Disclaimer: Read chapter 1.

Summary: Showdown, ranger style. Results may not be what you were expecting.

Author's Note: I have it in my head that I want to finish this story before I go away to college because I don't think it will ever get done after that. Hope you enjoy it!

Rated T for language and some adult situations.

Chapter 28: This is War (30 Seconds to Mars):

Sarah's POV:

It's been 45 minutes of near silence. Kim hasn't said a word since Dulcea came and charged her with the task of saving Tommy's life. None of the rest of us seem to know anything to say. The enormity of the situation rests heavily on all our shoulders and I try to take what little comfort I can out of holding Conner's hand. Not knowing what the future holds has us all on edge.

"Shouldn't we at least try and come up with something? Zardon is going to be back and we have no plan to save Tommy. We can't just hang around and hope a miracle is going to save him," Josh says, clearly frustrated. I've never seen him so frustrated and angry. He is usually so good at keeping calm and collected.

"You think I don't know we need to come up with something?" Kim says, standing up and shooting death glares at Josh. "He is my fucking husband, don't you think I want to save him more than anything?" She walks over to him and gets into his face.

"I don't know what you want but seeing as how you've wasted nearly all our time wallowing in your pity I don't think your trying to save him!" Josh responds, yelling right back in Kim's face. "Dulcea said you had the ability to save Tommy so why don't you figure something out!"

"Hey. Knock it off. Both of you," Trini says. She isn't one to stand up and be the authoritative one, being more calm and submissive but when she did stand up, it was definitely something to be taken seriously. "We need to all work together and come up with something and though tensions are high and there is a lot at stake we can't lose our cool now. Though Dulcea said Kim is the key to saving Tommy we all need to put our heads together to come up with a plan!"

"Did I come back in time to hear the rallying cry that will lead you all to victory?" I turn my head to see Zardon descending behind us. "Pathetic."

"What happened to giving us an hour?" Josh says, trying to act like a badass but I could see the panic in his eyes. We still had at least 5 minutes.

"Oh right I forgot, I have to follow the rules and allow you guys to come up with a plan to defeat me. In case you forgot, I am the one making the rules here. Now, obtain for me the Great Power or watch your pathetic fellow ranger die painfully in front of you!" He bellowed, producing the same sword and holding it against Tommy's throat.

I decided it was time to take action and began summoning the power through me, feeling the wind begin to whip around me. I begin sprinting forward, feeling the power coursing through my body and thrusting it toward Zardon. I see his arm move moments before I feel a blinding pain in my abdomen. Looking down, I see Zardon's blade coming from my stomach before he pulls it violently out and I crumple to the ground. It feels completely surreal. The pain is enormous, but I can barely feel it over the pain I feel moments later as I see Zardon thrust the same sword through Tommy's stomach. He falls next to me and I can faintly hear screaming as I look my father in the eye and know that we are about to die.

Conner's POV

I feel my feet moving before I even process what I'm doing. I feel the entire team running towards both of our fallen teammates. I can't believe what I'm seeing. They both can't be dying. We're power rangers. We are supposed to be the ones who triumph no matter what. Kim is right beside me and reaches Tommy moments before I reach Sarah. There is so much blood. I take her hand. She has so much fear in her eyes.

"Hey don't be scared. I'm right here, you're going to make it through this Sarah, don't give up on me," I say frantically, trying to figure out how to save her. I can hear Kim's sobs and I love yous to Tommy on my right and Zardon's laughter from above.

"Now I believe you shall be more cooperative, foolish rangers! Two among your rank have fallen trying to resist me. Now either get me the Great Power or perish with them!" Zardon's menacing voice rains down upon all of us.

"If you think we're going to lie down and let you take the Great Power from us, you are stupid!" Josh's voice bellow out loud and clear. He begins glowing green and a green cougar begins to appear behind him.

"Let's kill this mother fucker!" Jason yells as he begins to glow gold and a huge lion appears and begins to charge towards Zardon.

One by one each of our spirit animals appear behind us and begin attacking Zardon, assaulting him in various ways. He throws most of them away easily one by one but as they begin attacking as a group he seems to become overwhelmed by the number of attacks coming his way. He begins screaming in agony as his flesh is torn off by all the different spirit animals.

Suddenly we hear two cries from the sky and look up to find a white falcon and a white hawk flying toward the earth. A huge white light engulfs the spot where Tommy and Sarah were laying. The hawk and falcon swoop down and begin furiously attacking Zardon, prompting the rest of our spirit animals to join in as well. Bit by bit, our spirit animals begin to tear Zardon apart.

With an almost inhuman cry, I see Kim charge forward with Zardon's blade. She reaches him and with a feral cry uses the sword to chop off Zardon's head. The severing of his head causes an enormous explosion to occur, causing everyone to fly back a few feet.

After several moments, everyone begins to stand up gingerly as the smoking hole where Zardon's body used to be clears. I immediately begin looking around where Tommy and Sarah were. We see their bodies about 10 feet away. Kim has already taken off and is holding Tommy's limp body. I see Sarah still has her eyes open so I run over to her.

I pull her into my arms. Her breathing is uneven and she can barely keep her eyes open. Everyone gathers around. Josh grabs one of her hands. Kim has left Tommy's body a few feet away from us to grab her other hand.

"I'm so….so…. sorry." Sarah croaks out.

"Shh. You have nothing to be sorry about. You helped save our lives." Kim says, getting choked up at the end. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her. It's hard enough for me.

"Don't cry… The world will live on," Sarah says, coughing violently. Her breathing shakes then stops suddenly as her eyes lose their sign of life. I feel tears creeping down my cheeks. I can't believe we lost them both. I gently close her eyes. She looks far more peaceful that way.

Though we won the battle, we lost the war.

AN: Hate it? Love it? Don't freak out. There is at least one more chapter after this and potentially an epilogue. I'm not sure. There will be a happily ever after, cuz I'm a sucker for them. Have faith. I know exactly what I want to do for the next chapter.

Thanks to: BellaVision, olmedo, Jeremy Shane, hewhoreaps, NCISKIBBS4ever, butterflyeyes20, Vodams, brankell and andyg2525 for your reviews, story alerts, author alerts and PMs! Getting email alerts saying I have reviews makes me smile! You guys rock!

Until next time- Stay classy San Diego,

I'm LeosGurl876?