Author's Note: Hello everyone! I'm back, the former Mione Wazlib, in the form of Ginny Wazlib. I've deleted all of my Harry Potter stories because they were stupid and now I'm writing a poem for our Father. I still like Harry Potter but I don't "worship" it, which is a good thing now! I hope you all enjoy this poem, and for those of you who don't, I'm sorry. Here we go!

My Thank-You-Note to God

I used to think that nothing else mattered,

Nothing but me and my fandoms.

But when I found out,

That nothing really mattered,

Except for Him,

I tried to run away, just like you.

Now things have changed,

Because I believed.

I believed in Him and I accepted Him.

Now life is full of sun,

And every cloud has a silver lining.

I've learned to be civil, to not need the last word, to be the better person.

I've learned to take the high road: His road.

Words cannot hurt me anymore.

Not even words from Satan.

Because I have words from God holding me up.

I have a meaningful existence and a purpose for getting up,

And I couldn't be happier!

Thank You, Father!

Author's Note (again): Well, how was it? I hope you enjoyed it; I tried my best, but all of it is true. I thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and hope the rest of your day is great. I know I will receive hate mail (or "flames," if you will) for this, but for every teaspoon of anger and hate thrown in, there are always at least three cups of love and happiness being thrown in! Words don't bother me anymore, like it says in my poem. I know that I am better than Satan and so are you! One must remember to keep your chin up among the wolves and bask in God's glory every day. You'll be surprised how much it helps! Thank you once again for reading this and God bless all of you!