With those Words

It was the first day of school and four girls that are best friends shared one big house together. Their parents are rich and had to go to America for businesses and the girls got to be very close with each other.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee... Suddenly a shuriken smashed the alarm clock. "Man, why do we have to wake up so early" said a brown hair girl with two buns on her head named Tenten.

Tenten walked over to the next room that said SAKURA on it. "Hey! Wake up, it's time for school" Tenten shouted.

"I'm already up" a pink haired girl said. "Ok, then can you wake Ino up. Tenten walked downstairs to get breakfast.

Sakura got out and went to the room beside her that said INO. "Ino wake up!" Sakura yelled. "Ok, sheesh do we have to go to school today" asked a blonde pony tailed girl named Ino.

When Ino was done taking a shower they both went downstairs to see Tenten and a blue short haired girl named Hinata next to her.

"Good morning everyone" Hinata said to waking everyone up from tiredness. "Good morning Hinata! Did you make breakfast already?" asked Sakura.

Hinata nodded. Everyone sat down and ate their breakfast. "So what do you think this year is going to be like" asked Tenten.

"Probably the same" said Hinata. "Yeah, with the same people epically those annoying four pretty boys" said Sakura.

"I hate them" yelled Ino. "I know me too" yelled Tenten. "Yeah, I guess the same old school" said Hinata washing the dishes.

"At least they separate the losers like us, from the popular like them" said Sakura. "They don't even know are hidden secrets but they call us loser" said Tenten punching her fists in the air.

"Well then, should we show them are secrets during P.E." asked Ino. "You bet, they just think that we're weak and never saw the real us" said Hinata.

"I'm in" said Tenten and Sakura. "We're probably the best fighters of girls in the school" said Sakura.

"Just be yourself ok. Play it cool, not like we're trying to impress anyone" said Tenten. "Yeah, I hate it when everyone goes Oh my, I never knew she could do that, or that's not like them to be tough" said Hinata.

"I hate that" yelled Sakura and Ino and Tenten. "Sakura, are you still going to wear your glasses even though you don't need to" asked Ino?

"Yeah, but I'll take them of today every once in a while to get use to it" said Sakura. "You look really pretty without them though" said Hinata.

"You would get a lot of friends if you didn't wear it before" said Ino. "Yeah, but I want friends that like me for me and not my popularity or looks" said Sakura.

"That's deep" said Tenten. "Totally" said Ino. After Tenten said that everyone was giggling and smiling.

"Well, I guess we should get going" said Hinata looking at the time. Everyone left the house or you say Big, Big house with their uniforms on.

They walked to Konoha High and when they got there they saw a bunch of fan girls at the gate screaming


The four girls just barely made it thought the school's gate with all the fan girls in the way.

"Dang those guys" said Tenten getting her locker open. "Well we can't do anything about that" said Ino getting her stuff out too like Hinata and Sakura.

Someone ran by and pushed Hinata to the ground. "Hey, who do you think he is" yelled Sakura helping Hinata up.

"Are you okay Hinata" asked Ino. "If he hadn't run away I would've kick is sorry butt out of this school" yelled Tenten cracking her knuckled.

"I'm okay" she said getting up. "Thanks" she said patting the dusted off herself. Then the four girls walked off to their class.

The four girls entered the room without anyone even looking at them.

They took the seats in the front row. They chatted for a while waiting for class to start then four boys stood at the doorway.

"Ah! I love you Shikamaru! A random fan girl screamed. "You're so hot Sasuke" a fan girl yelled.

"Please go on a date with me Naruto" another yelled. "Neji your eyes are so nice when you're looking at me".

The boys just ignored and got to their seats. The girls were still screaming on how the boys looked hot and stuff.

Sakura was getting angry. When all of a sudden a POOF of smoke appeared. "Good morning everyone" Kakashi said.

Everyone was quiet until Naruto shouted out "You late Kakashi"! "We'll you see I was lost on the road of life" he said.

"Lair" they class shouted except Sakura, Tenten, Hinata, Ino, Sasuke, Neji, and Shikamaru.

"Okay, now let me do roll" said Kakashi. "Choji Akimichi" a boy eating chips raised his hand.

"Hinata Hyuuga" Hinata raised her hand. Then Kakashi called ten more names. "Ino Yamanaka, Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki" four hands raised up.

"Neji Hyuuga, Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Shino Aburame" he said and the rest raised their hands.

"Today, I'll pick your seating partner" said Kakashi. "Aww" the class said. "This is going to be fun" Kakashi thought and smiled under his mask.

"Please not by Nara, Uzumaki, Hyuuga, or Uchiha. Anyone but thought" Sakura thought and the others were having the same thought.

"I hope I don't sit next to a fan girl" thought Sasuke. "I wonder who I'm going to sit next to" thought Neji.

"This is so troublesome, I sit next to a fan girl or a loser" thought Shikamaru. "I want to sit next to Sakura but wait, isn't she a loser. Oh well she's pretty" thought Naruto.

"Ok let's see Kana next to Chouji, Shino next to Mamya, Getta next to Futta, Zaku next to Rei, Lee next to Umyami" Kakashi said. Then he called the 10 rest of the names.

"Sakura next to Sasuke, Hinata next to Naruto, Tenten next to Neji and Ino next to Shikamaru" he said with a smile.

"What!" the four girls screamed and Tenten throw a shuriken at Kakashi and said "That's not even funny Kakashi".

"Settle down Tenten" Kakashi sweat dropped and Tenten was Twirling a kunai in her fingers.

"I agree why do I have to sit next to Uchiha" said Sakura. "Me too I have to sit next to the laziest guy in class" said Ino pointing to Shikamaru.

Hinata said something to but was barley heard. The fan girls were giving them death glares for sitting next to them.

"If you don't like you can take it up with the principle" said Kakashi to the four girls. "Fine" they said and walked and sat down next to the boys without even looking.

Tenten throw a kunai at Kakashi and said "If I die, I am blaming it on you". "Tenten don't take it so seriously" said Kakashi and the whole class sweat dropped.

"Great, I'm sitting next to a loser" thought Sasuke and the others. "Okay, now I'll be passing out your schedules for the year" said Kakashi.

"When I call your name please come up" he said. "Shino, Kiba, Lee, Kana". Then he said 15 more names.

"Tenten" he said. Tenten got up and took the paper while glaring at Kakashi. He sweat dropped and called out the rest.

"You can have a ten minute break before your next class" Kakashi said taking his pervert book out.

Sakura, Ino, and Tenten walked to Hinata and started talking. "So what classes do you have"? They looked at each others paper and said "Awesome! We have all the same classes" yelled Ino.

"Yeah, so we can be together all the time during this school year" said Sakura. "So what's are next class" asked Tenten?

"Let's see, it's P.E" Hinata said and the four girls smiled. "You ready" said Tenten in a cool voice.

"You bet" said Sakura. "Of course" said Ino. "You know it" said Hinata and they high five.

-With the guys-

"Cool, we have all are classes together" yelled Naruto. "Whatever" said Sasuke hands in his pockets?

"Great" said Neji. "Can you believe want those losers, said out loud when they found out they had to sit next to us" said Shikamaru.

"Yeah, I bet they are the only ones who had ever said that kind of stuff about us" said Neji.

"Interesting" said Sasuke with a smirk on his face. "What's everyone talking about" asked Naruto.

"Do you ever listen dope" said Sasuke hitting him on the head. "Oww what was that for teme" said Naruto rubbing his head.

"So what's are next class" asked Neji. "Gym" said Shikamaru in a lazy voice. Then they left the class room for P.E. class.


"I guess we should get going for Gym class" said Hinata. "Ok" said everyone and they walked out of the classroom for their next class.

I hope you like it so far. Please review.

I'll update as soon as I can! Thank you!