I DO NOT own any of the characters from ADJL. They belong to
Disney. I do however own Rose and Jake's adopted daughter, Emily,
along with the angel Joy and anyone else you don't recognize. If
anyone would like to use any of these OC's, please ask my
permission first.
God loves
A/N: This story came to mind after I got done watching "Half Baked". I hope everyone likes it. As another author's note: Jake and Haley are a little closer.
"One Rose, Too Many Thorns"
Chapter 1-Home At Last
The train sped along the tracks, taking Rose and Emily further away from their former life of fear and closer and closer to a new life with Jake.
As Rose sat there, she started letting her thoughts wander. She had a lot on her mind, but the funny thing was, only one thought circled around her brain. Jake. What was the dragon she loved more than life itself doing now? Did he think about her as much as she thought about him? Was he worried about her?
Rose knew that last question was a silly one. Of course Jake was worried about her. In fact, Rose couldn't remember a day that didn't go by back when she lived in NYC when Jake wasn't worried about her. Rose found it incredibly sweet and very cute.
As Rose sat there, another question crept into her mind. Did Jake miss her as much as she missed Him?
Meanwhile, in NYC, Jake was laying on his bed, not doing much of anything. He had been depressed since Rose had left and he missed her greatly. His mother kept telling him that he would get over Rose, but he knew she was wrong. Everything Jake did, Rose wasn't far from his mind.
Jake's Dad had taken off after he had found out their big secret nearly a month ago. He had left a saddened wife and daughter, along with a fuming Jake behind.
Ever since his Dad had taken off, Jake had become more responsible when it came to Haley and the two were becoming closer. He took her to dragon training with him every day and to school before that. He picked her up from school as well.
When they reached the shop where Jake trained, Jake would set Haley up with either her homework if she had any or some crayons and a coloring book before working with his grandfather or Fu dog for an hour.
After training was over, Jake would take Haley home and make her dinner while their mother worked late. Jake figured she was doing this to deal with the pain, but he knew all too well that she couldn't hide her feelings for long.
Haley had already broken down a few times in Jake's arms since it had happened and he had comforted her without a second thought. Their Dad leaving had given Jake a new prospective on family and he wasn't going to let Haley slip through the cracks.
But despite this, whatever Jake did, he thought about Rose.
When he was eating, he imagined she was sitting next to him, talking to him and making plans for after school. When he was training, he imagined that Rose was there, telling him the Huntsman's weaknesses and ways to fight him. In short, Rose was never far from Jake's mind.
As Jake rolled over, he heard a knock at his door.
"Come in," Jake said, knowing perfectly well who it was.
Sure enough, Haley came into the room, her teddy bear dangling from her left hand. She crawled onto the bed and laid her head on Jake's shoulder.
"Couldn't sleep?" Jake asked, putting his arm protectively around his baby sister.
Haley shook her head, and Jake thought he heard a sob escape her lips.
"It's going to be okay, Haley. I promise."
Haley nodded, but she wasn't so sure. She let the tears fall, safe and sound in her brother's arms.
Jake cursed inside for the injustice of it all. Haley didn't need this and neither did he. He had already lost Rose and now his Dad had left.
"I'm sorry!" Haley suddenly cried, breaking Jake out of his thoughts. "It's all my fault!"
Jake shook his head and gave Haley a fierce hug full of love and brotherly compassion.
"No it wasn't. Haley Christina Long, listen to me. It was NOT your fault."
Haley nodded, but she still didn't believe Jake. After all, she was the one who had exposed herself in the kitchen, unaware of what a big mess it would cause in the end.
Haley had just been looking for something to eat, and her search for food had led to her father leaving because of finding out about their family's big secret. A secret that their mother had kept from their father for almost a year now.
Jake had been trying to get his mother to tell his father that they were dragons, but his mother always said that she was waiting for the right time.
Jake couldn't help but think that maybe if she had taken his advice, then this never would have happened. But as Jake thought about it, he came to the conclusion that nothing could have stopped his father from leaving. It was his choice and his choice alone.
Their Dad had already wondered about what his wife was hiding from him, but to know first hand and out of nowhere like that was a little surprising…
Haley was standing in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. As she searched, she started humming a song she had learned in Bible camp the previous summer. It was called "Glorious".
"Hey Haley!" Jake said, coming into the room and snatching a pretzel off the counter. "What'up?"
Haley giggled. She and Jake had become closer over the last few months and she couldn't be happier about it. She enjoyed spending time with her brother again and was glad he felt the same way about her for once.
"I'm hungry. Can I have some pasta o's?" She asked, referring to her favorite Italian treat.
Jake nodded.
"Sure. I think there's one more can left in the cupboard. I hid it from Fu."
Haley giggled and gave Jake a grateful smile.
"Thanks." She said, giving Jake a quick hug before going to the cabinet. She found her prize and set it on the counter.
"I'll be right back," Jake said. "You can open the can, but wait for me before putting it in the microwave, okay?"
Haley nodded.
Jake left the room and headed upstairs, making a bee line for his room. He had wanted to check his e-mail and see if Rose had responded to his sixth letter. He opened up his inbox and sighed when he saw that she hadn't.
"Come on, Rose. Where are you? I just want to know you're okay." With that, Jake closed his inbox and headed back downstairs.
As Jake left the room, he turned back to shut the light off and that's when he saw it. His instant messenger flashed blue, which meant someone had signed in.
If only Jake had obeyed his instinct, he could have prevented the next two disasters from happening, but once he saw the name, he was glued to the screen.
Rose-warriorgirl15 has just signed in, the screen read. Jake leapt for joy. He had added Rose to his contact list awhile ago and had talked to her online a few times, but ever since the incident in the woods, she hadn't been on. Now was his chance to talk to her.
"Rose!" He shouted, happily, knowing full well that Rose couldn't hear him, but not caring. He typed in a greeting and the two started to talk. He asked her where she was and she couldn't' tell him, but assured him that she was okay, which was far from the truth.
Just as Jake was going to ask her another question, two things happened at once. Rose said she had to go and take care of something and Jake heard Haley let out a tearful wail and the next thing he knew, she was flinging herself at him, tears streaming down her face.
"Haley? Haley! Haylers, what's wrong?" Jake asked, using his nickname for his little sister.
Haley just continued to cry and buried her face in Jake's shoulder. She then wrapped her arms around Jake's neck while wrapping her legs around his waist.
"All right, all right, shh, shh, chill, Haley, it's okay. Whatever it is, I'll fix it. Your big brother will make it better. You're with the Amdrag now. You're okay. What happened?"
Haley took a deep breath and tried to explain herself. Her explanation came out in half words, half sobs.
"Daddy…Daddy…saw my…I'm sorry! I didn't…I didn't mean to…the can was…and I…I'm sorry!" Haley couldn't' say anything else because she dissolved into tears, leaving Jake to piece the rest of the puzzle together himself.
Jake started to rub Haley's back and stroke her hair. He brought her into his bedroom and sat down on his bed with the little girl in his arms. He knew that whatever had made Haley so upset had to be big. His little sister never normally cried unless she had gotten hurt really badly, was sick or really scared.
As Jake thought about what Haley's explanation could mean, he got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and glared out the window. He wasn't mad at Haley, far from it. Haley was just a little girl and she didn't know that her father was going to walk into the room and see her, but his father was a grown man. He could have stayed and tried to work things out with their mother, but instead he had run. And in doing so, he had run out on his family.
Haley was beginning to have trouble breathing and Jake had to get her calmed down and fast.
"Haley, come on, it's okay. It's going to be okay. I'm not mad at you. I promise. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Yes I did!" Haley cried, more tears spilling from her eyes. "I made Daddy leave!"
"No you didn't!" Jake insisted, sternly. "I promise you, sis, you didn't. It wasn't your fault. Dad was going to find out sooner or later and it was his choice to leave."
Haley nodded, her brother's words finally sinking in. Her breathing became steadier, but she was still crying.
"That's it. Good girl. All right. Do you want to go for a flight with me?"
Haley nodded and climbed on Jake's back as he transformed and took off for the sky.
Jake flew around for awhile, knowing it would help Haley to calm down. This always worked before when Haley was upset.
They stopped on the empire state building and Jake rocked Haley till she was asleep. Once Haley was completely out, Jake flew back home and tucked his sister in.
"Sweet dreams, Haley. I…I…I love you." Jake said, not believing that had come out of his mouth. Sure he loved Haley. He loved Haley with all his heart, but he had never said it to her before.
As Jake lay down for bed, a thousand thoughts sprang to his mind. He was angry, scared and felt betrayed all in one and he needed to get his frustration out. He needed to talk to someone. He crept downstairs and took his cell phone out. He dialed the number and hoped the person would pick up. He really needed to talk to her. She had talked to him online, what was the difference with the phone.
"Come on, baby, pick up." Jake said desperately to himself.
Just then, the phone clicked and a familiar voice said, "Hello?"
"Rose!" Jake exclaimed, relief flooding his being.
"Jake?" Rose asked, not daring to believe it. "Jake, is it really you?"
"I was just going to ask you the same question," Jake said, smiling into the phone. "It's good to hear your voice again. Sorry I called so late, but I needed to talk to someone and I didn't think Spud and Trixie would understand. Well, Trixie might, but not Spud."
Rose was growing concerned now. She was also trying to get her daughter, Emily, to sleep. The child had been cranky all day and Rose had just gotten her to settle down.
"It's okay," Rose told him, sincerely. "I'm just trying to get some reading done before tomorrow. We can't talk long, but what's going on? And for the record, I'm sorry I bailed on you today online. I just had to..I had to take care of some stuff."
Jake understood and didn't press Rose for anymore information. He was just happy to hear her voice.
"I understand. It's okay. I was just happy to hear from you. But why didn't you answer any of my e-mails?"
Rose took a deep breath and tried to answer Jake's question honestly.
"I couldn't because the Huntsman could trace the e-mail from his computer. I didn't want him knowing I was in contact with you. I could get in serious trouble if he found out."
Jake nodded, even though that sentence left him a little uneasy.
"Trouble as in grounding or trouble as in…" Jake's voice trailed off, hoping Rose would get the hint.
"The latter," Rose said, trying to keep the tears out of her voice. "Jake, I didn't mean to just run off like that. I'm sorry! I was scared and I knew if the Huntsman found out I didn't do my job…" Her voice trailed off as she let out a small sob.
Jake felt terrible. He wanted nothing more than to take Rose into his arms and hold her, but he knew that wasn't possible.
"It's okay," Jake said, sincerely. He didn't blame Rose for what happened, but he did want to know she was okay.
Just then, Jake heard an all too familiar voice yelling from another room.
"Uh, coming master!" Rose called, being careful not to wake her daughter up.
"Rose, wait!" Jake said, desperately. "Let me come and get you two out of there. You can't live like that."
"No!" Rose shouted, her voice taking on a tone Jake knew only too well.
"Please?" Jake begged, near tears. "You can't live like that and keep getting hurt. I wont' let him hurt the woman I love!"
Rose felt her own tears fall. She wanted more than anything to tell Jake where she was and have him come and rescue her, but she couldn't. Too much was at stake. Her life and Emily's life as well.
"Jake, I-I'm sorry," Rose apologized. "I'm not doing my job anymore, I promise. But sometimes, my huntsgirl side comes out when I don't want it to. I want to get rid of it! I want to just be Rose. I don't want anything to do with the Huntsclan anymore."
"Then let me rescue you," Jake implored. "Please!"
"It's not that easy," Rose told him, honestly. "I don't want you getting hurt and there's more at stake now."
"What do you mean?" Jake asked, fearing the worst.
"Never mind," Rose told him. She tried a poor attempt at changing the subject. "You said you needed to talk to me about something. What's wrong?"
"No." Jake said, flatly. "You're not getting away with that one so easily. Tell me. Please?"
Rose sighed.
"I don't want him hurting Emily." She said in a rush, as though she was afraid she wouldn't say it at all if she wasn't quick about it.
"All the more reason for me to rescue you guys. I love Em too. I don't want her getting hurt. I don't want either of you getting hurt. Please."
Rose ignored him, hoping he would change the subject or at the least let it go.
To Rose's relief, Jake did the first thing.
"How did Em like her birthday present?"
"She loves it." Rose affirmed. "She hasn't stopped listening to the CD or reading the books since they arrived."
"I'm glad." Jake replied. He missed his love and his
daughter so much, it was like having a constant stomachache.
"So Jake, what did you want to tell me?" Rose asked, wanting to get to the bottom of why Jake had called her before the Huntsman called her again.
Rose knew that the Huntsman had probably gotten tied up in a meeting, thank goodness. Therefore, he had forgotten what he wanted her to do. She was grateful for this because it meant she had more time for Emily and now for Jake as well. But Rose couldn't' bargain on that for long and she knew that full well.
"Jake? Please, tell me. Don't make the same mistake I did." Rose pleaded, her tone pleading.
"All right," Jake said, sighing. "MY Dad split. He left after he found out our family secret."
"Oh my gosh! Jake, I'm so sorry!" Rose exclaimed, a little too loudly.
Emily stirred in her lap and opened her eyes. She looked up at her mother and gave her a smile. She then sat up and rested her head on Rose's shoulder.
"Mommy, who are you talking to?" Emily asked, knowing her mother didn't talk on the phone often.
"Jake, can you hold on a minute?" Rose asked.
"Sure, no problem." Jake said, hoping Rose wasn't in trouble.
"Thanks," Rose replied, before turning to her daughter. "It's Daddy. Do you want to say hi?"
Emily nodded and took the phone from her mother. She smiled as she said excitedly, but remembering to keep her voice quiet, "Hi Daddy! I miss you!"
Jake's voice caught in his throat. He couldn't' speak for a minute or two. It was so good to hear Emily's voice and he couldn't wait to see her again. He loved her so much and all he wanted was to have both of them safe and sound.
"I miss you too, honey. I love you."
"I love you too, Daddy!" Emily said, happily. She then handed the phone back to Rose. "Here's Mommy. Bye!"
"Bye-bye, baby." Jake said, feeling a sense of love wash over him. Love for a child he would die for. He had to get Rose and Emily out of there and fast.
"She really misses you." Rose told him as she cradled their daughter close.
"I miss her too." Jake confirmed. "I miss both of you so much."
Rose smiled.
"I'm glad. She asks about you every night and I tell her stories about when we used to hang out. She knows who Haley and your mother are too. As well as Grandpa and Trixie and Spud. But I think she's keen on seeing you again the most. She keeps asking me when we're going to get to see you."
"I was just thinking the same thing," Jake said, his tone a little sad. "Rose, you need to get out of there. Just let me come and get you. Then we can start a-" Jake was cut off by the sound of a door flinging open and the sound of a gruff voice asking, "Who are you talking to, Huntsgirl!"
"Rose! Rose, are you okay?" Jake desperately shouted into the phone, not realizing he was making their situation worse.
"Na-no one, master!" Rose stammered, hoping he would believe her.
The Huntsman glared at Rose as he backhanded her across the face, sending the phone tumbling to the ground.
Rose cried out in pain and Jake heard it. The sound breaking his heart and hardening his resolve. He had to find his girlfriend and daughter and fast.
Just as Jake was about to hang up, a small voice came on the other end.
"Daddy! Daddy, I'm scared! Please, come and get us! He just hurt Mommy!"
"Emily, Em, listen to me, baby." Jake said, feeling himself tearing up out of fear for his little girl and the woman he loved. "Daddy's going to do everything he can to get you and Mommy out. Just hang in there, okay? I love you, sweetie. Tell Mommy I love her."
"Okay," Emily said, her voice tearful. "I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too, baby. I'll see you soon, okay, Em?"
"Okay. Bye." With that, the phone went dead.
Jake hung up on his end and sat there for a long time afterward. He couldn't move and he knew he couldn't sleep, even if he tried. He was too worried about Rose and Emily. His girlfriend and child were in danger and he couldn't do anything to save them. At least not yet.
As Jake made his way back upstairs, he checked on Haley before laying down.
"Sweet dreams, Haley. I love you. I'll see you in the morning." With that, Jake lay down, but he couldn't fall asleep. Images of Rose and Emily being hurt flashed through his mind, interrupting his attempts at sleep.
As Jake lay there, he made a decision. He wasn't going to follow in his father's footsteps. He was going to find a way to save his love and his daughter from that nightmare if it was the last thing he did. He would be the father that his father never was and he would show Emily what a good father could do. As Jake fell asleep that night, he prayed he would be able to uphold his promise and rescue the two people he loved the most from a life of fear and uncertainty…
End of flashback….
As Jake's mind floated back to the present, he felt Haley snuggle even closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her, hoping she felt safe in his embrace. He knew his little sister was scared and he wanted to provide the comfort she needed, no matter how long it took for her to fall asleep. He would hold her all night if that's what it took.
"I love you, Haley," he said, giving her a kiss on her cheek.
Haley's steady breathing was a sign that she had indeed fallen asleep and Jake waited a few minutes before tucking her in. He sat there for ten minutes, watching Haley sleep. He wanted to make sure she was going to be okay.
As Jake sat there, he started getting thirsty. He patted Haley's shoulder and headed for the kitchen. He was craving a fruit punch.
As Jake opened the bottle and stuck the straw down into it, he heard a knock at the door.
Readying himself for anything, he made his way to the foyer and hesitantly opened the door. When Jake saw who was on the other side, he gasped and his jaw about hit the ground. Standing on his doorstep, their daughter safely in her arms was none other than…