Hey everyone! This is the final chapter of Adrift. I know...WHAAAA!!! But don't worry! -wipes the tears from your eyes- I'll be writing more stories soon! -hands you a cookie-
And thanks too all my faithful reviewers, but especially...
Thankies for all your reviews! Please excuse me if I forgot anyone that reviewed almost every chappie. Review this last one and I'll put a special authors note to you after the final chapter! Well...here it is...the FINAL chapter of Adrift!
The gummi ship blasted through the depths of space, raging on towards Hollow Bastion. With Sora at the wheel, it would only take another ten minutes to reach the world at which he was aimed. They had been traveling for about twelve hours, and Sora, who you would expect to be exhausted, was wide awake, his eyes fiery and his spirit set aflame with intense furry. He mumbled to himself occasionally, cursing Ansem, encouraging his ship to move faster, telling Kairi to hold on. He had many doubts that Ansem had even kept Kairi alive, and had just given him that hope to lure him to the castle, and reveal her dead rotting corpse to him when he arrived. He was the destroyer of light...
"Sora...we're here." Donald's incoherent quack cut into Sora's thoughts, and he snapped out of his mind. He glanced up from the beeping controls and surveyed his surroundings through the window. All he could say about the place was...
"This place needs some remodeling." He stepped out of the ship and onto the ground, shaking his head at the large castle in front of him.
"How in the hell are we going to find Kairi in there? There must be a million rooms!" Sora cried, punching the metal exterior of the Gummi ship with his fist. The sound rang out, echoing past the waterfall, and through the walls of Hollow Bastion. Donald patted his arm, and said.
"She'll be in the dungeon. Come on...there's not time to be wasted." at this, Donald took off in a sprint towards the large metal doors of the castle. Goofy followed, waving at Sora to as well. He hesitated, then threw back his head and screamed.
"KAIRI!!!!! I'M COMING!" and dashed of after his companions.
"Kairi...I'm Coming..." The scream, like the slam on the metal of the gummi ship before it, pierced the not-so-solid walls of Hollow Bastion, and traveled through the many rooms of the castle. Ansem was the first to hear the scream, which sounded like no more than a whisper to his ears. His eyes shot up from the computer he was typing on to listen. A slight grin broke his features as he whispered evilly...
"Hmmm...Sora." his maniacal smile remained as he rushed through the doors of the computer room, towards the main hall.
Am I...blind? Maybe there is light in this room, but Ansem has blinded me to it. No...if he had done that I couldn't have seen him before. I didn't know it was possible for it to be this dark...or cold...or lonely. Kairi's face was a mask of tears and sweat, the stinging of her eyes nothing compared to that of her heart. There was nothing to do BUT weep, for there was nothing in the room to keep her mind busy, nothing to keep her thoughts not focused on the dark or loneliness. She touched her head gingerly, wincing when she felt the large bump and gash on her head where Ansem had kicked her. Warm, thick blood oozed in between her fingers, and fresh tears worked their way out from behind her eyelids.
"Kairi...I'm coming..." Kairi sat up swiftly, then groaned from the pain in her abdomen where Ansem had yet again kicked her. The voice was an answered prayer, a light in her utter darkness, hope in her hopeless situation. "Sora..." she whispered, the first smile in days, though a small one, creasing her lips.
"One...two...THREE!!!" Sora, Goofy, and Donald heaved, attempting to move the heavy metal door to the castle. They all smiled when a crack of light appeared on the ground, signaling the door was opening. "Alright...again...one...two...TH-huh?" As they were about to push on the door again, it suddenly swung open, causing all of them to fall on top of each other.
"So. I see you all decided to...'drop' in." a barking laugh escaped Ansem's lips as he peered down at the trio. "Come in...come in...don't be shy..." he motioned all of them to step across the threshold. One by one, Sora, Donald, and Goofy all followed Ansem in the castle.
"Now...I suppose you want to s-" Sora but into Ansem's drawl and screamed,
"You...rip me apart? Hehehe...don't be foolish, boy. Now, to answer your questions...Kairi is in the dungeon. You'll have to find out what I did to her yourself...but my...is she fun." Ansem grinned at Sora, who began to quake with anger.
"What...did...you...DO?!?!?!" Again, Ansem smiled, exposing his yellowing canines.
"Oh...nothing much...just...messed with her..." With this, Sora withdrew his keyblade, seething. Ansem chuckled, snapping his fingers, and summoning his guardian.
"Alright boy...we'll do this the hard way..." and with that...the battle began.
"WHERE'S KAIRI!?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!? IF YOU HURT HER I'LL RIP YOU APART!" Again, Sora's voice cut through the darkness of Kairi's cell, causing her to jump with surprise. He really is here...hurry Sora... Kairi thought, brushing away her tears.
Sora leaped to the side as Ansem's guardian swiped at him, causing it to miss completely. As the guardian's arm was almost done striking, Sora rebounded off the floor, and soared into the air, his keyblade raised. As he descended, he brought it down on the mid-shoulder of Ansem's body-guard, slicing the arm off completely. It screamed in pain and jumped backward, causing it to slam into Ansem, and knocking him off his feet.
"Guardian!" Ansem shrieked as Sora leapt at him, and brought his blade down on his abdomen. Just as it connected, the creature with one arm grabbed Sora around the middle, throwing him to the side. He slammed into a wall as Ansem regained his footing, the wind temporarily knocked out of him. Just as Sora was rising to his feet, the Guardian rushed at him, bringing his fist into the side of Sora's face. Sora was thrown up against the wall again, attempting to block all the blows from the Guardian. He failed miserably, and was pounded left to right. He screeched in pain, and fell to his knees. It all seemed hopeless...
A scream of pain echoed through the walls of the castle, reaching Kairi's ears. She sat up and listened harder, but hearing nothing, knew something was wrong. The scream sounded like..."Sora...he's in trouble...please Sora...you can Do it..." then with the all the energy she contained, she cried with all her might,
"SORA!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! KILL THAT BASTARD!" then, she sunk to the floor, unconscious.
"SORA!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! KILL THAT BASTARD!" this, through the beating he was receiving was heard loud and clear through Sora's ears. Kairi...KAIRI!!! Sora gritted his teeth, fury rising up from within his soul, rage engulfing his being. He rose from his knees, surprising the guardian and Ansem alike, bringing his keyblade up with him.
"TRINITY!!!!!" he cried, and a light brighter than any other exploded through the guardian, diminishing him to a pile of ash. Sora's focus turned to Ansem, who stared wide eyed at the smoldering ashes of his protector.
"Now...you get yours." Sora laughed mercilessly, and leapt high into the air, his keyblade raised above his head menacingly. He switched positions as he reached the ceiling, moving his feet upward and his head pointed at the ground. As his feet touched the hard roof, he pushed off, launching himself towards Ansem. When he reached the man cowering below him, Sora brought the blade down into the skull of Kairi's antagonist. Blood spurted across the hard metal floor, the keyblade crushing through this brain, neck, and stomach, slicing Sora's opponent completly in half. As Sora's weapon clanked onto the floor, each side of Ansem's body fell to the right or left side of the blade, a dull 'clunk' ringing through the hall as the skulls hit. Sora, panting like a mad dog, remained on one knee for a moment, sweat dripping from his nose and onto the floor. After a moment, he felt a hand plop down on his shoulder, and a small voice beside him.
"Sora...come on...we have to find Kairi." Goofy said, trying not to focus on the carcass below him. Sora nodded, and stood, walking away and leaving the body behind.
(AN: YAY!! FLUFF! After this horrifying part of the story there is some romantic releif. lol.)
I don't know how much longer I can live like this Sora...it's too dark...to frightening...too cold... Kairi shivered, and hugged her knees to herself, fighting to keep warm in her freezing, moist cell. Salty drops of torment fell from her already searing eyes, and onto her knees, where all of the others had. Suddenly, footsteps echoed outside of her cell, and a voice rang through the dungeon.
"Kairi!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!??" SORA!
"Sora...I'm here..." she managed to yelp. A few moments later, her door swung open and the light greeted her eyes, stinging fiercely. As her eyes adjusted, she saw none other than her one true love, standing in the doorway.
"Kairi...my god...what...are you...Kairi." Sora rushed over to the cowering girl in the corner, her lavender eyes alight with fresh tears of joy. He kneeled down, caressing her body tenderly, hugging every inch of her he could. He kissed her eyelids, cheeks, kissed away the tears of sorrow. He then lent down, and kissed her lips passionately, his own tears mingling with hers. After a few minutes of affection, Sora helped her to her feet, and hugged her fully. After a while, they broke, smiles alight on their faces. Sora reached down and grabbed his lover's hand and whispered...
"You don't have to worry about him any more Kairi. He's gone..." For the first time in days, both of them smiled, and hugged again. Sora released her, and looked deeply into her lavander eyes. His stare grew nervous after a minute, as he lowered himself to his one knee, continuing to grasp her hand.
"I'm so sorry I don't have a ring for this but...Kairi...will you marry me?" he asked, his trademark grin engulfing his handsom features. Kairi giggled, and nodded her head, more tears, though not painful, unhappy ones, spilling down her cheeks. Still smiling, Sora stood, and kissed her again, his strong arms wrapping around her small frame. Kairi smiled, the feeling of utter security washing her, comforting her. For the first time in the last few days, days that the dark had taunted her, days of torment, she felt safe...she was with her one true love once again.
Wellllll??? How was it? Oh, and to all my reveiwers let me say this...SEQUEL!!! Yes, I have decided to make a sequel to his story, about Sora and Kairi's married life. Well, please reveiw for this, and when I get enough reveiws, I'll start on the sequel. Hope to see you all soon! -Tina