Koenma POV

"Boton go get Hiei and bring him here"

"Right away sir"

I watched as the ferry girl went to go get Hiei. I know Milady told me not to tell Hiei but for his own good I must. No I have to I feel it is some how my duty but if she finds out I told him she'll kill me.

Flash Back

"You better not tell him about this Koenma"

"Bu…bu...But milady he deserve to know"

"No…he must not know I swear to kami that if you tell him…"

The threat was left in the air I knew that it was not good. I know why she doesn't want to tell but she still should or a least let me. But I know nothing would get through her.

"Good bye Koenma"

"Good bye…milady"

Flash Back

I watched as Boton came into my office with Hiei. I signaled for her to leave. 'Sigh' how am I going to explain this?

"Welcome Hiei please have a seat"

As I pointed to the chair I front of my desk I could see he was getting very suspicious.

"What do you want toddler"

I scrunched the nickname Yusuke give me boy did I hate it.

"Hiei I'm here to tell you about your sister"

"What about Yukina?"

"NO! Not her your younger sister"


'Sigh' I feel a headache coming on.

"When you were taken from Hina, your mother, by Ruri your mother was pregnant with your younger sister. Hina tried to keep your sister hidden when she was born but another villager found out and they took the baby away from your mother. The village then put the baby in a basket a throw her in the river. "

"Did Yukina know?"

"No Hina had a shack in the forest were she keep the baby so that the villagers only knew she had Yukina"

'Sigh' ok breathe Koenma just breathe"


"Well…While traveling down the river the basket went down a waterfall and washed up on shore. There a female kitsune found the baby still alive. For reason unknown to us the kitsune took the baby back to her den. The kitsune raised and trained your imouto with the rest of her kits. When she was about 5 the den was attack by bandits, the kitsune and but one of the cubs made it out alive. The bandits took your imouto and the kit with them"

"Who were the bandits?"

"They were the same ones you were with before you escaped. The bandits had attack the den a day after you left."

I watched as Hiei tensed for a second then I continued the story.

"The bandits taught her how to steal and fight. And since the kit didn't have a human form, the kit was keep as her pet"

I closed my eyes as I told the next part of the story.

"The Bandit often took turn molesting her when they didn't have whores or raided a village. And the leader…'sighs'…raped her when she was 9. He raped her a couple times after that. When she was 11 she wondered out of the cave they were staying in with the kit she name Nightmare and meet Shigure and he implanted the Jagan in her head like he did you. He taught her how to use it and she went back to the bandits. They didn't really notice she was missing since she was only gone for 3 days. When they noticed the Jagan on her head they got scared and tried to kill her but she tortured their minds and killed them. She and Nightmare wondered around in the west and was found by the King of Makai, Sesshomaru, and was taken in. She was trained in every type of weapon and perfected them all she was around 13 when she accomplished that. By then Lord Sesshomaru had taken a liking to her and adapted her as his daughter making her the heir even though she is a Koorime."

I could tell he was mad by the look on his face it was filed with a lot of emotions: hate, disbelief, but most of all anger.

Hiei POV

I tried to take in everything the toddler told me it was a real shocker I pretty much thought he was calling me on a mission not to tell me I have an imouto. I felt my own anger in the air and other emotion that I only get around Yukina when the goof touches her. I was about to call him a liar but one thing defiantly annoyed me.

"How do you know this?"

"She told me, but she told me not to tell you or Yukina, she is ashamed of herself a thinks she doesn't deserve to know you."

Kind of like how I feel, but there was one thing I had to ask.

"What is her name?"

"Her name is…Kagome"

AN: I apologize for the spelling mistakes.