
Room mates: Aelita and Jeremy

Sam and Odd

Yumi and Ulrich

(note: nothing has ever happened or will happen between those room mates at all!)

Ranks in order:

Top General: Ulrich

2nd general: Odd

3rd general: Jeremy

Top Spy: Yumi

2nd spy Sam

3rd spy Aelita

Soldiers Carl, Joel, Charlie, Mike, Matt, Turner, Cody, Justin, Josh, and Blake

Note: don't worry u don't need to memorize any one but Carl and Joel. The rest are just people that say something rarely or are ordered around. Just know that anyone u don't recognize as Code Lyko Characters or Carl and Joel, are just boring soldiers.

Previously……………………… "Don't give up on me no matter what happens, or let me break up with you, or even you break up with me." Yumi pleaded. At this everyone's eyes started to well up and watched Ulrich and Yumi. Ulrich sat on the ground with Yumi in his arms and turned her towards him.

"I promise. And we'll get through this, and I'll always love you. Even if you say you don't or you act like you don't I know you still love me, but whatever happens in the next few days is not your fault." Ulrich replied.

"Why don't you take off duties and Odd and I will take care of them, huh Ulrich?" Jeremy asked.

"You should, you have more important things to worry about than duties right now." Aelita agreed. Ulrich nodded his head and thanked Odd and Jeremy. Sam smiled and whispered to Aelita that they need to be alone. Aelita and Sam took a confused Odd and Jeremy out quickly leaving Ulrich and Yumi alone.

"I don't want to do this, Ulrich I love you." Yumi whispered still crying. Ulrich held her tightly against him and rubbed her back.

"We'll be just fine, nothing will change between our love. Just a chemical that you have no control over, but as soon as it's over I will take you on a romantic date, I promise. It's you and me forever." Ulrich stated. Yumi smiled at this and let him hold her a little more longer.

"It's getting late, let's go eat dinner and get some sleep. Tomorrow is day one." Ulrich said, and then he kissed her gently and held her close.


The next morning Ulrich woke up to find Yumi wasn't in the room with him. He quickly got dressed and ran out.

"Dude what's the rush?" Odd asked as Ulrich blazed by him.

"Where's Yumi? Have you seen her?" He asked.

"Yeah Yumi is with Carl and Joel. She asked them to take her to the prisoner. She said she had something to tell him." Odd stated, he was about to say more but Ulrich had already taken off again. Ulrich ran all the way to the prisoner's quarters and ordered the door to be opened by the guard. The guard immediately opened it and let Ulrich in. Ulirch walked in to see Yumi begging the tied up prisoner.

"Please what's the cure? I'll do anything you want. I wont help X.A.N.A but I'll do what you want me to for the cure." Yumi pleaded. The prisoner spat in her face and laughed.

"Stupid girl." He hissed. Ulirch slapped the prisoner across the face and helped Yumi to her feet.

"Come on baby, you don't need this" Ulirch said and helped her outside. Yumi was quiet as Ulrich led her out. Once they were out Yumi started to cry.

"I just…I wanted a cure." She whispered.

"I know honey, I am so sorry." Ulirch stated. Yumi quickly composed herself and whipped the tears away.

"I'm fine, it must be the stuff he put on me. I feel weird all the time now." She stated. Ulrich nodded his head and held her hand as they walked to get some breakfast. Suddenly Yumi's hand yanked out from Ulrich's and she shoved him to the grouond.

"Who the HECK ARE YOU?" Yumi screamed. "Don't ever touch me again! I have a boyfriend and he'll beat your sorry butt!" She bellowed. She looked at Ulrich with hatred for a few more seconds before her face regained composure. She quickly fell to the ground next to Ulrich and hugged him.

"I am so sorry" she breathed. Ulrich was in shock as he looked at Yumi. "It's just the potion. Nothing more, she is still my Yumi." Ulrich thought. He held her in his arms and helped her up. By now Odd, Sam, Jeremy, and Aelita had run over.

"I think I might of come up with a half antidote. It might not work as well as you want it to, but it should help you in remembering things." Jeremy stated. Yumi nodded as Jeremy handed her a rather large ugly pill.

"Well if worst comes to worst, it can only help." Yumi said and swallowed it whole.

"The only side effect is.." Jeremy said as the others quickly looked at him.

"DUDE! She already took it, you could of told us that WAY before now!" Odd stated.

"It's not a bad side effect but it's going to make Yumi's emotions a lot worse. She'll be one huge emotional freak out, but I don't think she'll forget the people that she loves." Jeremy stated

AN: so that's it sorry it's short and sorry I haven't updated in forever! So now Yumi is going to be an emotional freak! Is the spy working for X.A.N.A or himself or someone else? What will happen next? I don't know send me your ideas and I'll mix them with mine…until then…CYA!