Ch.7: A Fight For A Friend

Dragonous instantly faced the Ducks calling up his other three goons to join in the brawl. Jade didn't need to be told what to do and drew out her sword, eyes glowering. Wildwing, Nosedive, Grin, Mallory, and Tanya all had thier eyes narrowed with the same vengeful thought filling thier minds. Dragonous was gonna pay!

"What may I ask is the pleasure of this visit?" said Dragonous.

"Stow it Dragonous" snapped Mallory "miss 'Black Death' here killed one of our own. We're here to deal with here, then you,"

"Ah that hurts my feelings" said Chameleon sarcastically " why should she have all the fun?"

"Quiet!" yelled Seige " there's no way I'm gonna let miss L' Orange having all thier heads. You tackle the brains, I'll handle the kid,"

"Try your luck Seige-dweeb," chorted Nosedive and ran off into one of the halls, Seige imedately followed

Chameleon shape-shifted into a snake and snatched Tanya away from the group leaving only Wildwing, Grin, and Mallory left.

"Mallory you handle Wriath " commanded Wildwing " me and Grin will take down Dragonous and Jade,"

Nodding Mallory sprinted into action againist Wraith. The dark Saurin sorcerer drew out his flame sword and advanced towards Mallory. With Duke gone Wraith's sword seemed to have an unfair advantage over Mallory's puck pistol and boy did it ever.

While this was going on however Grin and Wildwing approached Dragonous and Jade. Putting on his mask Wildwing took on Dragonous while Grin handled Jade. Meanwhile, Tanya was having her own troubles agianist Chameleon. The shafe-shifting Saurin was changing forms left and right. Tanya was going to lose!

"Any last words Duck?" snickered Chameleon.

"Oh just these" came a voice from behind the Saurin " take this!"

Before Chameleon could even move to see who was standing behind him a sharp pain shuttered through his body. A stiff second passed and the shape-shifter fell to the floor with a silent gasp.

"You okay?" said the Saurin's slayer.

"Uh...yeah..thanks," said Tanya.

"Where are the others?"

"Seige went after Nosedive" said Tanya " the others are out fighting Dragonous,"

"Go help the others" said the shadowed figure "I'll deal with Seige,"

As the shadowed figure began to leave Tanya cried out "Wait! Who are you?"

The figure smiled and answered Tanya's question with two simple words before departing. "A friend,"


No matter how many times the situation seemed funny Nosedive knew this wasn't a perfect time to be rolling over with laughter. Releasing his guard now would give Seige the one second he needed to catch up and no way Dive was going to let that happen. Turning around a sharp corner Nosedive stopped dead in his tracks. Probally not the best term to use since...

"Oh great a dead end!" he shouted "this day just get's better and better,"

"And it's about to get worse" said Seige he had finally caught up "say your prayers Duck cause you won't be nothing but a smear on the wall when I get through,"

"And you'll be nothing but a mark on the floor," came a voice from behind Seige.

In a second Seige found himself suffering the same fate Chameleon had. Nosedive was found staring in wide-eyed amazement as Seige fell to the floor and his killer stepped forward into the light.

"Nice playmates you got Dive,"

"Duke!" cried Nosedive "you're alive! But how?"

"I'll explian later" Duke promised "right now we got to go help the others,"


Back with the other ducks Tanya joined in the bout and instantly went to aid Mallory in her fight againist Wraith.

"Tanya!" shouted Mallory in surprise "what happened to Chameleon?"

"He's..uh..dead," said Tanya.

Dragonous having heard Tanya's stammered response yelled "What!?"

"My lord" said Wraith " I fear Seige is gone as well,"

"That's right Dino-dudes" shouted an excited Nosedive "and look who did the slaying,"

Eyes shot wide as Duke entered the room very much alive.

"But how?" said Dragonous then glared at Jade "you told me you had killed him!"

"I did" said Jade close to snarling then narrowed her eyes on Duke " how did you survive?"

"Your aim was a little low," said Duke smiling.

Your forces have fallen Dragonous" said Wildwing "it's over,"

"Not by a long shot" said Dragonous tapping a button on the control panel behind him "until we meet again Ducks,"

With that Jade along with the two remianing Saurins disappeared.

"They'll be back" said Duke "Jade won't stop until her job is finished,"

"It's great to have you back Duke," said Mallory slapping Duke o the back.

"Yeah" said Duke "but I'm still in trouble with Captian Klegghorn. Without proof that I was framed he'll still put me in jail,"

"We'll talk to him" said Wildwing putting a hand on his friend's shoulder " we got you back and I know everything's going to be just fine,"