Sorry i took so long lol


Inuyasha ran to the Shrine of Sinmo, his heart raced there was a chance tht Naraku had taken his Kagome. His teeth pressed together and he looked behind him to see everyone tired and trying to get to him. Tears swelled up in his eyes and he suddenly stopped, "Inuyasha?" the gang yelled as they stopped beside him; he wiped his eyes and looked at them straight "You guys stay here," he said and looked torward the shrine ", it's close enough and you guys are tired. I'm go and get Kagome." Inuyasha said and with out taking a simple reply he ran. He ran from his friends, his flee, his soon to be son, and everything eles in his life he could have. He wanted Kagome, thats all. The rest of the world seemed to curuped and devilish... even he. He wanted the person that hold his heart, the purest thing he could ever enconter,

'Just watch me Kagome... just watch' Inuyasha thought as his feet rapidly took to the sky.

The Shrine was like a brown box to Inuyasha. He stared at it with hatred, this was the thing that could lead him to Kagome's safty or his death with the Miko in Minkomi Village, but he was willing to take that chance. He was blind from everything eles, he chuckles as he slamed open the door to the shrine ' She really did something to me' he thought as saw it. The beautiful feather and flowed above him, it glowed light blue, with its white color it looked pure as ever. He stared at it "Help me! I need help from the Miko in Minkomi Village! My mate-to-be has been captured and the demon there has stolen he memory. Help me now or i will seal you once more!" He yelled, yes he never been so kind... but helping him was kind so he should at least return the favor. "We know want you want..." a little childs voice said "You are Inuyasha are you not?" Inuyasha blinked and smiled "Yes..." was his simple reply "Miko Hishto has been waiting. She has sences Naraku getting stronger with the young Miko by his side" The feather explained as a dark womanly figure strolled from the darkness in the shrine. She covered he face with sheets of white, she was as short as 6 or 7 year old, but you could see her long flowing hair that could centures to get it that way. Inuyasha looked at the miko "Yes, Inuyasha this is Miko Hishto do not be afraid. We will help you, but in return your Miko must help us..." Inuyasha looked at feather and glared "What do you want with My Kagome?" he asked crossing his arms "Miko Hishto has fallen into Naraku's trap, and her powers do not work with this tainted shard in her arm," the miko showed her arm with purple and black vains consuming her elbow and up ", your miko has the power to purify this. Making Miko Hishto heal, then she can help your mate." Inuyasha nodded " But how can i get Kagome to purify it if she dose not remeber me?" He asked looking down "Your are mates, you see the spell that Naraku has put on your miko was my Hishto's spell. Her memory is not gone, it is sealed in her powers, you are conected with thoughs powers... aren't you?" Inuyasha's eyes widend and touched the necklease that he wore "This scacrate beads!!" He yelled and the little miko forms head glanced up and nodded. "You are connected with your miko is other ways as well but i must not share these thoughts with you just yet" the feather perclaimed and drifted, as the little girls body grabed Inuyasha's hand and folowed the feather in silents. Inuyasha smiled at the feather and little girl, this could be his chance to save his Kagome.

With Kagome...

Kagome looked down at the wooden floor clinging to her chest quietly at dinner. She sat next to Naraku and two ladys bowed to them, Kagome looked confused then stared at the two. Naraku glaced at Kagome and smirked "Why do you not eat ,my love?" Naraku questioned grabbing Kagomes shoulder making Kagomes' skin crawl. "W-what? Oh!," Kagome replyed trying to get away from the man ", I don't feel well." She explained and stood up walking out of the room and shut the door behind her. She sighed and leaned on the door with tears comming down her face "You miss him..." a young boys voice said , Kagome's head shoot up to see the young boy Kohaku "Kohaku, I missed you!" Kagome exclamed trying not to be to loud and hugged the young boy. He laughed and nodded "Yes, i've missed you too Lady Kagome, but you miss him ,do you not?" he continued smiling at the girl. Kagome blinked "Miss who?" Kagome asked "The boy with dog ears" he said pointing at sides of his head making Kagome laugh. Kohaku was her only real friend there, it seemed like she would always get along with the boy, and he was very imported to someone she knew one day. She smiled and nodded at him "I do not remember him... but he makes my heart sore with i hear his name..." Kagome sighed grabbing her heart, Kohaku looked at the girl "Why do you love the boy?" he asked looking disapointed for some reason "I have no clue. He just...makes me feel... so complete." Kagome said and smiled at the thought of her silver haired hero. Kohaku smiled and lead Kagome to her room talking about her Inuyasha, He would ask a question and she would smile and ask with pure bliss, when Kohaku and Kagome reached her room , she huged him one more time and went inside.

Kohaku sighed in sadness as a hand touched his shoulder "You love the Miko... don't you child" A voice called. Kohaku turned around and saw no one.

"Kagome...," Kohaku said with a slit smile ", if i had meet you first... would I be the one you would have loved?" He wispered into the nights air.


Me: I am very sorry that i did not put this earlier and for taking soo long

Me: Of course i do not own Inuyasha so please do not complain about a disclamer