Oh yeah, I guess I should put this down: I do not own Outlaw Star, nor any of it's characters...obviously...otherwise this may have been part of the series...

- Aisha's P.O.V

It didn't take long to find Jim, he was easy to find since he was the only sixteen year old boy walking by himself down the streets. Not to mention I found listening for his voice easy as well. It sounded like he was...crying?

I walked up behind him and spoke softly so only he could hear, "Jimmy? Hey, what's wrong? You just ran off without your laptop, and I got worried."

Jim must have gotten scared by my sudden presence, because he nearly jumped when I spoke, "Oh, h-hey Aisha...yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for getting my laptop, I appreciate it."

"Jim, I could hear you crying, what's wrong?" I asked again

"You'd probably get angry about it...don't worry about it, I'll be allright." he replied glumly, trying to smile, and failing miserably.

"Jimmy, I'm your friend, you can...no, you will tell me what's wrong." I said with some sterness in my voice, putting my hands at my hips.

Jim sighed deeply and looked at me, then looked down at the ground, "You promise you won't laugh at me, or get angry?"

"Yes, now tell me what's the matter." I groaned while rolling my eyes.

He looked up at me, then a weak smile came over his face, "The only thing that's the matter I guess is that I'm afraid to tell, and maybe that it's wrong."

"How can I know if it's wrong if I don't know what the problem is?" I asked with a grin.

Jim laughed a little, "Heh, good point...the truth is Aisha...well," he held his breath,"I think I've fallen for you; I think I've fallen in love with the C'tarl C'tarl woman by the name of Aisha Clan Clan."

I stood there for a few seconds, speechless.

"Crap, I knew that it was stupid to tell you...sorry Aisha, I understand if you're mad at me. J-just pretend I never said anything." he turned, continuing to walk down the street to Starwind and Hawking.

I grabbed Jim's wrist, and pulled him towards me, maybe using a little too much strength, "You really feel that way about me?"

Jim nodded timidly, and then he whispered, "Ever since we left the those ancient ruins of the Leyline on that planet...I guess I was only about eleven at the time though, I was too afraid to say anything."

-Jim's P.O.V.

I was scared right now, really scared. I had just admitted that I was in love with Aisha Clan Clan, winner of the Strongest Woman in the Universe competition, former ambassador of the C'tarl C'tarl Empire...and the fact that she was a C'tarl C'tarl. I thanked the heavens there wasn't a full moon tonight. I prepared for a punch with the force of XGP's grappler arms, but instead...

"Good, that makes things easier for me." Aisha spoke.

"Huh?" I stood there with Aisha having a death grip on my left wrist, a dumbfounded look on my face.

"I guess I felt the same way...maybe a little earlier than you did, but still..." she began pulling me closer, and her grip loosened enough to let the blood flow back into my arm," I'm glad you feel that way too."

If I had ever felt helpless in my entire young life, it was now. Aisha had managed to pin me against a building wall, and mind you, she is unnaturally strong. She had me locked in her embrace (not that I was complaining), and she had complete and utter control of the situation. My heart was pounding like a gong being hit repeatedly, and I began to sweat. What really got me going was the way Aisha was looking at me. I swear I heard a whimper escape my throat, but I wasn't certain.

"You know Jimmy, I don't think you ever got a 'real' kiss from a girl before, have you?" she asked, her eyes had a blazing fire in them, and her voice a seductive tone to it. I think Gene would have probably wet himself by now out of fear, but I forced myself not to tremble from excitement and confusion.

"Jimmy, you haven't, have you?"

"I...uh...don't...um, not really..." I had no time to prepare myself. She closed the gap between us, and pressed her lips against mine. I froze up, my eyes as wide as dinner plates.

She put a hand behind my head and deepened the kiss. I was running low on air, and found breathing out of my nose to be of no use. After a few seconds, well, I saw them as hours, she pulled away. I was heaving in air, a small grin on my face.

"That was just an appetizer for what you'll get when you're older." she said with a wink, "Come on, it's getting late, let's head home."

"R-right..." I stuttered, following close.

As we began walking down the road, Aisha looked at me and smiled warmly to me. I walked up to her, and grabbed hold of her hand. She raised an eyebrow, then chuckled a little. Truth was, I was surprised too. It must have been quite the scene, a young C'tarl C'tarl woman with a sixteen year old boy who was just about touching her shoulders. Even after four years, I probably only grew three inches or so...destined to remain a shrimp I guess.

"Thanks Aisha, this was the best birthday gift ever." I said, wrapping my arm around her waist.

She laughed, then whispered in my ear, "Just wait until your eighteen,"

I think I blushed from peach skin tone to tomato red in less than a second after hearing the comment, and tried to remain composed. I swallowed nervously, and she giggled.

"W-wait, do you mean...?" I stuttered. Her only answer was a ruffling of my hair, and a kiss on the cheek.

When we got to Starwind and Hawking, I walked inside and yawned.

"Well Aisha, good night." I said heading to my room.

"G'night Jimmy."

I fell asleep almost immediately, but around two o' clock in the morning, I heard a knock at my door. I yawned, turned to my drawer at the side where a pistol lay, and spoke, "Who's there?" You never could be too sure with the reputation Gene's made for himself.

"Jimmy, it's kind of cold," I heard the voice of Aisha reply, then she opened my door.

"Oh...do you need some extra blankets? I can give you one of mine." I offered.

"Well, actually...I was hoping I could sleep with you tonight." she answered.

"...wait, are you-?"

"NO, NOT LIKE THAT!" she growled.

"Oh, yeah, I don't mind." I answered, scooting over for her.

Aisha was wearing what looked like a double XL T-shirt and underwear that I forced myself not to look down at. She crawled into bed, and sighed.

"Mmmmmm, this is nicer, and a lot warmer," she began scooting closer to me, then slung an arm over me, "You know Jimmy, C'tarl C'tarl females become very possesive of their mates at times as bond over time." she tightened her grip, and breathed in my scent.

"No problem with me." I said, enjoying her warmth.

"Good, so don't be surprised to find me sleeping next to you when you wake up from time to time." she chuckled, and I thought I heard what sounded like...purring?

"Aisha, are you purring?" I asked.

Even in the dark, I could tell she was blushing, "Yeah, C'tarl C'tarl do that when they're content like this sometimes. Is it bothering you?"

"No, truthfully, I like it." I laughed, leaning my head next to her neck where the vibrations were loudest. Then Aisha did something I never would have expected.

"...Aisha, did you just lick me?"

"Get used to it Jimmy. You're mine, so it's going to happen often." she answered with a yawn, pulling me closer.

"I look forward to it." I laughed, falling into a peaceful slumber, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

end of chapter 3- yeah, been quite a while since I've updated on any of my stories, the internet was down for almost two weeks at my house, but everything's working again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, I'll update soon...hopefully, lol.