Chapter 16:

Last chapter sorry for taking so long

2 years later

It's been long ever since they were married the marriage went on okay even though there were some arguing here and there they pretty much started getting along and Kikyo staid out of their lives when she finally started getting involved with Naroku.

"InuYasha can you go see him if he's okay please!" the girl shouted from the kitchen as she put the crumpled eggs into a bowl.

"Okay" the man or rather still a boy ran up the stairs of the big house to the first room up the stairs.

"Kag he's up!" he shouted as she rolled her eyes.

"Well bring him down for breakfast" she said as she heard footsteps down the stairs.

"Slow down he's going to fall if you keep running" he smirked at her and jumped to the dinning room.

"How's that?" he asked as he pecked her lips. She looked at him shaking her head she smiled and took the little boy from his hands.

"How are you Jr, why did we decide to call him Jr. again?" she asked as the man across from her smirked.

"Because you loved me soooo much that you wanted another me" he laughed at his own joke making Kagome smile.

"Well not exactly maybe I just like the name InuYasha" he frowned.

"So are you saying that you don't love me?" he asked playing around with his food putting on the best hurt look on his face.

"Well I wouldn't say that" she said a she gave the little boy who had silver short hair kinda long nail for a baby and cute little silver ears on top of his head just like his farther.

"Well what can you say?" he smirked again as she frowned.

"That I guess I love you" he smiled as he got up and walked over to her pecking her lips he walked over to the sink.

"I'll be going now" he said as he started up the stairs.

"Going where stupid?" Kagome asked. He looked back at her as if she was restarted.

"To work, I guess stay home moms don't know……….what is today?" he asked looking a little confused.

"Your day off" she said kinda like a "duh" and started feeding the little boy who looked at them as if they were crazy.

"Mommy" the little boy laughed from his mom's hands as she smiled back at him.

"Daddy home" the little two years old smiled at his dad, he smiled back and walked down the stair.

"So what do we do today, go to the zoo?" he looked at his wife who was now breast feeding the little baby.

"Nah been there" she looked at Jr while flitching.

"What he bite you again" she frowned up at him "just stop breast feeding him" she still had a frown on her face.

"You just don't up and stop breast feeding them they had to stop……somehow" he chuckled at her and sat next to her kissing her neck.

"Then how about we take the baby to……..ouch" he rubbed his head and looked at her while the little boy laughed.

"Jr." he said warningly making him laugh even more. Kagome started giggling too and pointing at him "yeah you do look funny" he looked at her warningly.

"Kagome, sweetie get up' she stopped laughing and looked at him confused.

"What are you thinking?" She asked nervous yet at time curious.
"Just get up I feel like holding you today" she blushed as he put his hands on her hips and picked her up and sat her in her lab just like when she ha an over sized body. She was stiff at first then relaxed slowly leaning into his body.

"Hey Yasha did you think that we were going to make to make it when we got married?" she looked back at him as he smiled.

"I don't know I think I always believed that we were meant to be I just wanted until you realized it too" she smiled at him and looked at the know almost asleep baby.

"He's about to sleep again?" he asked as he picked her up, she looked at him kinda crazy but smiled when he took the little boy from her hands and held him.

"I haven't held him in a about a week now, every time I get home he's already sleeping" he looked up at his while who smiled at him.

"Yeah but he loves you like no other because he knows that you always try your best" she hugged him as the little kid yarned and closed his eyes.

"Come on take him to bed already so we can watch a movie or play in pool" she said as he ran up the stairs to the baby's room.

"Okay pool mommy" he smirked at her as he picked her up and ran to the inside pool.

"Open up the ceiling" Kagome said changing into her bikini. While she was changing she heard a whistle, covering herself she turned around to be faced by her husband, she scowled and turned around.

"InuYasha stop being childish" he chuckled and walked behind her putting his hands on her waist he kissed her neck.

"But I love you" she looked back at him and pushed him aside.

"I love you too" he smiled and hugged her while she was still nude.

"Yasha go change and leave me alone!" she shouted he smiled and started walking to where his trunk is at.

"I'll do just that" he walked to the little closet and closed the door in about five seconds later he was out with a red trunk on.

"So wanna play?" Kagome smirked at him as she jumped into to he water.

"Bitch!" he shouted when the cold water splashed to him.

"Well at least I'm your bitch" he sat at the edge of the pool as she swan to him. She parted his legs and leaned on her elbows against his knees.

"So how you doing sexy" he smirked at her. He could remember it clearly when they started getting together as if it was just this morning.

It was a week later from the day they went to the carnival and ever since that day she had started being nice to him. She would hold his hand in public. Tell him multiply times that she loved him, she would call him at work when she missed him and tell him that. She would call him all kinda cute names, she would tell him what she liked about him and what she didn't like about him and he was okay with that. Because sometimes he didn't like it when she would change her mood all of a sudden especially when she got pregnant.

She would changed her mood like every minute and he was way from work the whole nine months while she did him like her little slave, but he enjoyed being with her no batter what.

"Kag do you remember when you were pregnant?" she thought about for a minute then smile.

"ha of course that was one of the worst timed ever but it paid off with Jr but it's not as hard to believe that I acted the way I did he's grumpy halve the time just like you when you were little" he smiled at her as he picked her up into his lab.

"See that's why I love the both of you so much" he hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. She turned to look up at him and smiled a loving smile at him.

"Well you should we're your family" he chuckled.

"Come here "he leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. The kiss didn't' last long until it got heated, liking her lower lip for permission which she gave withought a second thought. They kissed for what seemed like the end of the world they broke it off.

She hugged his torso as he hugged her back kissing his cheek. Withought warning he jumped into the water.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh YOU IDIOT!" she shouted while he laughed and tried to get away from her.

"You musta woken up the baby" h said as he kept on swimming. She looked at the pool door and thought about for a while and shook her head.


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa" and that was Jr. they both looked at the door while the picture was taken with their surprised faces.