So I am furiously interested in Gaara as a character and decided to write a new fic. with him as the main focus with a bit of cherry blossom on the side it should make for an interesting story, as I do plan on it becoming.


Enjoy and I would love comments on how to improve it, and I do intend on going off the beaten path so don't flame me for doing my own thing.

Disclaimer: Don't own naruto:(


Gaara growled in frustration as the incompetent fools before him kept talking over issues he felt did not need to be addressed currently or, if he had his way, ever. Slowly he tried to regain his composure but when he started to calm down the damn idiots would drag him into another futile conversation for his opinion on the matter before jumping into another topic entirely with his comment left hanging on deaf ears.


The befuddled men scrambled to their feet while furiously shuffling their papers into manila folders. Muttering apologies, they quickly take their leave while leaving behind a trail of papers that managed to slip by them in their haste.

As the last man slammed the door, Gaara let out the breath he was holding and slumped back into his overly-stuffed chair. Swiveling the chair to face the gigantic bay window he slowly rubbed the bridge of his nose while muttering incoherent words.

This day was just not turning out as he hoped. What he wanted to address was the sudden depletion of medi-nin Suna had and the possible ways to fix it, but he should've known better than to discuss important matters towards the ignorant men who choose to go about every day pretending all the negative things are not really there.

"Stupid. Incompetent. Fuckers." He mumbled.

The sun was slowly setting, he was getting hungry and to top it off, he was responsible towards his people and their injuries. Many of which where slowly dying because of the third-rate (at best) ninjas couldn't perform a simple healing jitsu! Gaara felt his anger rise and quickly he tried to dispel it.

"Hey Gaara, you didn't meet me for dinner so I brought you some!" Temari walked over towards her little brother and set a plate filled with teriyaki chicken before him. Her green eyes immediately caught on to his tense stare directed at the window and flicked his ear.

"What the-"

"Hey, why are you so pensive?" Temari mentally patted herself on the back for fluidly changing the topic.

Gaara let out an agitated sigh, "our medi-nins are incompetent fools and we need to find someone to train them."

"Have you tried going to Tsunade? She is the best medi-nin throughout the entire fire country-"

"She is Hokage Temari, she wouldn't be able to stay here in the time frame needed to best train these morons."

"Well, then why don't you go for the next best thing?"

Gaara's interest was immediately attentive, "who?"

"You wanted to see me Tsunade-sama?" A bubblegum haired woman of 19 years old walked up to her sensei with shining emerald eyes. Her lithe form was elegantly covered in a red silk shirt and tight black skirt with spandex shorts beneath. The posture of the woman was confident and alert as she quickly did a sweep of the room making sure her blonde haired friend wasn't listening in on what could possibly be the solo-mission Sakura desperately wanted.

"I noted your request for a solo mission and decided to grant it, but" Tsunade looked at her hard in the eyes betraying the gravity of the situation, "if you do not report within the set time period then I will send ANBU to recover you and you will never be given a solo mission again do I make myself clear?"


Tsunade nodded in approval and continued on, "Sakura you're the best student I have ever trained and it shows through your efficient work both at the hospital and on the field. As much as I would like to keep you here, Suna is in dire need for a damn good medic nin to train the under qualified nincompoops that are there at the moment. And by request of the Kazekage himself, you will be training anyone who shows even a hint of chakra control and will not leave until both he and I see fit. Therefore; this mission has no completion date and you may not see Konoha for many months. As such; the Kazekage is making living arrangements for you and anything else that he sees fit.

"Remember Sakura, you are representing this village at all times; how you act around others and what you choose to say should be heavily weighed before being said or done."

"Hai Tsunade-sama"

"You will leave as soon as possible and a small sum of money will be given to you upon your arrival in Suna."

"Domo arigato for this opportunity, I shall not fail you or Konoha." Sakura deeply bowed before vanishing in a cloud of cherry blossoms. Her inner Sakura was pumping her fist in the air with huge exuberance, while on the outside she remained stoic as she jumped from roof top to rooftop.

I wonder what happened to the regular medi-nin in Suna? From what I know, they haven't encountered war or any sort that would deplete them much less any other nin from there. It's been relatively quiet.

Hai, I guess we'll have to ask the kazekage when we arrive, ooh I hope he's hott, maybe we'll get lucky!

Sakura shook her head from those thoughts and spotted the quiet Hyuuga heir walking by herself. Smiling, she jumped down in front of her friend,

"Ohayo Hinata, what brings you here by yourself?"

Hinata offered a kind smile in return, not at all startled by her friend's sudden appearance, "I was just thinking" a small blush crept across her cheeks and Sakura smiled knowingly,

"If you just tell the moron you love him you wouldn't be wondering what it would be like kissing him at the moment."

The blush became deeper and the white-orbed woman turned to look a different way, "I w-was n-not-"

"You can't lie to me" Sakura waved Hinata off and decided a good subject change was in order, "so I'll be leaving for a mission shortly and I'm wondering if you could look after my apartment while I am gone?"

"Certainly Sakura-chan."

Sakura gave her friend a hug, "I have to go pack right now and I'll leave shortly after that. The key is under the fake rock near my door and feel free to use it whenever you wish to be alone."

Hinata nodded causing a few stray strands from her long violet hair to fall into her face.

Sakura gave her friend a departing smile before once again taking to the rooftops towards her apartment a few blocks near the gates; a small smile still adorning her lips.

So tell me what you think. Because I'm not sure if I should continue, it's still in its raw form and I have no clue how to go about this story for the most part, but your comments on whither or not this story is worth continuing will be a great amount of help!

Feliz cumplianos a mi, feliz cumplianos a mi, feliz cumplianos a I.Plead.Ignorance, feliz cumplianos a mi! Ha I Sang to myself in spanish, wootness!

(Gives out birthday cake to everyone)