Fitness Buddies or Lovebirds?
Author's Note

Okay, I'm really sorry to all my reviewers and anyone who was silently reading this story (like I do occasionally…cough) but I'm dropping this story. I've just lost all interest in it and let's face it, the second chapter sucked. I thought I was off to a good start but then all thought in it just flew out of my brain…

I truly am sorry. I'm filing this under discontinued and if I ever get inspiration, I'll maybe try and write for it again. Please realize it's not my fault…it's Eric's…-shrug-

Eh…concerning the topic of letting other people continue this story, I'm a bit unsure about. I don't know how I feel about letting other people take this…There are some people out there who have sticky fingers that would love to make this seem as their own…even though I don't know why, the story isn't exactly the best…whatever.

If you do want to take over the plotline, PM me (just go to my profile and send me one) saying you want to. I'll make up my mind if I'll share this or not. LOL I sound so big-headed, thinking someone would take this up. XD

I consider my stories my babies (because I'm really weird) and it's hard to let my baby go…-sniffle- It's like adoption or something…

Again, I'm really sorry. Please please please do not send me a review or PM saying how much you hate me for dropping this. If you're kidding, then feel free to because I feel absolutely horrible about dropping this story and it'll make me feel better. XD I shall go work on my other stories now...