor caved in. I… I think that's what the demon wanted with her. She has some kind of sonic ability. I mean her scream nearly blew my ear drums." Dean held Mara close to him and sighed. "We have to get her to a hospital." Dean looked down at her and picked her up. She wasn't breathing. His heart stopped. "Shit," he said quickly. Dean set her down and checked for a pulse. There was nothing. He was afraid to touch her because of internal injuries. "Mara," he whispered with a broken voice. He held her close and closed his eyes, as a single tear fell from his left eye, landing on her forehead. Just like that it was over. Dean sat with her in his arms as his brother and father looked on. Dean rocked the girl's body back and forth and whispered her name again. But she would not move again.

Three days passed since then and the Winchesters had returned to Lawrence Kansas. It was the day of the funeral. It seemed ironic that Mara and Rowan were born only moments apart, and they died that way too. Dean stood between his brother and father, all three of them dressed in black. He had his hands crossed in front of him as the preacher spoke. His words meant nothing to Dean as he looked at the casket that held his angel. There were no tears from him though. Mara would never let him cry for her. His father on the other hand was a wreck. Mara was as much his daughter as Sam and Dean were his sons. Sam stood next to Dean, trying to hold back the tears.

The sermon ended and Dean walked up to Mara's casket. He placed a red rose on top of it and then rested his hand on there. His head lifted towards the sky and finally tears fell from his eyes. "Take care of her mom. We'll find it. We'll kill it. Just take care of her."

Dean thought he felt a hand on his shoulder. Then there was the faintest sound of his mother's voice as the wind blew. "I will Dean."