An: Hii all this is my first FanFic --- I hope you all enjoy it ----It's based on Little House Of The Paraie ----Read and Review Pwease! If ya'll like it I'll do Chapter 2 :An

The Birth Of A New Halliwell

Piper Halliewell walked the road toward the Turner house shortly

after she had visited her ma at the restaurant. She was worried

about her sister, Phoebe, who was due to have her second baby

in just a few short months. She had had Paris nearly three years

ago, this December, but had went back to her job as teacher at

the school in town. Phoebe had recently quit her job before the

spring term ended due to complications and had confided in his

younger sisters, Paige and Prue, herself, and Andy Trudaue that

she would not come back after this baby was born.

Piper thought back to three months ago when Phoebe had only

been five months along. She had passed out in the floor in the middle of a history lesson, it had taken both Leo and Andy to get her to Doc Baker's. While she was expecting

Paris, Phoebe had had a bad heat stroke while their pa and Cole were gone, but that was nothing compared to all of the fainting spells and fevers that she had went through with this child. Piper wanted to become a doctor, and had studied all of the books that she could. She knew what went through Doc Baker's head every time that someone had to bring Phoebe into his office, yet again. It was the same thing that had went through her head many times. What if the baby didn't make it, or worse… what if Phoebe didn't make it?

As she drew nearer to the house, Piper realized that Phoebe had placed a chair outside for her to sit in. Soon after she had noticed her in the chair, she waved at her with a smile on her face, and moved to rise from the chair in order to greet her. When she saw her begin to get up from her chair, Piper rushed toward her and helped her back into the chair.

Phoebe gave her a puzzled, yet livid look. "I can do this myself, you know. I don't need someone to wait on me hand and foot. I have had a child before Piper, and I can take care of Paris myself as well," Phoebe said as she motioned to the child who sat about three feet away and played with a small rag doll.

"Phoebe, I know that you could in other circumstances… but this is different! Doc Baker said that you needed to be on bed rest, yet here you are outside. Did you bring that chair outside by yourself? Does Cole know that you're outside?"

"It's such a beautiful day, and I didn't think that lifting a chair would hurt anything. And no, Cole doesn't know that I'm outside. Piper, you can't expect me to stay cooped up inside all day. You can't expect Paris to either, she needs to play outside!"

"If it's Paris that you're worried about, Paige and Prue can watch her and play with her while I make sure that you stay in bed."

"I can't just lay around and do nothing, Piper! I have to have something to do."

"I know… hey, I just remembered! Andy told me about a week ago that Kady and the twins are coming for a visit soon… he told Kady how you were doing when she said that she was coming, and she wants to spend some time with you. That way, Paris can play with the twins. They're much closer to her age than Paige and Prue."

Piper watched Phoebe's face for a reaction, but was sorely disappointed when she found none. Normally news of Kady brought a smile to her face, or caused her to remember something from when they were younger, but now as he looked at her she sat in the chair with the same void look on her face.

"Piper?" Phoebe looked up at him, her eyes nearly closed from the sleep in her eyes. "Take Paris home with you, will you please? I'm tired and I can't look after her now. She needs to play outside. Please, will you take her? Cole said that he would be going there after he was finished because her had to help Pa with a delivery, so you won't have to worry about bringing her home, he could."

"All right Phoebe, I'll take her. So long as you promise me that you will get some rest!" she forced a smile on his face and gave her a hug.

"I will, now go, Piper! I can get to the bed by myself."


Paige looked toward the road then back to her sister in anticipation. Piper had left well before lunch to go into town to see their ma. It was nearing three o'clock now, and she still wasn't back from town. She supposed that she could have stopped at the mercantile to visit with Andy, but more than anything, she was sure that she went to visit Phoebe. Everyone was worried about her. Paige bit her lip and held her hand up to shade her eyes from the sun so she could see Prue.

"Prue?" Paige asked hesitantly.

Prue dropped the shirt that was in her hands and turned to look at Phoebe. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing… just…Prue, you'll be sixteen soon, won't you?"

"That's right, just like you just turned nine, but I don't see what this has to do with anything."

"Well, you see… I have a question, and I was thinkin' you bein' almost sixteen and all, you should know the answer, right?"

"Now that depends on what the question is, now spit it out Paige. What is it that you are going on with?"

"Well it's Francine Larson. She told me that her ma was real sick when she had her, and she died right after she was born. Does that mean that Phoebe's gonna die after this baby is born?"

Prue shut her eyes for a moment, desperate for the words that she should say, but none came to her. She opened her eyes and was met with a curious Paige, her light blue eyes wide and full of question, and her right hand had found its way up to play with the end of one of her braids. Prue reached her hand out, took Paige by the hand, and carefully guided the younger girl toward the hollowed out log next to the creek.

As she sat down, the words that she should say finally came to Prue and she opened her mouth, Paige looked up at her and Prue never wavered from the girl's curious stare. "Phoebe won't die, Paige. She's much too strong, plus she has too many people who love her. She and the baby both will be fine, you'll see."

Paige smiled and wrapped her arms around Prue. "Oh, that's good. I'd miss her somethin' awful. And you know what else, too? Phoebe tells the best stories! She told me this story once, and Pa had green hair in it! Isn't that silly?" Prue shook her head and smiled, Paige thought that they were just stories, but really everything that their sister told her had happened. She reached out her hand to her younger sister and helped her up, so they could finish hanging the clothes to dry.

With a smile, Prue asked, "Did Phoebe ever tell you about when she first met Cole?" she knew that she hadn't, Phoebe wouldn't tell Paige a story that would embarrass herself, and Prue had just turned two when Phoebe had met Cole for the first time, so she wouldn't remember this story.

Paige shook her head and shouted with glee, "No! Tell me?"

Glad that she had succeeded in changing the subject, at least for now, Prue began her story. "It was the first day of school, and Phoebe was younger than I am now. We had a new teacher at school named Miss Turner

"Yes Paige, I mean Eliza Jane… now can I please finish my story?"


Piper hoisted Paris up onto her side because she had grown far too tired of her toddling down the road. At the pace she had been going they wouldn't have made it home by nightfall. As soon as she had lifted her up, Paris squirmed to get comfortable and Piper noticed that her hands, face, and feet were covered in dirt. "Boy, are you filthy," she said to Paris, "as soon as we get home, Prue is going to have to give you a bath. I don't think she'll be very happy." Paris clapped her hands then stuffed them deep into her hair, when she pulled them out; Piper noticed that she had mashed potatoes on her fingers. "Please don't tell me that came out of your hair," she moaned at Paris's toothy grin she continued, "Well, it sure is a good thing that we're home… or else I'd have made you walk again."

Piper set Paris down on the ground and she somberly looked up at hwe with her arms raised, "Filfy pawis," she said, and then latched herself onto her leg.

"Oh no you don't, kiddo," she said. She spotted Prue and hobbled over to her with Paris still attached to her leg. "Prue, I brought Paris home with me… she needs a bath."

"Piper, can't you see that I am busy hanging clothes on the line with Paige? Besides, I gave Paris a bath last time she was here… it's your turn."

"Well I gave her a bath the time before that. Paige hasn't ever had to give Paris a bath."

Paige screwed her face up into a tight frown and glared at Piper, "Do I have to?"

"No, but it's only fair. Besides, I have to go get some water for the animals, and Prue has to cook. Neither of us can do it, and what are you supposed to do?"

"Nothing?" she asked with a hopeful look on her face.

"Paige," Prue stipulated, "you are not a baby anymore. You cannot just sit around and play! You have to help do work."

Paige gave a pout that was not very fitting for a nine year old before she stomped off in the direction of the barn. "C'mon Paris," she said with a sigh and waited at the door while the two year old toddled after her.


A little girl of about five sat quietly in her seat on the train. Her mother had gone to find them some food, and her brother was currently fascinated with another passenger's hair. As long as it isn't my hair, the girl shuddered at the thought. It was only eight months earlier that she had had to get her hair cut because her brother had decided to stick one of his lollipops in her hair while she was asleep, luckily it had grown back, but she wasn't ready to take that chance again.

"Sister, why won't you help me? Her hair is so funny. It is like she has a rabbit sitting atop her head," the girl's brother said with glee, his brown eyes sparkling beneath his mass of golden locks.

The girl quickly admonished her brother, but not before she hid the smile that threatened to spread across her face. The woman's hair was atrocious, she must admit. "This is neither the time nor the place to mess with someone's hair. This is a serious situation. Are you not the least bit worried in meeting Grandmother and Grandfather? What if they don't like us?"

"Oh, I don't have to worry. They'll love me, who doesn't?"

The girl rolled her eyes at her brother's idiocy and shifted in her seat, clutching tightly to the new china doll that her mother had bought her just the week before. The doll was almost an exact duplicate of the girl, with her thick dark brown locks and bright blue eyes like her mother's. She was a duplicate of her mother in all but appearances, her mother would tell her, and her brother was an exact duplicate of her uncle, except her brother had blonde hair and brown eyes, while her uncle had brown hair and green eyes. Or at least that's what their mother told them.

The girl turned when she heard the seat next to her whine in protest as someone sat down in it, her mother was back!

"Oh Mother!" the girl exclaimed, "What did you get me? Did you get me any candy?"

The boy was soon aware of the presence of their mother and turned around in his seat, "Yeah, what'd you get me, Ma? Did you get any licorice?"

The woman heaved a sigh and impatiently shook her head while the children rattled on a list of all of the different sweets that they loved to consume daily in the store that their father and she ran. "You'll have all of that stuff and more soon enough children. I spoke with someone on the train, and they said that we were only ten minutes away from Sleepy Eye, so the sooner we get there, the sooner we can go home."

"Home, mother? We aren't going to stay here, are we?" the girl asked in disgust. "We are going back to New York, right?"

"Well, I meant for it to be a surprise for when we saw your uncle, aunt, and grandparents in Walnut Grove, but I suppose now is as good a time as any. Jennie, Ben, we are moving to Walnut Grove. Your father and grandmother will join us in a few weeks when the store is shut down."

Jennie Dalton stared at her mother with her mouth wide open She could not believe that her mother would ever do such a horrid thing to them! Well, Ben could really care less. As long as there were candy and girls to annoy, he was happy. She was a different story, from the stories that her mother had told, she knew that Walnut Grove was very… country. The town wasn't even much of a town. It had a school that was also the church, a post office and doctor's office, a mill and feed store, and of course her grandparent's mercantile and her mother's old hotel and restaurant. Why, if it weren't for her grandparents, then Walnut Grove probably wouldn't even be a town. Jennie once tried to express her opinion to her mother, but was quickly dismissed and told that that was a terrible thing to believe.


Two men stood solemnly at the train depot awaiting the four thirty train. They had quite a drive ahead, to their town of Walnut Grove, and with two four year olds in the wagon as well, the time might seem even longer.

"So, how is half-pint doing, son?" Victor asked trying to break the silence. Normally, silence between men was fine, but he had not seen his daughter for a couple of weeks and was worried about her health.

"She- She's doing better, sir,"Cole said, welcoming the conversation. He had been thinking about Phoebe in the silence, and could use something else to talk about. "Doc Baker put her on bed rest, but you know Pheebs, she won't stay there all day. I just don't know what to do about her; I can't be there with her to make sure that nothing happens to her. She needs someone to help her take care of Paris, even though she won't admit it."

"That sounds like Phoebe all right. Maybe Patty could watch Paris at the restaurant while she works? You know she used to do that with Paige when she was too young to go to school."

"I don't want to be any trouble, sir. Paris can be quite a handful, and I don't think the restaurant would be the best place for her, no offense. Besides, I am sure that Mrs. Lawson would greatly oppose that."

"Yes, my mother is like that sometimes, Mr. Halliwell… you should listen to Cole. Is she still pretending that she runs the restaurant, although everyone knows that Mrs. Halliwell really does?" a voice interposed.

"Kady!" Victor said, "we didn't even see you get off of the train, and these must be the twins. Why, they look just like yourself and Andy. Nancy will have some competition, she won't like that very much."

"No," Kady agreed as she remembered the girl's animosity toward her upon her last visit. "She won't like it, but she'll have to get used to it. They are her niece and nephew, and they will be going to school together in just a couple of years."

"School, in Walnut Grove?" Cole interjected, "I thought that Andy said that this was just another visit, but that the kids were coming with you this time."

"Well, that's what he thinks, but I decided to move back here. Percival will be coming along in a few days with the rest of our stuff, and we'll have to build a house… Anyway, enough about me, you were saying something about Phoebe needing some help when I came up. What kind of help?"

"Well, Doc Baker put her on bed rest, but Phoebe just won't stay down. She has her hands too full with Paris to," Cole supplied. "I want to help, but with my working in town and in the fields, I'm afraid that I'm just not able to."

"I can help," at the men's puzzled looks she continued, "I don't have a job, and Andy told me that Hester Sue is helping Mrs. Halliwell at Patty's now, I can't exactly waltz back into Walnut Grove and ask for my old job, never mind that Mother would give it to me. Besides, I have to take care of Jennie and Ben, as it is, what's one more child? If she's anything like her mother, I think my children could use Paris's influence," Kady finished with a smile.


Phoebe rolled onto her side and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She had to use the bathroom, and bad. She hoisted herself off of the bed and placed her right hand on her lower back, it hurt! She had already gained twice as much weight with this baby than she had with Paris, but Doc Baker said that it was natural due to her decrease in physical activity.

Phoebe ran her hand through her hair and looked at the clock before she walked outside. It was five o'clock, and Cole told her that he wouldn't be home before seven or eight. She groaned. It was hotter than it had been earlier, a lot hotter. It looked hazier outside now too. Her legs began to wobble and the world became a blur. Phoebe didn't try to fight it as she felt herself lose consciousness, it was a feeling that she had gotten quite used to, in fact, and she welcomed it.

Phoebe felt herself falling, and her last coherent thought was that she hoped whatever was wrong with her, wouldn't hurt the baby.