Disclaimer: Don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Dedicated to: Sakurako Kimino, thanks for your beautiful work.


1. Savior - Selphie/Olette

After losing her island, everything left for her was fear. She survived, yeah, a lonely survivor, but even so… why did she survive for? What could she live for? There was nothing for her here in this other world, neither a way to keep going on all alone.

Or so she thought back then, and it would've probably been that way… if it wasn't because of the she, the one helped her when she most needed it, who gave her warmth and protection and that, even though she didn't know yet, had obtained a very important place in her heart.

2. Black God - For Hildebrant

So… you've came… Keyblade Master…

Here in the darkness, in the depths of the End of the Worlds, I've been waiting for a long time for your arrival…

I will show you the REAL POWER!! The TRUE meaning of FEAR!! I'll make you feel the heat of my evil flames, the most terrifying rhapsody you'll ever hear, the agony and anguish of the undead spirits under my command! Let me teach what is the SUPREME DARKNESS!!!

You… wielder of Keyblade, show me your light! This is a once in a lifetime battle, so make it worth!

Now… C'mon, let's dance!

3. Demon Heart - For Warp Ligia Obscura

For the first time in a long time, Sora was having a real hard time…

But… what was this guy!? Even Sephiroth wouldn't stand a chance against him!!

He wielded a long sword way much better than he, Mickey or Riku wielding keyblades, and those twin guns were lethal, yet all the power resided in that white haired and red coated bastard. Even his Gold Drive form wasn't that useful considering that guy's Transform Power, which remained Sora of his Anti-Drive form, yet the bastard didn't have problems with it.

"Having fun?" The Devil Hunter asked "Well, I'm sure am!"

4. Three X Two - For Warp Ligia Obscura

Keeping on his mission, now in the Underworld…

"Watch out!" Auron warned, and both men wearing red stepped back as the big guardian landed there.

"So…" He began, mocking as ever "This place has a puppy like this too"

"What? You've faced one like this before?"

"More or less"

Relaxing his stance, the white haired half-breed withdrew his sword and took out a triple-ended crystal nunchaku of VERY low temperature.

"What're you doing?"

"Just going to practice that summoning thing I learned from key-kid"

To make it simple, Auron never expected to see something like what he ended up seeing.

5. Farewell Times

"Aerith!" Leon called "We're leaving!"

But she didn't come, like she didn't hear him. Leon left the last package to Yuffie to load into their Ship and went to see her.


"I'm sorry"

He stayed by her side, listening…

"I know this is not our home, but…"


"We've been here for so many years… met so many people. Now all of them are gone, everyone to their respective world, just like we're going back to our, but…"

"I know" He said, placing his hand on her shoulder "I understand"

"All these memories…"

"…we'll never forget them. I promise"

6. Comrades - Sora/Maleficent

Were we… allies?

In those moments, she tried to help us, tried to take over the battle for us, and when things were even worse, she saved us, saved our hearts.

Why? Why would she do such thing?

Maybe she just wanted me to finish with the organization for her, if she was unable to do it by herself. So, was she just using me?

Yet… she risked her life…

But… even if it's because of us having enemies in common, it is the same, friendship apart, of my alignment with my partners.

We were allies… and we still are.

7. Development of Feelings - Riku/Mulan

It had started as gratitude…

"Sora told me what you did for our country, our world"

"C'mon! It wasn't so much"


"You guys were the ones that care of everything defeating that heartless, I was just trying to warm you, but…"

It turned to respect and admiration…

"But, if you wouldn't have showed up…"

"Nothing would have happened"


"Sora and his friends were there, and you too. I must say, with a woman like you, I just know this world is safe"

And finally… it was turning into something that was speeding up her heartbeats… something fascinatingly unbelievable…

8. Painful - Roxas/Larxenne

His patience DID have limit, regardless of what they believed. He would find answers by himself, so…

"Going somewhere, kid?"

Coldness. He didn't want to speak, less with her.

"I wouldn't if I were you. Something will happen"

"So be it" He replied "But let it be now"

Defy her. The truth or the end, little did it matter now, so better put everything on the line.

"Nah… I don't want to be the younger one again. Too much already being the only girl"

He was right -like she'd care-. Just keep going.

"Farewell, princess"

She hated that nickname, but…

9. Declaration of War

Kairi had never felt SO embarrassed before…

"So… cutie" Tifa teased "Do you like a romantic dinner? Or would you rather moonlight walk?"

She was trembling like an earthquake, face turning red, totally paralyzed and unable to speak.

"Or how about skipping all that and going directly to have fun?"

"Say no, SCREAM no!"

Ten minutes later, at the brothel's room (Yes, you've read right)


"Be gentle?" She anticipated "Oh, baby… prepare yourself for the ten most pleasurable hours of your life" (Yes, read right!)


The door was sent flying…

"Hands OFF!" Riku demanded.

"She's MINE!!" Sora added.

10. Way of Warriors

Explosion, Aerial Whip, Donald's Fantasia, Goofy's Teamwork, the Trinity Limit, and a lot of things more.

Day by day, battling the enemies, whoever they are, and always risking their hearts, always knowing that they might die… yet… always feeling so alive.

Day after day, the get more and more damaged, yet never die, and they eventually recover again. What does not kill you… make you even stronger!

Day and night, they make mistakes, learn from then, and make the same mistakes again: They gather more and more experience.

Every day… they become more than yesterday.

But one day… it'll end.


Author Notes:

Don't kill me, just leave a review.


Hildebrant: Thanks for all the help and support for the fanfic, mate! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter too and the drabble about Chernabog (Black God). Feel free to ask for anything!

Splat on the Floor: I must really thank you for the support and the complements; they really help me to keep going. Feel free to request any ideas you'd like, I'll make sure to make my best with them.

kai-frost: I'm glad you like it, and I guess you are a right. Sometimes I feel like this fanfic has little reviews considering the it's hits. Anyway, I hope you liked Chapter 13 (dedicated to the organization) and the 8º drabble of this chapter. Organization XIII will surely keep appearing in future chapters.

Warp Ligia Obscura: Well, I guess that if you've read Laryna's Centuries, you surely know where I got the idea. Sorry for delaying your requests, it's just that Chapter 13 was meant to be of Organization XIII. I hope you've liked the two drabbles I've made for you here.

Shunka Shuutou: Thanks for the support and for pointing out my mistake. I hope you liked the Kairi/Selphie.

Salem Saori: I'm really thankful for those long reviews; it really makes my day to have a review like that.

Black racoon: Thanks!

Ri2: I don't know, ask Ariel.

See you all in next chapter!