Well this is my first fanfic here it'll be a very interesting pairing Bryan x Xiaoyu I like the pairing its a little odd

It had been three years since she last saw him, all her attempts at communication never answered she felt shot down. She used to be so happy but it was a deluded happiness. She remembered how each time she'd been near him, talked to him, how her heart leapt and fluttered. I was just a stupid kid she thought bitterly. It may have been only three years a fairly short period of time in the scheme of things but it was amazing how much she had learned. Xiaoyu had searched for Jin Kazama for three years, three years wasted. It was now just after the fifth tournament after Jin's harsh ungrateful violent actions she realised how clouded her perception was. She had joined forces with Yoshimitsu in order to save Jin. She wanted to help him fight his demons, but in the end he had succumbed and turned his back on her and did the unthinkable.

Jin had been her best friend, they had met when she was just sixteen. It was her first time in Japan and she was excited to meet everyone. Heihachi wasn't such a bad guy she thought back then and she was beginning to think maybe he was never really a bad guy, just her bias to Jin made her think otherwise.

There was so much to Jin that she had foolishly wished she had got to know more. He told her his family secrets, his heartbreak at losing his mother and of course about the devil gene. She admired his quiet strong aura, his love for his mother and for nature. Xiaoyu placed a lot of trust in him and looked up to him. They were close or so she thought, she closed her eyes and vivid flashes of the attack came back to her:
p A dark hooded silhouette walked away from the unconscious Heihachi Mishima. Xiaoyu and Yohimitsu watched from the shadows as it turned its head, snapped around to face where they were hiding, its heavy footsteps coming closer. Gulping nervously she slowly walked out from behind the concrete pillar, Yoshimitsu staying behind. The figure stopped removed its hood and there before her stood Jin Kazama.

"JIN, It's you! It's really you! I can't believe its"

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he interrupted in a most inhuman voice.

She stopped dead, looking at him disbelievingly.br"You know I told you to stay away, I told you to stay the FUCK away! Why didn't you listen!" his voice low and cold.

" Jin! We just.. We just wanted to help you." She said slowly.

"WE? You drag some other sorry fuckface in this"

"I mean me - I mean I wanted to help you, you said you needed my help remember that night before you left you said you wanted me to help you, to help you fight the demons. We've found - I mean I found a way to get the devil gene out!" she was grasping for the right words Jin didn't seem like himself.


"W-whats so funny?" her voice trembling yet now hurt and defiant.

"You don't know how much I've sacrificed for you! All the times I was scared for you, not knowing where you were, if you were ok or not! You were my friend and you fucked off for no reason. I cared about you, you bastard! You said you needed help, so I found it for you. I've been looking for you for three fucking years, and now you're telling me to fuck off! Fuck you Kazama"

Jin stood his face dark and sinister their was an evil bemused smirk on his marked face.

"Yeah I needed your help, I needed it alright. I just needed to do to you what it did to Jun Kazama HAHAHHAHAAA!" Xiaoyu was confused.

"Oh you were perfect Xiaoyu, just like Jun tell a few bleeding heart stories pretend to give a shit about how I'm affecting others with this horrible predicament of mine, HA so easy just too easy! You were all over me, it would have been so easy just to do to you what I needed Tears of anger and remorse were streaming down Xiaoyu's soft porcelain cheeks. "You see I needed to pass on my genes, keep my legacy alive but luckily for me and for you I've found a way to live forever, good Dr Abel has devised a way for me to become immortal, which means I don't need you anymore"

"You Bastard" Xiaoyu managed to spit out.

"Well I wouldn't want a child anyway not to you not ever, why should I pass my legacy on when I can have all the power"

"Jin you're crazy, this can't be you"

"It is me Xiaoyu, some people are just born evil, I guess I'm a born actor too"he smiled a sharp dead smile. His eyes boring into her red and bright, electric sparks engulfed her vision from the corner of her eye Xiaoyu could see Yoshimitsu lunging at Jin his katana raised. Then there was a bright flash and following darkness.

Now she was here, sitting in the hospital bed hugging her knees. Xiaoyu was deep in thought. Damn you Kazama she thought. It was a hospital owned and operated by the Mishima corporation only tekken fighters, zaibatsu henchmen and those in organised crime with suspect injuries were ever emitted here. The surroundings were what you would expect of a hospital. Cool and air conditioned quite plain. Xiaoyu had the curtains drawn around her for privacy.
She had almost drifted off to sleep when she heard the clicking of high heels on the white tiled floor. In came the nurse.

"Good evening Miss Ling how are you feeling"

"Better I guess" she smiled half heartedly.

" That's good to hear, we'd like to keep you here for a few more days though" The nurse said kindly she was a short stout woman, but she was pretty her fleshy face was kind and gave her a youthful appearance. Xiaoyu smiled warmly.

"That won't be neccessary, it'd be better for me to rest up at home I think"

The nurse looked at Xiaoyu worried, the girl had been dazed and a world of her own since she had regained conciousness the day before.

" Whoever attacked you Miss Ling did a hell of a job, do you know what your injuries are?" Xiaoyu looked at the nurse perplexed, no she thought. It was a question that snapped Xiaoyu back into reality. She had been too busy going over her actions for the past three years, too busy reliving Jins cruel words.

"Miss Ling you've suffered some mighty severe burns, bruised some disks in your back which resulted from a very hard fall, you fractured your left arm and your collarbone. Not to mention also the number of stitches we put into you to sew up those horrific lacerations." The nurse looked at Xiaoyu again worried by the way the young Chinese girl was bringing her hands tentatively about her body, feeling her wounds as if she hadn't realised her injuries.

Her legs Xiaoyu noticed were bandaged, she noticed how there was terrible pain in the left side of her body, noticed how there were stitches, long rows of them on her upper arms stretching towards her neck. How heavy her cast felt on her left arm, she could feel it all now.

"You're lucky we found you in time, the burns on your legs will heal but there will be scarring. We did our best with the skin grafts though, so hopefully it won't be overtly noticable with time. That goes for your laceration wounds as well the Doctor made sure that there is as little scarring as possible. Everything else will heal fine as long as you take care not to bump yourself around too much"

Xiaoyu was numb, she looked at the bandages surrounding her legs seeing the seeping of blood and clear liquid escaping from beneath. Great she thought what a lovely momento Jin Kazama and his bizarre and hurtful goodbyes.

The nurse stood for a moment holding her clipboard to her ample chest, staring sadly at Xiaoyu who was close to tears. Xiaoyu looked up at her and tried to smile.

"And how's Yoshi?" Xiaoyu asked smiling inside thinking about the crazy ninja cyborg. The feeling was short lived when she glanced back at the nurse.

The nurse cast her eyes down and exhaled softly, thinking of the best way to break the news "Miss Ling, I'm sorry to tell you there was little much we could do for him"

"No, you can't be serious, he can't die, what is he like half machine!" she was just pleading with herself. She should have known he wouldn't have survived he would have bared the full brunt of Jins power.
" Yes machine but also human, no human could have survived such horrific burns and to my knowledge they seemed to have been electrical almost like he was struck by lightning,the parts of him that were made of metal turned him into a giant conductor"

"I..I...I killed him, I shouldn't have involved him into it." Xiaoyu started sobbing
" He didn't deserve this, he was a good guy, he helped me so much. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID"

The nurse puts a soft plump hand on top of Xiaoyu's. Its a comforting touch.
"Miss Ling, whatever happened, it wasn't your fault, just be happy that you are alive and relatively well. All scars heal given time." The nurse had a maternal aura about her Xiaoyu was grateful for her comfort.

The nurse tapped Xiaoyu's hand lightly and started to turn towards the door.
"Before I go would you like anything, a drink, some pain killers"
"No that's Ok,I'd like to be alone now.." whispered Xiaoyu

Well poor Xiaoyu is sort of deformed, don't worry though what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, next chapter Xiaoyu gets a surprise visitor..