Vegetable Fetishes

Disclaimer: I do not own Draco Malfoy or Harry Potter...

Summary: Draco decides that he really doesn't like a certain fruit.

AN: HI… I know I haven't posted anything in a while…. I hope you all haven't forgotten about me. ;) Please REVIEW!

Can't Elope


"What was that sound, Draco?" Harry instantly inquired.

"Sound?" Draco questioned innocently. "What sound?"

"The loud SPLAT sound," Harry replied, emphasizing the word 'splat' by clapping his hands together.

"I think you just might be delusional, honey."

Harry rolled his eyes but decided to humor his lover. Relaxing on the couch, he picked up yesterday's newspaper from the coffee table.


Harry set down the paper and sighed.

"What was that?" Harry asked.


"I know I heard something, Draco."

"Nope… just your imagination. Maybe you should get your head checked out?"

"Well you are certainly driving me crazy!"

"Exactly!" Draco declared triumphantly.

Harry scratched his head, completely confused by the blonde.


Jumping off the couch, Harry hurried toward the kitchen.

"AH HA!" Harry exclaimed just before he reached the doorway. He ran into the room, his fist raised in the air. He did not say anything though, because he was completely dumbstruck by the scene before him.

Draco was sitting cross-legged on the linoleum in front of the fridge. He had the fridge door wide open and there were pieces of smashed cantaloupe all over the floor.

"What?!?" Harry exclaimed in disbelief.

His mouth hanging wide open, Harry simply stared at the other man.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked after he regained his composure.

"I don't like cantaloupe," Draco stated simply.

"You don't like cantaloupe? You don't like cantaloupe, so you smashed it on the floor?


"What!?" Harry repeated, absolutely confused.

Draco crawled over on his knees and grabbed Harry's hand.

"You of all people should know that I hate being told no. I hate being told I can't do something…"

"Yeah..." Harry agreed.

"Well that's why I don't like this fruit, Harry."

Draco shifted and picked one knee up off the floor, putting the weight on his foot.

"D-dd-draco…" the brunette stuttered.

"Will you marry me Harry James Potter?" Draco proposed, pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket.

Harry smiled and walked over to the fridge that Draco had left open. After rummaging around inside, he finally pulled out a large cantaloupe and threw it at the floor.

"So…I'm taking that as a yes?" Draco asked, smiling.