Bread Pudding

Challenge: Sitting around the campfire eating bread pudding
Words: Fart, Bellybutton, Watermelon, Pancakes, Butter

It was mid-summer. It was hot. It was always hot in summer, hence the rather suggestive name of the camp: Summer Heat.

Not that it meant anything. It was an innocent enough summer camp, designed to keep young boys occupied during their lazy summer days. The camp "Daddy" was named Xemnas, and he generally insisted that he be called "Daddy" even by the councilors. It was, after all, a title of respect.

The campers began to arrive after the first week of summer had passed, and there were busloads of them, as usual.

"Where do all the little punks COME from?" Councilor Axel asked, standing off to the side in his flame-patterned swim trunks.

"Desperate households," Councilor Demyx laughed, tugging the blue brim of his hat over his blonde mullet. "Panicking parents just can't wait to get rid of the little farts."

"I just want you to know, I've already done a background check on mine," Councilor Luxord came up behind them, wearing his favorite cut-off white shirt, which accented his tan nicely. "And I got the best. Ya'll playin' poker tonight?"

"No consorting after hours!" Daddy Xemnas barked angrily. "I've told you that a hundred damn times!"

"Yessir!" they all three saluted with laughs. The bus creaked to a stop, and the doors opened with a hiss.

Daddy Xemnas stepped forward, blowing on the whistle he had hung around his neck to silence the noisy boys.

"Guys, guys!" He yelled, getting them to shut up. "Hey!" he returned to his normal voice. "I believe you were all given assignments on the bus? Find your troop leader!"

The boys scrambled to find the six boys who had been chosen as troop leaders. When that was done, Daddy Xemnas blew the whistle again. "Now, each troop leader listen for your name. When it's called, lead your troop to your councilor."

The councilors had fanned out into a kind of awkward circle around the boys.

"Roxas!" Councilor Axel called, hiding a smile and trying to look intimidating.

"Sora!" Councilor Demyx beckoned.

"Seifer!" Councilor Luxord waved him over, looking excited.

"Riku!" Councilor Xigbar barked, crossing his arms.

"Hayner!" Councilor Saix summoned with a loud bellow.

"Pence!" Councilor Xaldin yelled, annoyed at being last.

The boys scattered obediently.

Daddy Xemnas blew the whistle again.

"Quit it," Councilor Demyx muttered, swirling his finger in his ear agitatedly.

"We'll convene again at 1900 hours in the mess tent. Dismissed!"

Councilor Axel turned to his group, addressing them while spinning volleyball on his index finger.

"Name's Axel. Councilor Axel. Got it memorized? Good. Cuz Xemnas might be the camp 'Daddy', but for the next week and a half, I'm your Uncle. Roxas!"

"Sir...uh...Uncle?" Roxas looked up nervously. Axel blushed and ran a hand through his hair self-consciously.

"Um….are you any good at poker?"


The campers had arrived just after noon, so the councilors decided to take them down to a lake for a swim. Or actually, Councilor Axel decided, because he had already been wearing his swimsuit, and didn't bother to ask anyone else what was on their agenda, and simply led his troops down to the water. Councilor Demyx followed, and the others, considering the time of day and the temperature, decided it was an idea with merit, and also followed suit.

"Shirts off, guys—unless you want a farmerboy tan!" Councilor Axel cannon balled into the lake off the tire-swing with a loud and large splash.
Most of the guys stripped their shirts off without complaint. Roxas held back, biting at his lip. Hayner snuck up behind him and jerked the shirt off for him, tossing the material to the side.

"Oh. My. Gawd." Seifer nearly fell off the pier laughing. "When the fuck did you pierce your bellybutton, Roxas?"

"Last week," Roxas muttered, sliding into the lake carefully, blushing. "I can't take it out yet."

Councilor Axel surfaced, spitting water at the guys, "Hey, if he wants to…er…express…himself through naval piercing that's his beef. Don't go pickin' on my little man!" Roxas grinned thankfully at Councilor Axel.

"I'm alright with all that," Riku muttered, "But a little rainbow heart? With dangly dimonds? Roxas!"

"…It was CUTE!" Roxas protested, before ducking his head underwater.


Dinner was served promptly at 1900 hours, and Pence was the first to complain.

"Watermellon and Pancake sandwhiches?"

"That's so weird!" Hayner peeled his apart, looking at the odd red slices.

"What the hell kind of summer camp IS this?" Seifer grumbled, elbowing Sora. "Pass the butter."

"What the hell do you need THAT for?" Riku threw the butter at him, and he caught it, spreading it on the bread and then inverting his sandwich.

"Eating, doofus," Seifer shot back, returning the butter with a strong overhand pass. Riku calmly caught it and set it back down.

A sharp, piercing whistle interrupted their conversation. "Damnit…" Roxas stuck his fingers in his ears. "That HURTS," He grumbled.


That night, the campers and the councilors all sat around a huge bonfire (lit by Councilor Axel). There were the traditional songs and scary stories, and about halfway through the ordeal, Pence and Councilor Xaldin came up carrying huge bowls of bread pudding.

"Pudding?" Sora asked, licking his fingers as he dove into his bowl.

"I thought you roasted marshmallows around a campfire." Hayner grumbled.

"I ate them all while we were in the kitchen," Pence admitted, slightly shamefaced.

"You'll eat that pudding and like it!" Councilor Xaldin barked, "I made it meownself!"

The boys snorted into their bowls. "meownself" they laughed behind their hands.


"I thought Daddy Xemnas said no more poker games?" Councilor Demyx leaned in the tent flap, watching the Councilors and the troop leaders deeply immersed in their decks.

"He did." Councilor Luxord shrugged, laying his hand out on the table. "Full house. I win. Off with the shorts, Axel."

"No way!" Councilor Axel leaned over the table, staring at the cards. "You have GOT to be cheating."

"Sorry, Uncle, he's not." Roxas was standing behind Luxord. "I've been watching him. Take the shorts off."

"Only for you." Councilor Axel muttered, reaching for his belt.