The alarm went of in the super robot. "What is going on?" asked Sprx looking at the clock. "It is 4 in the morning, doesn't evil ever sleep in?"

"apparently it dose not" Gibson said "There is a big energy reading in the park."

"And Mandarin is hanging around it" continued Antauri.

"Lets go team" yelled Chiro as he powered up and they ran out of the robot.


"Mind if we crash the party?" yelled Otto as they landed in the park.

"Of cores not, let me show you what I got." Said Mandarin as he pulled out a gadget and pressed a button, a portal appeared behind him. The portal was a big blue swirl (like the ones from witch). Gibson pulled out a scanner and scanned the portal.

"That Portal has a big power reading." He said

"Yes, my brothers it could lead you to any world, but not by choice you go where it tack you. Mandarin said laughing.

"What are you going to do with it?" asked Nova as the team took out there weapons.

"That is for me to know and you to find out." He responded " and when I say find out I mean the hard way." Formless appeared around them.

"Lets do this monkey team." Yelled Chiro. "Monkey fu!"

"Magna-Tingler Blast" yelled Sprx destroying some of the formless

"Cyclo –Chopping Doom Spin" yelled Otto distorting the rest of the formless.

Mandarin took some steps back from them, he was about 5 feet form the portal when a big black hand came out of it. Then hand grabbed Mandarin around the waste and pulled him through. "What do we do now?" asked Otto as he turned his back to the portal. "Should we go after him?" he continued.

"Well we should probably not go near that thing till we know what it dose." Said Antauri

"That would be smart." Said Gibson. But when the friends were talking they did not see the hand come out of portal.

"Otto look out" said nova pushing Otto out of the way of the hand. It wrapped its fingers around her body and started to pull back words. "Guys a little help here." She said but it was to late. Nova was pulled in to the portal.

"Ok , now we do have to go in to the portal." said Chiro as he and the rest of the monkey ran after the only female on the monkey team.

ok i need people to review and tell me what shows you want them to go to. I will try to do all the ones you say



sorry for any bad spelling or grammer

thank you

