Disclaimer: regretfully the story of le phantom is not owned by me it respectfully the properties of Chagney estate and Leroux Family estate No copyright infringement is intended and sadly no money will be accepted from this work of fiction. However these are original works of fiction and are logged as such by Canadian law and by rights of being an original work are under copyright ©2005 Diamond L Ranch

(But by all means send roses chocolates and phantoms to me phantom_ & howlers accepted at no additional cost.)

Almost 10 years to date. Since that night, and every thing ended like it should have. Christine left with Raoul and were married shortly after. Upon returning from their honeymoon (and after much argument) Christine returned to the opera to a wonderful success.

Erik, our sad sad soul. Needless to say was broken hearted (could you blame him?) But he survived and after much urging from his best friend Nadir he returned to the north of France. Nadir had hoped that maybe coming back to lands of his youth would offer up a healing balm to his friends broken heart. And that they did and more. Moving into a rented cottage some 10 miles out of town; Erik learned to live again. And as fate would have it he learned to love another her name is Sabine, she is 27. And even though she doesn't know much of Erik's past in Paris, she just knows that it was troublesome; and that is enough for her. All she cares about is that he is hers and they have been married 9 years this August 26. Needless to say the wedding was beautiful. It took place on a hill overlooking Sabine fathers' vineyard on a bright sunny day. Nadir and Darius ever present at Erik's side as he pledged his life to her and she to him. Sabine is a woman of simple joys she loves, music, and good wine and great conversation. And a passionate husband didn't hurt either.

She found all of this and more in Erik. And she loved to make him happy. But his happiest moment came on their 1st anniversary when she announced that she was pregnant.

"To you amour for one of the happiest years of my life. You saved me and I am forever in your debt. " Erik said raising his glass as they sat on a blanket on the same hill that they were wed.

"To my darling, for the passion the love the music and the joy."

She said raising her glass likewise. They clinked glasses and sipped their wine and Erik leaned over and kissed his wife.

"My beautiful wife you make me so happy je t'aime."

"Je t'aime mon mari." She replied returning his kiss. "But..."

"But?" Erik asked raising his good eyebrow. (He didn't need to wear the mask around Sabine unless they had company)

"I have a wager for you," she said suspiciously as she scooped brie onto a cracker and fed it to him.

"A wager for me?" he said over his mouthful. "What sort of wager?"

"I'll wager an entire year of pampering that I could make you even happier than you are right now."

He gathered her into his arms, "And if you loose?"

" I will be your willing slave for eternity." she sighed.

"Hedging your bet aren't you?"

"Not really either way I win."

He chuckled. "Alright my darling I will accept your wager."

"Then it's a deal?"

"I swear by the ring on my finger. And a kiss on my lovely's cheek"

"Alright, here goes." Sabine said smiling, "I'm pregnant."

Erik let out whoop jumped up and pulled them to their feet. " Oh mon dieu cherie c'est possible?"

"Oui amour c'est la." She said pulling him close. "Are you happy?"

"Yes. You win. I shall serve my term willingly"

Nine months and 3 days later. Helene Maria Deveaux was born in the still of night as the full moon crested the mountains on May 29, 1897. And she is every bit her fathers daughter, spoiled but deservedly so. And a musical genius.

It is Helene's musical genii that prompted Erik to consider the idea of relocating his family to Paris again. He knew he was capable of teaching her but even as she entered her eighth year she had almost surpassed even him. She could write music, play piano, violin with wonderful emotion. And the world needed to hear her.

"Bon soir amour."

"Bon soir belle." He said slipping an arm about her waist and kissed her as they met in the foyer on the way to dinner." I have a thought."



"What is it?"


"What about her darling?" Sabine asked concern growing on her face.

"You have heard her play."

"Of course who hasn't?" She has a wonderful teacher."

"That's my problem darling." He said turning to look at her. "She is eight and she has already learned everything I can teach her. About music and everything else. Our daughter is a prodigy."

"Well every father thinks his child is smart."

"This is more than that." He said. "I think she could do better at the conservatoire."

"You want to send her away?" Sabine said angrily," Damn it Erik she is our only daughter."

"No! The last thing I want to do is send her away." He said caressing her face,

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to move us to Paris so that Helene can go to the conservatoire and come home every night. Darling I know the vineyard is all you've ever known. And I don't want to take you away from here really I don't but this is a good chance for Helene."

"And what after the conservatoire?"

"If she is good enough she will be employed by le palais de Garnier."

"I don't know. This is your world you understand so much more of that than I do. I know grapes and wines and I need to stay here to tend the business. You know Gerard is just the front man, I am the brains, Pappa left his business to me I can't let him down."

"Because she is so young Sabine the semesters will be short." he said feeling horribly torn between the love for his wife and the need to help his daughters' future.

"Maintain two houses?" Sabine asked.

"Of course I would never ask you to give up the vineyards."

"Isn't that what you are proposing?"

"No, darling. Listen to me Helene will study in the winter months; because she is so young that is the off-season for you. We could come home for Christmas and summer. And really Paris isn't that far away should you be needed you can return and I will stay with her. It will be horrible to stay away from you but it will make coming back all that more special."

Sabine smiled, "You've got this all planned out don't you? I think that's just another reason why I love you so much. But what about you? What will you do? You can't stay cooped up for 3 or 6 months."

"It's just a sacrifice I am willing to make for her future. I used to live in Paris darling I know how to survive there. What do you think?"

"Let me think on it for a bit. I really don't want to send her away but you're right she is smart and she is going to need children around her who are like her."

"Is that a yes?" Erik asked hopeful.

"Not yet." Sabine said and smiled as she kissed him.

'Mamma? Pappa? Are you coming to dinner? I'm hungry." Helene asked walking into the foyer. Erik scooped her up into his arms and held her close.

"What do you think Sabine? Do you think this one is fading away with hunger?"

"Fading away our Helene?" She asked, "Could it be possible? What ever would we do?"

"I'm not fading away" She pouted, "I'm just hungry."

"Well just hungry." Erik said kissing his daughter, "Although I could have sworn I named you Helene."

"I am Helene! " She said giggling

"But you said you were just hungry." Erik said tickling her.

"I meant I am hungry for food."

"Oh! Really? Well then mon petite what do you say we go and eat?" He said taking Sabine's hand and waling into the dining room.