
- Tortured Wings -

Chapter Two: We Meet Again

I think I fell asleep three times in the last fifty minutes. Wait, no, maybe it was more than that? I'm not sure, but every time I closed my eyes I felt someone kick my desk. Gawd, people are so immature these days!

I felt someone kick my desk again, and without even thinking, I turned around and chucked my pencil at the person behind me. Awesome. I have such good aim...oh shit! Out of all the people in the room to hit, I hit good 'ol Squallie. Yes, I know that's not his name, but I'll do anything to get him to have a fit. I swear he's like a walking statue sometimes.

"Yuffie," I heard him whisper in slight annoyance. Oh man, such a sexy voice.

I slowly turned back around and smiled at him, waving my hand. "Sorry 'bout that Squallie."

It looked like he was shooting daggers at me through his eyes. Creepy.


I shrugged my shoulders and turned back around. What a weirdo. He needs to learn to accept his real name, because Leon doesn't fit him as well as Squall does! Squallie reminds me of squirrels, which are cute, which reminds me of Squallie. Leon just reminds me of-

"Yuffie, are you paying attention?" the teacher asked me. Which was a no, because I was now slightly drooling at my previous thoughts.

I get off subject way to much.

No, I know what you're thinking. I do NOT like Squallie in that way. Yeah, he's cute, duh. But he's definitely got a thing for that prep Rinoa or whatever the hell her name is. The one girl with the blue cape thingy she wears to school everyday, kind of like superman but a different color... okay, I'm getting off subject again.

The teacher finally announced it was time to get into groups and work on our project we've all been assigned to. Sweet. I got Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa in my group. The quiet sometimes overly depressed boy, the sweet girl, and the annoying one (because there's no way you could consider me the annoying one).

"Yuffie, did you do your part last night?" Tifa asked me, nudging me in the shoulder. The three pulled their desks up to mine.

"Uh, maybe?" I said, laughing nervously. I hated when they all stared at me and gave me that look. You know, the look.

Aerith frowned at me. Great. Make me feel like shit, why don't cha.

"I swear I'll do it tonight plus whatever else I'm suppose to be doing tonight," I said.

"That's what you always say," I heard Cloud say. How would he know what I always say? Does he write down everything I say? Sometimes, I wouldn't blame him, some of the sweetest things do come out of my mouth from time to time.

I patted him on the back saying," Yeah, yeah. So, anyway, what's going on tonight?"

"I'm having a few people come over, you could join us if you want," Aerith said politely. She always had such a quiet voice.

I silently weighed my options in my head. Number one, go home and sit in my room all day and try to avoid Gaydo, number two, still try avoid Gaydo, and number three, try a little harder to avoid Gaydo. So many options, I didn't know where to start. Yeah, right.

"That sounds like a great idea," I finally said, getting approved nods from the others.

The bell rang, signaling it was time to go to lunch. Yippie!


Now maybe if there's three, I could take em out each in one minute.


But if there's more than three, I don't think one minute will be enough. But since I am an awesome ninja, maybe four minutes all together will suffice.


Or maybe...

I felt someone hit me in the head with a book, and as soon as I looked over Tifa was smiling at me sheepishly with said object in hand.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked, rubbing the new red bump on the side of my head. That was not a weak book, let me tell you. That was a straight up hardcover science book, and in no means was it easy on my head. I think I might have lost a few brain cells. Well, if there's any to lose. I think I've been hit in the head too many times.

Actually, now that I think about it-

"Yuffie, I'm going without you..."

"Oh hey, wait up!" I yelled as I hurriedly jumped out of my seat. I honestly couldn't tell you why, but I really hated going to the lunch line alone. I feel so dumb when everyone's just staring at me as I pick up every single piece of food they set out. I'm a fat ass, I know. By looking at me you wouldn't be able to tell, but I could probably eat ten double cheeseburgers in five minutes flat. Okay, I might be exaggerating a tiny bit. Just a little, though.

We got into line, and as soon as we hit the food I took as much as I could and shoved it onto my plate. Drumsticks, check, Coca Cola, check, fruit snacks, check, cheesecake... "What the hell!" I really need to learn to stop swearing, but right at that moment the cheesecake was in my sight, then disappeared! I glanced to the side of me to see the culprit. Familiar spiky black hair, gorgeous blue eyes... "It's you! You ass bag, that was so mine!"

He grinned up at me, waving the piece of cheesecake in my face. "Oh, this?"

Yes, that, you idiot. Gawd, why do people have to treat my like I'm some dumb ass?

"Give me that!" I reached out to grab it, but missed. Awesome. This asshole was not about to take the only thing that made me happy. Nuh uh, no way.

"You want it?"

"Yes, already! Stop it and give me it, you know it was rightfully mine," I argued.

The smile never left his lips. It made me more mad knowing he enjoyed this. Ugh!

"I am in front of you in line, so I think it's rightfully mine. Don't you?" His deep blue eyes looked like they were sparkling with amusement. He'll soon learn I'm not fun when I'm mad, ha ha ha!

"It was calling me," I said without even thinking. Damn, I'm so good.

He chuckled before dropping it on my plate. "You're welcome." He winked at me and walked off. Did he just wink at me? What is the world coming too!

"What was that all about, huh?" I heard Tifa ask me. Here we go again...

"Nothing, just some idiot who ran into me with his skateboard the other day! I nearly forgot, that idiot's going to pay!" I said between clenched teeth. How could I forgot him running into me? It was his hair that distracted me, yeah, that's it. Next time I see him he won't be that lucky. Nyuk Nyuk!

Tifa rolled her eyes at me. "You weren't looking at him like he was some idiot."

"Whaaaat? Of course I was!"

"You were kind of drooling, do you think he's cute?"

"GAWD, NO!" I still can't believe we're going here. Again. When it came to guys she didn't want to leave me alone.

We made our way back to the lunch table and sat down. Tifa still wouldn't shut up about that spiky haired ass. I swear if she didn't stop talking soon, I'm going to pop one to her! Bam!

"Are you guys talking about Zack?" Cloud asked, jumping into mine and Tifa's conversation.

"No," I said quickly.

"Oh, so you do know him?" Tifa was smiling now. It was never good when she smiled. Oh no, I can hear it already.

"He's a friend of mine," he paused to take a bite out of his chicken.

I didn't know Cloud had friends, weird.

"That's awesome," I said dully. "Let's talk about something else, like how a certain someone likes Cloud-" For the second time that day, Tifa hit me.

"Son of a-"

The bell rang, blocking out my potty mouth. I really really need to stop swearing. Maybe I'll put that on my to-do list.

And that's that. Do tell me what you think about it! Reviews are always appreciated, as well as Ideas.

see you soon!

Chapter 3: of Rubber Bands and Detentions