-1A/N: Oh dear yet another idea. I swear I have too many of these. For people looking forward to a Discworld update there should be one extremely soon. I've been extremely busy lately and then this idea popped up, they will probably be two of the three stories I will work on. For those who can't figure out(after the chapter) this is a crossover of Harry Potter and Final Fantasy VII (a combination of the game and the movie), I don't believe this has been done before, but it's worth a shot. Even if you have never played or heard of VII it is not needed to enjoy. Please read and review, enjoy.
Summary: 10 years ago Harry Potter vanished, now the year he is suppose to begin his first year at Hogwarts a boy with silver-hair, green eyes, and a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt arrives at Hogwarts. This boy's name is Harry Roth. HP & Final Fantasy VII crossover.
Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter or what little of Final Fantasy VII that is to be used. I'm not making money off this so don't sue.
Harry Roth and the Philosopher's Stone
Prologue: Seth Roth
"Tell me what it is you cherish most, so I can have the pleasure of taking it away." These were the first words he heard when he awoke. The man jumped up in a flash and whipped out his beloved sword. He turned to the sound of the mocking voice.
"I see you haven't lost your touch." The voice the opposite of everything the man stood for mocked him.
The man dressed in white trench coat and black body armor swung his large sword furiously. His sword was known as the Masamune a seven foot sword that only he had been known to handle. The man had silver-hair and almost emerald green eyes, the color was really that of mako. He twirled around trying to strike the voice behind him with his sword.
"Who are you!" The man yelled out into the darkness. It was only darkness that surrounded him.
"Why you should know. I'm always with you after all." The voice said mockingly and in the darkness the man felt something he had not felt for a very long time. Fear.
"Enough with your riddles! Show yourself!" The man commanded to the darkness.
"As you wish." The voice replied and the man saw his worst nightmare. The man took a step backward and the owner of the voice took one forward.
The owner of the voice looked exactly like the other man, the only difference being red eyes instead of green, and a grayish skin coloring. The biggest difference though were the fanged teeth, the extremely large claws and talons (there was no other way to describe them) which were where his hands and feet should be, but possibly the most chilling of all was the sword the creature carried.
Unlike the man's sword which was silver or possibly even white and at least seven feet long the other man's sword was black and glowed red, and inscribed at the hilt was a phrase "the living receive no mercy, the dead no peace" It was written in blood.
"Ah, now what would mother think of you cringing in fear of yourself."
"You are not me. I will never be you." The man now identified as Sephiroth hissed out to his opponent.
"Oh, how very wrong you are. Do you remember those oh so many years ago. Do you remember the glee you felt at slaying that entire village. Those poor innocents who had looked up to you, even that pathetic photographer. I remember we enjoyed immensely. Especially when we took our sword and beheaded the poor fool. I still remember savoring the taste of his blood. We did that. You and me together."
"No! I. We. No. It was Jenova that did it. Mother has been defeated. For good this time. Cloud found the facility and destroyed it, and what was left of Jenova was scattered around space. She is gone now, I should be able to rest in peace!"
"After all the innocents you mercilessly slaughtered. The Women and children even, there can be nor reprieve for that. No rest. It wasn't mother who made you do what you did. It was yourself, me and you. We did it. We did it without mother. We don't need her anymore."
"Your right I don't need Jenova anymore, just like I don't need you. You. You're my darker half, you were created by Jenova, and you will be destroyed like Jenova!" Sephiroth rushed forward the creature version of himself, his other self blocked his attack effortlessly.
"Don't you see! You've always been dark, I was created by the darkness, but I am still you! Together are power would be unstoppable, it is because of you we never succeeded in the objectives mother handed to us. If you were to join me, we could be unstoppable. We could rule Gaia. Or we could destroy it! What's stopping you from destroying the planet that caused you so much pain and suffering. The planet whose people created you, you aren't evil human. We aren't human. We are truly the son of Jenova. Join me and we can be immortal. We could become a God!" Sephiroth paused for only a moment before he had to quickly block an incoming attack.
"I need to defeat you. You who have caused so much pain and torment. Yes I admit I did go a bit mad when I learned Jenova was my mother, but I discovered from Kadaj's memories that she wasn't my real mother. My real mother was a woman by the name of Lucretia and I did have a father. My father was that bloody moron Hojo. So technically I am human whereas you did not appear until Jenova entered my life."
"Very good. You did better than mother supposed. Oh yes, mother is gone, but she left her legacy of greatness in me. You may not be a true spawn of Jenova, but I. I on the other hand, are. It is effortless to continue to try and destroy one another, we are the same person we know what we will do before the other does it. Surrender. Join me."
"Never." Sephiroth said and stared defiantly at his other self.
The eyes of his other self narrowed and his lips curved into a dangerous frown. "So be it." Sephiroth almost didn't have time to react as four black orbs were flung at him. He dodged two of them and knocked another back with his sword, the fourth one his the area behind him and exploded in a brilliant dark light. It seared his skin and it was Sephiroth could do not to cry out in pain.
"You cannot defeat me. As I said our powers are equal. Or as equal as they should be. You can try to do what I just did, but I guarantee you won't have any result. I am after all your darker half, it is only fit that I have the mastery of darkness on my side. I'll even give you a free shot. Go ahead. Hit me with all you got. I won't move."
Sephiroth glared at his other half. He had been trying to create his own orbs and did not seem to have any effect. It looked like what his other half said was true. He continued to glare angrily.
"Ah, I see you're having a hard time. Here let me show you how to do it!" His other self then created a total of nine black orbs and flung them at him. If he was hit by any of them it would seriously deplete his strength. He rolled to left and missed one of them, and then used his sword to cause four others to rebound at his other self, who after a second of surprise quickly got out of the way. There were still four orbs left and all of them came at Sephiroth at once, he decided to see if his ability still worked.
His other self watched gleefully as all four orbs hit into the area where Sephiroth just was. He waited for the dust to clear, and was surprised to see only a large crater where Sephiroth used to be. He smirked evilly and turned around to be met with a sword at his neck.
"You! How? You couldn't have. You didn't even move, I saw them hit you!" Sephiroth's other self yelled angrily.
"It was all a simple matter of getting away. Now to end this. Goodbye." His other self watched in horror as the blade went through his throat. It was the last thing he saw, before he was enveloped by searing white hot light. He screamed.
Sephiroth grunted as he finished severing the head of his darker self, the body disappeared one it was defeated and Sephiroth took a deep sigh of relief. If his other self would have realized what he'd done, then it was quite likely the outcome would have been totally different. As it was the momentary shock and added incentive of his sword at its throat made it forget.
The darkness he was surrounded by began disappearing and soon was filled by a warm and peaceful white light. "It's over." Sephiroth said and truly believed it was, a voice behind him spoke.
"Do you wish it to be?" the voice sweet and innocent asked. For some reason Sephiroth thought it sounded familiar. Sephiroth pondered on the question.
"It has to be over, even if I were given a second chance, which is where I believe you're headed. I do not deserve one."
"True." A second voice grunted. This voice sounded male, the other though was definitely female.
"So just judge me and get it done." Sephiroth said defeated.
"Unfortunately that is not to be the case." It was the male again it also sounded familiar.
"And why not!" Sephiroth was getting angry all he wanted to do was rest in peace. He was getting fed up with all the riddles, he never liked them, and although he could often solve them, they were a waste of time.
"Dilly dally shilly shally." It was the female's voice again. He could have sworn he heard that voice somewhere before. The only question was who.
"What?" Sephiroth growled he was getting annoyed. Very annoyed.
"Nothing. It appears that (for a reason I don't rightly understand) Gaia has decided to use you." The male said, and for some reason he had a feeling the owner had spiky hair.
"Use me? What the hell does a planet want me for? Choose someone else. Cloud would be a good choice…then again maybe not." He replies in response to seeing the vision of Cloud taking care of children. He tried not to growl he hated Cloud.
"I'm sorry but the planet has made her specifications clear. You are to be sent off planet to live out a second life, in said life your objective will be to raise and care for a certain child. Gaia will fill you in on the details." The woman spoke and a picture of a young woman with brown hair and a pink dress appeared in his mind.
Sephiroth's mind was spinning. 'Off planet? A different world? And to raise and care for a little brat? Gaia will fill me in on the details? What the hell is going on!'
"Gaia made is perfectly clear. Well, not perfectly clear but as clear as she was willing to get. I would suggest you start going, the trip will take a while." The voice paused and Sephiroth felt as if someone was looking at him. He wouldn't go, they couldn't make him. He'd spend eternity imprisoned. But he was not going. It wasn't as if the planet could force him… "Actually, she can. This is non-negotiable, your planet is earth, I'm not sure if you will ever return here or not, Gaia will fill you in on the way."
October 31st 1981 Outside Godric's hollow
Sephiroth arrived on the planet named Earth looking quite the worse to wear. His outfit was so torn up (same condition as when he had last fought) that he was almost tempted of getting rid of it completely. He still couldn't believe he was here, and to take care of a kid at that. Gaia was one evil bitch.
Sephiroth winced as the equivalent of what a hammer dropped on his head would feel like.
"Fine. Sorry. You're not evil." Sephiroth said apologetically to the air, he winced again. "Or a bitch." Gaia was only able to speak to him for his first year on Earth, after a year she would disappear, there were constraints on how long she was able to meddle in Earth. It was surprising that Earth had allowed her.
Sephiroth looked around and noticed that in a lot of ways the people of Earth were more advanced, and yet in some ways far behind. Currently he was standing in what appeared to be a plot of nothing. The house was nowhere in sight.
He heard Gaia in his head and he took out the materia he had been given, he quickly entered into his body two of them. The ruins of a house appeared before him. Sephiroth stared surprised before the voice of Gaia told him to get a move on it. He entered where he supposed the front door used to be. Gaia told him to follow the sound of crying. He followed it carefully stepping over a sprawled body on the floor. It was a man with dark jet black hair and brown eyes, the face was frozen in one of surprise or horror. He ignored it and began ascending the stairs.
The first thing he noticed upon entering the room where the crying was coming from the sprawled out body of a rather young woman with red hair and emerald green eyes. He looked at the eyes and was surprised they were almost identical to his. Her face was also frozen in one of surprise or horror. The only creature he knew that could do something like that was a Basilisk, but these people were clearly dead. He turned to the crib in the room, the crying had stopped the moment he entered.
The child was roughly a year old and had mako green eyes exactly like his. Gaia too was surprised, but didn't know why. A scar in the shape of a lightning bolt was on his forehead it looked a bit bloody, so he carefully wiped it off.
'This is the child you want me to raise and train? The one you have no idea why I must do it, only that it is foretold?' Sephiroth was quite skeptical about the whole thing.
Gaia answered him in an informative yes. He stared blankly at the child.
'Your name will no longer be Sephiroth. It is too strange a name for this world. Your name on Earth will be Seth Roth, Earth has done me a personal favor and has created you and your child-' Sephiroth winced at the words 'your child'. "-a home in the wizarding village of Hogsmeade. The residents of the place call the place your home has been built the Shrieking Shack."
Gaia had already explained to Sephiroth that the boy he was raising was a wizard, or what he knew of as a magus, sorcerer, or Materia Master. The difference between a wizard and the others was that the magic did not need to be found or harnessed into items, but that the people were actually born with magic in them. Similar to a Sorcerer. Sephiroth had only heard of one Sorcerer in his time a woman by the name of Ultimecia, she was a sorceress from a far away land. She had vanished when he was eight. It seemed he was one of the only people to remember her as well.
Sephiroth was told that the school his 'son' would go to was actually quite close nearby. It seemed to be the perfect home.
'Quick give him the two materia I made specially for him.' Gaia demanded of Sephiroth. Sephiroth replied and gently inserted two glowing blue materia balls into his skin, they vanished in the child without a trace.
Gone was the baby who looked like the dead man downstairs now the child that was before him looked like a miniature copy of Sephiroth, the child was still asleep and Sephiroth was finalizing plans with Gaia when a voice downstairs yelled out
"James! Lily!" The voice mournful began to yell, "No! It's all my fault. No I should never. Oh, James. Lily. Forgive me." The man raced upstairs, or at least what was left of them. "Lily!"
Sephiroth heard Gaia and teleported himself out of the house just as a disheveled man raced into the room, but by then Sephiroth had been gone. The man known as Sirius Black mourned for the loss of his friend and brother, Voldemort was gone, but so was Harry.
A/N: How was it? Hope it caught your interest. This is not going to simply be a carbon copy of the J.K. Rowling version, I hope to make a few substantial changes and add a few things. Sephiroth being split into two entities plays a major plot in my story, there is a dark and totally evil Sephiroth who is a product of Jenova, and then there is a gray Sephiroth which is the one that raises Harry. With Jenova defeated her hold on the original Sephiroth is broken. I have a ton planned between the good and the bad Sephiroth, the bad Sephiroth will even have a new name later in the series and will play a large role later. The next chapter will be out soon, and if you feel like reviewing I would appreciate it. Thanks for reading. Also I need people to start voting for what house you want him in by next chapter continued until I get to the sorting. Different things will happen depending on what house he is in.