Okay, I know that I have four stories to update soon, actually three. One belongs to Yami. I had this stuck in my head for a while and I wrote it down in my huge spiral notebook.

Well, I've been going through this phase where I'm going sugar high fan fic authoress over Prideshipping, as you can see from "Strawberry Flavored Blueberries" I love it.

While I'm working on this I am playing You Tube clips that have to do with Prideshipping. They help me get inspired, also I listen to funny little Yu-Gi-Oh clips, because I need some entertainment while I work because when I do I need some thing to hear as I work. Wait, I just got my self confused.

Oww….. my brain hurts. Ha. That was a Joey line.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Told in Seto's POV at first, and then regular POV at the end.

This is Diary writing and this is regular POV

On with the fic.

(Live Together)

Dear Diary,

I sat at my desk. It was math class. I was never fond of math, actually I hate it. But I like it, in fact I like all my classes, because he is in all of them.

The boy is Yugi's dark side. His name is Yami, or Atemu. He is a three thousand year old Pharaoh who now has a eighteen year old body.

I like him, a lot. When he first got his body back and could stay in this world, I saw that he had the most beautiful shade of red eyes I have ever seen. I was in love.

I've always liked the color red, but his crimsons eyes made me love it. Anyway, in class today during the last ten minutes, Mrs. Chono had to go to the office to answerer a phone call.

As soon as she left, everyone began talking, well not everyone. Only three people were not talking. Tea, Yami, and Me.

I didn't want to talk to anyone but Yami. I turned my head toward the beautiful Pharaoh. I saw that he was drawing something on a sketch pad. That's right, he is an artist.

I noticed that I wasn't the only one looking at him. Tea was also watching him. I HATE Tea so much! I have always known that she had a crush on him and it's obvious that she is a sluty little girl who always talks about friend ship.

I also noticed that Yami stopped coloring his drawing. He turned in the direction of Tea and immediately turned away. He then turned toward me.

I saw them. The red-eyes I have fallen in love with. I could tell what his emotions in those crimson orbs of his.

I saw that they were happy, full of inspiration, but had a little embarrassment in them as well. He quickly turned back to what he was doing. Soon the bell rang and everyone began to leave.

As I was packing up my school bag I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I turned and saw red-eyes. It was Yami and he had a little blush on his face. He looked so cute.

He began to speak, "Seto, I know that you like me."

I was shocked!

How did he know that I loved him?

He still looked embarrassed, and the blush on his face got bigger. He looked down at his shoes.

"Well since you like me, I drew and colored this for you." He showed me a drawing of me and him kissing. (A.N. WHOOOOO!)

He handed it me. I love it! It was so detailed. It was beautiful.

I went to look down at him and say thank you.

I never got to. We lock lips with each other. We kissed.

That proves it. He likes me. No. He loves me. (A.N. Score!)

Right now I'm sitting in my room, and Yami's here with me.

Well good bye for now.


After Seto put away his diary, his new koi came over to his bed and sat down. "Well Seto, what were you writing in?" Yami asked as he hugged Seto.

"Oh, just my diary." Seto then planted a kiss on Yami's lips. It was a good day for the Blue-eyes master.

(Die Alone)

Please read and review. Blue-eyes master is Seto's nick name like Yami's is Pharaoh. The end sounded a little to gay for its own good, but I'm stll trying to get use to writing one shots.