General warnings-As the "story" goes on, there will be some guy/guy or girl/girl (cause that's just the way I am) pairings. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I will warn you at the beginning of each "chapter" what the pairing is.

As well, for all of you out there who hate it when stories are AU, I suggest that you get away from this story fast. Each person will be incredibly out of character. So again, if you don't like it, don't read it.


Pairing-LV/HP. As in, red-eyed, -no nose, snake looking Voldie. NOT TOM. I REPEAT NOT TOM

Summary-What do you do when you fall in love with your enemy? Why profess your undying love for them of course. Cheesy music, muggle microphone and snake man included. No assembly required. Reckless Gryffindor courage a must.

And so we begin

"Muggle microphone? Check. Cheesy country song? Check. Reckless Gryffindor courage? Check. Red-eyed snake man to profess undying love to? Check. Okay. Looks like I'm ready…"

Harry took a deep breath and knocked on the door to the huge manor. The door opened and Harry looked down to see a small house elf.

"Yes sir, how are you sir? Can Kinney help you sir?" The house elf said quickly.

"Yes," Harry replied, "I want to see Voldemort." He peeked in the door trying to get a look at him.

"Master Dark Lord is busy, sir. Kinney is not supposed to interrupt, sir. Please leave, sir." Kinney started to close the door but Harry held out a hand to stop it. He pushed it open and walked in a few steps. After looking around he turned back to the elf.

"Where is he? You don't have to interrupt him, I will. Just point me in the right direction." He smiled mischievously at the elf.

The elf gulped nervously but led the way through the winding halls to a large door. Harry smiled at the elf again. "Thank you."

The elf, eyes wide, nodded and disappeared with a 'pop'. Harry turned back to the door and knocked.

There was a sound of breaking glass. And a few curses.

Then that voice floated out through the door. It was angelic.

"Kinney! You damn elf! I told you not to bother me when I'm plotting! Remove yourself from outside my door and leave me alone!"

Harry smirked. That was so like him. He opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him quietly. There he was in all his glory.

Voldemort looked up from his desk and was going to shout something until he saw who his visitor was.

"Ahhh, Hello Mr. Potter," He sneered, "What a… Delightful surprise."

Harry just smiled and took out his muggle microphone. He cleared his throat and began to sing.

One word, that's all was said
Something in your voice called me, turned my head.
Your smile captured me, you were in my future as far as I could see.
And I don't know how it happened, but it happens still.
You ask me if I love you, if I always will

"Potter? What the hell are you doing? You don't love me! Stop singing or I will have to kill you!"

Well, you had me from "Hello"
I felt love start to grow the moment I looked into your eyes,
You won me, it was over from the start.

"It can be over now! I can kill you!"

You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go.
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"

"I don't care when I had you! Stop singing!"

Inside I built a wall so high around my heart, I thought I'd never fall.
One touch, you brought it down
Bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground

"It would take me all of two words to bring you down! You innards would be scattered on the ground!"

And I swore to me that I wasn't going to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in

"Well good. Then you don't want to break a promise do you? Stop singing!"

Well, you had me from "Hello"
I felt love start to grow the moment I looked into your eyes,
You won me, it was over from the start.

"I don't care! Shut up! For the love of Salazar!"

You completely stole my heart, and now you wont let go.
I never even had a chance you know?
You had me from "Hello"

"Then I'll loose you from good bye. Good bye, Potter!"

Thats all you said
Something in your voice calls me, turns my head
You had me from "Hello"

"Good-bye Potter! Get it? Leave!"

You had me from "Hello"
Yah, I've loved you from "Hello"

"Shhhhhhhh," Voldemort cried. Then he noticed the song was over. "Thank you Potter, that was special, I assure you. Now leave."

Harry Bit his lip to keep it from trembling and blinked to keep his tears at bay. "I love you, Voldemort." He sniffed and walked over to Voldemort's desk. Getting down on one knee, he held out a small box. "Will you marry me? Say yes and I will be true to you until the day that I die."

"If I say yes will you leave me alone!" Voldemort growled out.

"Yes, my love. Anything for you," Harry said, his eyes shining with devotion.

"Then I'll marry you!" Voldemort gritted his teeth to keep from flinching when Harry slipped the ring onto his finger. When that was done he grasped Harry by the shoulders, hauled him to his feet and pushed him to the door.

"Now leave," He said, pointing out the open door. Harry stepped over the thresh hold and gave Voldemort that same look of devotion.

"I'll wait for you my love!" Harry cried.

"Voldemort rolled his eyes and slammed the door in Harry's face. He reached to take off the ring and throw it out… But now that he looked at it… It was really quite a nice ring. It would be a shame to loose something so pretty…

He chuckled to himself and sat down at his desk, holding his hand out in front of him to examine. Yes, he decided, he would keep it. Far too lovely to loose.

A/N- I hope you liked that. The next pairing… Well I'm not sure what it will be but I hope will be as amusing as this one… At least I hope this one was amusing… Please review!