Chapter 1 - Broken Shower
So, this is my attempt at another fic. Have no fear, I have not forgotten about my other one. I hope you enjoy this:)
Lorelai groaned as her alarm clock went off. She rolled over and put her pillow over her head. Rory could hear the alarm from downstairs and she knew her mom was having trouble getting up. Besides, that alarm was really annoying.
"Mom!" Rory yelled as she walked into Lorelai's bedroom. "Wake up!"
"I'm up."
"I can see that." Rory said sarcastically.
"Go away."
"Get up!" Rory said as she began bouncing on her bed.
Lorelai sat up. "Don't you have school?"
"Yes. But I am ready to go to Luke's and you're not."
Lorelai groaned again as she stumbled over to her closet.
"Meet ya downstairs." Rory said
"That kid is too happy in the morning." Lorelai said to herself.
Lorelai picked out and outfit and laid it on the bed. She walked into the bathroom and went to turn on the shower, but no water came out. She turned it off and back on. Still nothing.
"Dammit!" she yelled. "Rory!"
"The shower doesn't work!"
"I took a shower last night."
"Good for you. Come help me please!"
Rory ran up the stairs and walked into the bathroom.
"So what's wrong?"
Lorelai turned the shower on and still nothing came out.
"I see." Rory said. "Let me try."
Lorelai steeped to the side and Rory tried turning various knobs and pushing things, but nothing helped.
"I guess you're not showering today."
"Yes I am. I'll call Luke."
"It's late, I gotta go."
"Did you have breakfast?"
"I'll grab a poptart."
"Ok bye sweets."
"Stupid shower. I'm never going to forgive you." she muttered.
"No more talking to the shower." Rory said as she left.
Lorelai stuck out her tongue and picked up the phone.
"Luke's." Luke answed.
"My showers broken and I tried to fix it but I think I just made it worse but I need to take a shower so can you come and fix it?"
"Yes. Who else would it be?"
"Right. Sorry."
"So can you come over?"
"Well it's kind of the morning rush right now and..."
"Pleeeeeeeease." Lorelai begged.
"I can hear your pouting over the phone."
"I'm good."
"I'll be right over."
"Yes! Thank you!"
Lorelai was making coffee when she heard a knock at the door.
"Hey." Lorelai greeted.
"Hey." Luke stared.
"Monkey pajamas?"
Lorelai looked down at her pj's. "Yeah. So?"
"How old are you again?"
"Shut up I love these!"
"I'm sure you do."
"You're just jealous."
"Yep. That's it. I've always wanted a pair of monkey pajamas."
"I knew it."
"So, broken shower?"
"Yes. Upstairs. Hi Bert."
Luke rolled his eyes. "Geeze."
"I was just being polite." Lorelai said as she led Luke upstairs. "There." she pointed at the shower.
Luke turned the shower on and off and on again.
"So can you fix it?" Lorelai asked.
"Yeah I think so."
Luke opened his toolbox and began working. Lorelai watched him for a little. She liked it when he fixed things for her. He was like her knight in shining armor.
"So can I get you anything?" she asked.
"Nope. I'm good."
"Ok. I'm gonna get some coffee. I'll be right back."
Lorelai poured herself some coffee and grabbed a bottle of water for Luke just in case he wanted it.
"I brought you some water." Lorelai said as she shut the door. There was a bang as the door knob hit the floor. "What the hell?"
Luke looked over at the door. "I can fix that too."
"Thanks Luke." she tried to push open the door but it wouldn't budge. Luke say her struggling to open the door and almost started laughing.
"It won't open." he said
"I can get it open with my tools."
Lorelai sat down on the toliet. "Stupid house." she muttered.
Luke resumed fixing the shower and Lorelai finished her coffee.
"Aren't you going to fix the door?"
"I'm fixing the shower now."
"I can see that. But I'm not about to take one while you're here."
"I didn't expect you to."
"If you fix the door I can do other stuff besides sit here."
Luke sighed and walked over towards the door. Lorelai smiled sweetly as he tried to make the door open. He was surprised that nothing he tried worked.
"Shit." he muttered.
" would you feel about me taking the door down with a hammer?"
"Nothing else has worked."
"You can't kill my door! I like my door. It's a good door."
"I know. But..."
"There has got to be another way."
"I'll try again."
So there it is. Please tell me what you think. Thanks:)