New Girls On Campus

The Surprise

Rating: Teen

Troy walked out of the gym at Syracuse University, with the rest of the team in tow. They had just played an awesome game, kicked USC's butt, 70-50. Of course, Troy the captain, scored 30 of the teams points. The team was laughing and talking about the game.

"Guys we need to celebrate," Greg said.

"Yeah, seriously, how about it captain," Jeff added.

"Ummm, I dunno, I am kinda tired," Troy said sarcastically and they all rolled their eyes, "Guys I am kidding of course we are going to celebrate." They all laughed and Troy high-fived his best friend and roommate, Matt.

Troy looked up and saw a beautiful girl leaning against a car, talking on her phone. He looked at her, smiled and shook his head. She hung up the phone and laughed. She ran over to him and jumped up to him, wrapping her legs around his waist. She passionately kissed him. The rest of the team ducked their heads trying not to look at the couple making out.

"Nice game tonight, hun," she said pulling away.

"Thanks babe, but I thought you weren't coming," he replied.

"Yeah, well I lied," she laughed.

"You are terrible," he replied.

"I know," she said flirtatiously and kissed him again.

Please R&R…I know it is short but I wanted to leave it at a sort of cliffhanger. Next time you will find out who the girl is.