
Disclaimer (aka "Boring Legal Stuff")"

"Nightcrawler" (aka "Kurt Wagner") is the proprietary character of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. ("Marvel"). Neither I, nor this story, are affiliated with Marvel or any of their associates or subsidiaries, nor I do not receive any monetary compensation from the publication of this narrative. Please note if I were affiliated with Marvel, Kurt would have gotten a lot more action and I would have still written this story.

A/N: This is the same story with corrections made. All of the German in this story were corrections made thanks to the comments made by GezeichneteSeelen!

The first thing Kurt becomes aware of is that he'as laying on something cold; however, when he moves to sit up he quickly realizes that his hands had been securely shackled over his head. He also discovers that the ice cold shackles are also about his ankles. He's strapped to a metal examination table. His tail whips wildly, striking the metal table like a whip. The door opens and Kurt's head snaps to see who's entering the sterile, bright room.

"You're awake. Good," she strides over to the table and he has a moment to admire her delicious form. Long shapely legs are accented by the short, tight, white skirt which hugs the curve of her hips. The white top she wears is short enough expose the smooth flat midriff. She slowly walks to him, obviously hiding something behind her back.

"What's going on," he eyes her suspiciously. She only smiles an evil grin; her eyes gleam mischievously. Once she's next to the table she holds up a pair of scissors, the gleam in her ice blue eyes never changes.

"Was ist das," He asks, almost nervously.

"These," she innocently opens the closing the scissors. "These are scissors. Simple, plain, ordinary scissors." She drags the tips of the shears up his chest. "Nothing more," she trails them down his chest. "Nothing less," with amazing grace and agility she leaps onto the table, straddling his waist.

She begins cutting into his uniform, just below his navel. He winces and gasps as the cold metal pressed against his abdomen. "Just a little tool," she watches the metal blades devour the cloth. "For cutting fabric," with a final snip the front of his uniform is open from navel to neck. She slips her free hand under his uniform and runs her hand across his chest. She smiles contently at the sensation of his velvety fur against her palm. Holding the clippers in her mouth, she uses both hands to push open his uniform, exposing more of his fur covered body.

"What's going on?"

She pulls the cutters from her mouth "Think of it as…. a physical examination," she runs the cold metal over his nipples; a hiss of air escaped his teeth. "And if you don't flinch," she now runs the blades over and around his left nipple, as though to cut it off. His hands clench into fists and he holds his breath. His golden eyes close and his heart is pounding in anticipation.

"You won't get hurt," she savors his fear while moving the sharp instrument over his pecks, down his belly. When she places the closed tip of the scissors into her mouth, he lets his breath out in a ragged sigh and unclenched his fists. His pounding heart continues to course adrenaline through his veins. She drops to all four, hovering over him. She curves her back until her breasts barely touches his chest. Her long platinum blonde hair, streaked with electric blue, falls over her shoulders to frame her face. She pulled the scissors from her mouth.

"Afraid," she purred into his ear.

"Ja," he starts but she prevents any further words by placing the closed blades over his lips. She lowers her body further resting her weight upon him. His tail, acting on his own, wraps itself about her firm thigh, the spade idly plays with the garter straps.

"Herr Wagner," she purrs into his right ear sending a shiver down his spine. The icy shears move down his lips and over his chin "I am not here to hurt you," she runs the blades down his throat following the scissors progress with those pale blue eyes. He's transfixed on her face, delicate, elfish features; the high cheeks and delicate curve of her jaw line down to the cute sweetheart lips. Her small thin nose seemed to compliment the large pale blue, almost white eyes. He was captivated by her eyes, the dark blue ring surrounding the bluish white iris. Those incredible pale eyes roll up and lock onto his glowing yellow eyes. "But if you do not remove your tail from under my skirt," she brings the scissors into view and twisted it just right to create a sinister glint of light off the polished surface. I might enjoy hurting you."

"Ah," he chuckles nervously. "Verzeih mir, it has a mind of its own sometimes," He wills his tail to unravel itself from her leg as she sits back up. She runs the open scissors down her chest in an absent minded manner as she watches his tail.

Once she's content with the direction his tail is moving, she begins to cut the right sleeve. " Verzeih mir," she repeats. With another long clip she reveals more indigo fur that she simply has to feel under her hands. " Verzeih mir," she rolls her tongue around the words around like candy, her voice blending with the soft, rhythmic sound of threads being severed by the grind of metal.

"Translation," she eloquently orders, resting her weight on her free hand in order to finish opening the sleeve. Her bust now hovering over his face, most distracting. He has a wonderful view of cleavage. Soft warm curves delicately framed by dainty white lace and baby-pink satin, her smooth flawless skin the color of the moon. His golden eyes drink in the soft, gently swell of her breasts and he can almost feel their firmness in his hands. His body began reacting to unspoken desires as he watches her breasts as move with each breath she takes.

"Was," he's aware that she had said something, but unsure of what. She looks down and notices where his attention is she sits back and rests her weight on his hips. She raises an amused eyebrow to the evidence of his lust.

"Herr Wagner," Her tone is pure business, drawing his attention to her face. She shifts her weight ever so slightly, teasing him. "You are not the only mutant in this room," she closes the scissors with an angry snip. "Allow me to educate you. They call me Siberia," she blows softly onto the metal blades. Her breath comes out in an icy fog and chills the metal. "Care to guess why," she presses the frosty metal to his right nipple. Kurt gasps and arches his back his hands clenching as his tail thrashing wildly until it finds her thigh. It wraps itself tightly, almost painfully, about her leg.

"You know, it's probably numb by now, I could easily snip it off," she lowers her weight until her chest was resting on his as she speaks in his ear, the cold scissors; however, did not move.

"Bitte….nein." he gasped.

"Translation: Verzeih mir," she again orders, this time with more force.

"Forgive me. It means forgive me," he gasps.

"Now that wasn't too hard, now was it," she coos before closing her mouth over his nipple, biting and tracing it with her tongue. Her mouth is like fire, he pulls against the restraints only to find the attempt to be futile. His breath comes out in soft grunts as his back arches even more. When she finally pulls her mouth away, he is again panting. His back eases until it's resting on the metal table.

"Herr Wagner," she begins cutting the other sleeve, choosing to ignore his tail for the moment as it creeps a little higher on her thigh. Again the spade of his tail toys with the straps of her garter.

"Ja," he's still trying to catch his breath this time paying close attention to her words, despite her breasts being right in front of his nose.

"What is the German word for scissors," she innocently asks while continuing to undress him.

"Schere," he promptly answers.

"Schere," again she's sampling the word as though it were a delicacy, savoring the sensation of the word. Relishing the way it makes her tongue and lips work.

"Say it again," she whispers. He immediately complies and she mimics him, trying to prefect the accent. The second sleeve falls open, she orders him to repeat the word again. She places the scissors in her mouth and uses her hands to push open the top half of his uniform. She revels the feeling of taunt muscles slides beneath the fur. She digs her nails into his chest and rakes them down, scratching the sensitive skin beneath the luxurious fur. His muscles tighten and a guttural moan escapes his lips. The spade tip of his tail slips beneath her panties and gently strokes her; she throws her head back and moans softly around the scissors between her lips. She pulls the cutting implements from her mouth, her breath coming out in quiet sighs as her soft pink tongue runs the length of the blades. Kurt watches hypnotized by the way her breasts would rise and fall with her increased breathing.

Suddenly she regains control over herself and he finds the scissors threaten his tail. He wills his tail to be still, despite the distracting things her free hand is doing to him. His heart is pounding so hard he can feel it in his throat; the bitter taste of adrenaline fills his mouth.

"Remove your tail from under my skirt, or I will remove it from you," she applies the barest hint of pressure to make certain her point is understood. Slowly and carefully he removes his tail. She eases the pressure allowing him to completely remove the extra appendage from her leg. She lays on him again, her free hand still doing pleasurable things.

"Herr Wagner," her voice is low and husky. "If your tail has the desire to wander again, I would suggest you find a way to restrain it," she opens and closes the scissors near his other ear. "Lest I find my own method discourage it. Do you understand?"

"Vollständig," he stammered.

She blows on the scissors again with an icy breath.

"Nein, bitte nein," he pleads as she runs the chilled metal blades down his body, slipping them beneath the waistband, "Then answer me in English."

He has to search his mind for the right word. "Completely. I understand you completely," he quickly answers to prevent the cold metal from traveling any further south.

"Good," much to his relief she removes the scissors, but surprisingly she moves forward and presses her lips to his as she places the cold metal on his left nipple. His gasp of surprise is muffled by her mouth. She takes advantage of the situation and slips her tongue past his teeth, caressing its twin. He closes his eyes and allows himself to fall into that kiss. He follows her when she starts to pull away, not wanting to end the kiss just yet. She places the cold shears on his neck and gently pushes him down. He's mesmerized as he watches her run the scissors up her abdomen and stop when they snag on the lowest button. With a little squeeze the button is free; she continues up and repeats the process with the second button. He licks his lips and swallows hard as she continues to cut off the buttons to her shirt. His tail curls and uncurls with restrain desire to reach up and touch her. Two buttons left and when she inhales the shirt opens slightly, hinting at the white lace bra beneath. She rolls her head back, sighing in a low husky breath as another button comes free. She pushes the shirt off her shoulders and with a slight shrug it slips down her arms. She gracefully pulls her arms free casually drops the shirt to the side.

She bites her bottom lip as she cut the delicate, shell edged lace fabric from her bra freeing her breasts from the cups without removing the bra. Her breasts heave as she runs the scissors over the swell of her breast, then around and up to tantalize the nipple. She lowers herself and locks those intensely pale eyes with his, daring him to maintain eye contact as she runs the tip of her tongue up his body. He watches as she stops her journey her head rolling back slightly and her tongue curling back into her mouth. A small evil grin on her lips as she locks eyes with him again, he can feel her breasts resting on him as her free hand runs down his body and into the lower portion of his uniform to grip him firmly. He moans as her hand slowly travels up and down his hardened cock, her fingers occasionally teasing the head resulting in his hips rising off the table. In agonizingly slow, movements her fingers continue to slide from base to tip and back to base.

"Your cock is so hard," her voice is low and throaty, her lips softly brushing against his ear as she speaks.

"I'll bet the only thing you're thinking of right now, is how good it would feel to slam that cock deep inside me," her hand never increases its pace, she whimpers softly and his body responds. "You're wondering what kind of sounds I would make," she moans as she removes her hand and rests her hips on his. She gasps softly as his stiff body presses to her hot core.

She makes a low throaty purr and Kurt can feel her getting hotter as she speaks. "To have you fill me," her hips ground into his a bit more. "To make me cry out and whimper," He raises his hips, pressing into her and pulling a groan from those delectable lips. "To make me beg," she moans. She's breathing heavy and Kurt can feel the increase in her pulse.

"Hör nicht auf," he whispers, turning his head to speak into her ear. She groans as a shudder moves through her. She turns her head and captures his lips, he's aware of her free hand sliding between them, but much to his dismay she began pleasing herself. Her fingers play with the clit, pulling delightful sounds from her lips which he's eager to devour.

"Use me," he pleads, feeling her finger slide in and out of her, where he desperately wants to be. She throws her head back, a cry caught in her throat. She grips the table firmly as she rides her climax. Her head rolls forward and she looks at him with the mischievous, hungry look.

"Herr Wagner," those kissable lips curled into a smile. "You are most distracting." she brings her fingers to his lip and pushes them into his mouth. He obediently sucks her sweet juices from her digits. She uses her knees to push his legs farther apart, allowing her room to kneel. She begins cutting him free from the lower portion of his uniform, taking great pleasure in the gasps and flinches when she brushed the scissors against his swollen member.

"Interesting, I thought you'd be blue everywhere. I suppose the blood flow makes it purple," she runs her tongue the length of his shaft. His breath catches in his throat, his hips rise off the table as his tail whips about desperate to find something to wrap around. Her chuckle is a low throaty sound as she proceeds to run her tongue up around his balls, pausing occasionally to enjoy the way he flinches at her small bites on his inner thigh. Again he struggles against the restraints and again they hold. She sits back, resting her weight on her heels; her free hand runs up her body and cups her breast, moaning softly as she plays with the nipple. She blows on the scissors again, and runs the cold metal across her abdomen making a cute little half gasp, half whimper that Kurt desperately wants to hear again. More specifically he wants to be the cause of that sound. She cuts the straps to her bra, and then finally the small pink ribbon lacing the two cups together, allowing the bra to fall freely onto the table before it slips onto the floor. She continues to fondle her breasts with her hand, occasionally running the blades over the sensitive nipple, her blue eyes lock on his face.

She places delicate kisses on his hardened flesh, teasing it with teeth. He's so hard it almost hurts. Her lips wrap about the head of his cock as her tongue traces its shape. Her lips slowly working their way down, and then back up again. He closes his eyes and moans. Unconsciously his tail again moves for her, but she's quick and snatches it with her free hand, gripping it tightly. Scissors opening and closing in a heart stopping warning.

"Herr Wagner," she sits up, bringing the spade up to her mouth. "I thought we had an understanding," she gently sucks and nibbles on the tip of his tail as the scissors opened and shut angrily cutting air. Despite the threat of losing his extra appendage, the spade is especially sensitive and her attentions to it are maddening.

"Ja. Ja, haben wir," he sputters, forgetting the entire English language while under her attention. "Haben wir!" He frantically adds, trying to pull his tail free, but she held fast.

"Unfortunately I don't speak German," she sighs, bringing the scissors up to the level of his tail.

"We do! We do," he hurriedly translates.

"Then I must find my own way to discourage it."

"Nein!" He fears the worst. She smiles and evil grin and gently blows cold air across the spade, then immediately warms it with her mouth, tracing its shape with her hot tongue. He cries out and arches his back, straining against the manacles. He tail tries desperately to free itself from her grasp. His hips rise up into the air and his hands struggle against the restraints.

"Gott im Himmel," he's on the verge of sensory overload when she finally stops. His body relaxes again.

"Herr Wagner, I will allow you to keep your tail on one condition," she waits until he has caught his breath.


"Not one more German word is to escape your lips. Do you understand? Oh and to avoid confusion you might want to answer 'yes' instead of 'yeah' as the latter sounds German." His tail made one more, albeit halfhearted, attempt to escape.

"Do you understand," she lowers herself so that her firm warm breasts are resting on either side of his aching cock. She sets the scissors on his abdomen and casually runs her fingers the length of his shaft.

He opens his mouth to answer, but immediately closes it again until he finds the English words he's looking for. "Yes. I understand."

"Good," she massaged his still hard cock with her free hand. "It's impressive that this little incident has not affected your…physique," she releases his tail and picks up the scissors. She gently blows a crisp breeze along his manhood, he cries out. She suddenly wraps her mouth about him exploring him with lips, tongue and teeth; continuing what she started earlier. His breath quickens as his hips gently rise and fall in time with her movements, until she suddenly decreased the temperature of her mouth. His back arches and his cries of pleasure and shock echo off the walls. He wants to speak out, but the only words coming to his mind were German, instead he struggles to keep the sounds escaping his lips as groans and cries of ecstasy. She places her hands on his hips and pushes him back down the table, warming her mouth as she does so.

She sits up licking her lips as she straddles him again. He watches as she runs her free hand up her thigh, disappearing under her skirt. He can feel her hand slip into her panties as he watches her pleasure herself again, her mouth working the scissors as they had explored him earlier.

He never wanted to a pair of scissors until that moment, watching her skillful tongue wrap about the metal. Her pants escalate into moans as her hand begins working faster, her body subtly rising and falling as her pleasure mounted. He can feel her heat and raises his hips to press his hard cock against her. She throws her head back the scissors travel down her body and under her skirt. With a few well-placed cuts her panties are gone she sets the scissors on the table then gripped him in her hand.

"Please," he whispered.

"Tell me what you want," she allows only the head of his cock to enter. He's struggling to remember the English he'd been using for years.

"I want inside you," his German accent sounded unusually heavy, even to his own ears as he speaks in a low whisper. He slips easily into her with a loud groan, as that cute sound escapes her lips. He focuses on her body. Moving in rhythm of her body rising and falling, he takes pleasure in the feeling of her muscles about him contracting and relaxing. His tail finally seems content to curl and uncurl in pleasure as he listens to her breathing increase. He watches as her breasts bounce as she rises and falls on him repeatedly.

"Kurt," she moans softy increasing her pace. He closes his eyes and focuses on the friction of her body against his. Her hot juices flow down his cock and over his balls as the most exquisite sounds escape her lips. The sensation of her impaling herself on his erect cock is almost too much. He's so close but wants to hold off until she climaxes first.

"Bitte," he whispers under his breath, hoping her orgasm is soon.

"Was that German," she manages to ask between gasps and moans.

"No, you're hearing things. Don't stop," he said quickly in one breath. His tail wraps about her tiny waist to encourage her to continue moving; an unspoken request she intends to comply. He can feel her tighten and knows she's close. His tail loosens its grip, allowing enough slack so the spade could journey down on her to tease her clit. Her voice is louder, telling him not to stop. Then suddenly her muscles tighten, his name echoed off the walls, and her entire body quivers in a spastic orgasm, pulling him over the edge with her. He rises up off the table as far as he can, driving deeper into her as he came.

Panting they collapse; she smiles down at him as she reached up and pressed a button to free him from all the shackles. With amazing grace and strength he flips over, rolling her body beneath his. Her long legs wrap about his waist shifting to allow him to free his tail. Her body glistens with the tiny beads of ice she had sweated through her pores. Her skin was wonderfully cool against his. She's a new member to the X-Men and immediately caught his eye, and then his heart. Siberia smiles up at him, wraps her arms about his neck and pulls him down for a long kiss.

"What does 'hör nicht auf' mean," she sees his tail pick up the scissors from the corner of her eye.

"Don't stop," he purrs, attacking her neck with kisses. She giggles and turned her face catching his lips with hers. His tail brings the scissors to his hand and he casually studies the simple metal and plastic object.

"I never thought scissors could be erotic," he confessed.

"You should see what I can do with a straight razor," a wonderfully, sinful grin on her lips.

"How about we clean the Danger Room, take a shower, and then you can take your oral exam." She continued as that delectably wicked grin spreads to her eyes.

"You are going to be the death of me," he sighs with a smile.

"There are worst ways to go," she countered.