
Summary: James catches the musical bug and bemoans his sorry state with Lily through song-much to the chagrin of his friends.

Disclaimer: I do not own or pretend to own anything recognizable from the Harry Potter series that I acknowledge to belong to J. K. Rowling. The song 'Sandy' comes from the movie Grease and also does not belong to me.

A/n: I must simply be begging for flames with this…I don't know when Grease came out do if it actually came out after the Marauder era, let's just pretend it didn't. Oh and thank-you to JS for her help with some lines in this.

The paragraphs after the asterisks are the ones James is singing


"James Potter-I am not interested in you! Nor will I ever be! So lay off!" Lily Evans stormed off in a huff.

James is left standing in the middle of the street. He begins to sing…

Stranded at Hogsmeade

Branded a fool

What will they say

In the locker room

"Please don't tell me he's singing." Remus whispers to Sirius and Peter from where they have been watching their friend.

"He's singing." Sirius said after a while

Dmnit, Padfoot, I told you not to tell me that

Lily, cant you see?

I don't jinx Snivelly…

I got a kick

Coz I'm a prick

Now there's nothing left for me

Love has flown

All alone

I sit and wonder why-y-y

Oh why, you hate me

Oh Lily…

"How many times have we asked him to only sing in the shower?" Peter asked cringing

"Not often enough, obviously." Remus grimaced "You reckon we should go there and stop him?"

"And admit we know him? No way!" Sirius ducked out of sight.

Oh Lily! Baby!


When Voldie is gone…

Somehow, someway…

Our two worlds will be one…

In heaven forever…and ever we will be

Oh please, say you'll date…me oh, Lily

"Off his rocker he is…" Peter covered his ears

"We have got to stop this…" Remus muttered through gritted teeth.

"No wait…looks like he's just about stop singing" Sirius looked hopeful

James had stopped singing but…

"Lily, my darlin'

You hate me real bad

You know its true.

But, baby, you gotta believe me when I say:

I truly do love you…

"Is that any better than his singing?"

Love has flown all alone…

I sit…I wonder why-y-y

Oh, why…

You hate me…oh Lily!

"This is getting out of hand!" Sirius was getting worried.

"I told you we should have head him off before he got worked up." Remus snapped "I cant think straight now"










"Oh, Lily…"