1Disclaimer - aw, don't make me repeat myself! I don't own okay?

Violent Wasteland

"O-oh God! P-please, G-god! STOP, GOD, DON'T HURT ME!"

Naruto grimaced slightly at the horrified scream, tucking his head deeper into his jacket. He really hated it when the Boss made them listen in on his torture sessions. It was just...fucking gross.

Flicking his eyes to the right, Naruto quietly studied his friend's reaction to the yells. Kiba continued to hum as he ripped pieces of jerky for his Shepard Akamaru, not even a twitch for the man currently dying close by. Now, the blonde knew he'd himself participated in a thousand of these 'sessions,' but found he still couldn't be that bloody calm.

And it pissed him off.

Puffing out his chest with false bravado, the blonde struggled to harden himself against the screams, his twitching eye the only sign of his discomfort.

"Heh. Nice try, Naruto. Why don't you think of something else. That usually helps."

Naruto released a huge sigh of air, a self-deprecating glower aimed towards his friend.

"You'd think this wouldn't bother me. Fuck, Kiba, I've killed men with only my fists and teeth, and listening to this shit turns my stomach."

Kiba patted his dog fondly, as the pup licked his master's hand in a returning gesture of gratitude.

"It's different when you listen to a man die. Much different from when you're hopped up on adrenaline, fighting to the bone to see which one has the right to live. I don't like listening to this disturbed crap anymore than you do, but the Boss is try'na teach us somethin'; somethin' important."


Naruto shifted in annoyance. Christ, he wanted to kill the stupid fuck himself, just to make the damn screaming stop!

"Oh yeah? Like what, Kiba?"

He shrugged. "Hell if I know. He's the Boss, it's impossible to tell what the fuck he thinks anything he does is going to accomplish."

Naruto blinked for a moment. "Kiba?"


"You're an idiot."

Kiba growled and punched the blonde upside his head.

"Ow! The hell didja do that for?"

Still cursing under his breath at his so-called friend, Kiba reached for the cell phone he felt vibrating in his pocket. He grumpily scanned the caller ID.

Number Unknown.

Frowning, he flipped it open.


"I got you boys what you needed. Be at the Charemonte Hotel, room 696, one hour. Tell your boss I want my money wired to the off shore accounts I gave him. I will know if it's been transferred or not."


The dial tone now ringing in his ear, Kiba shoved the phone back into his pocket and moved quickly to deliver the news.

He inched the warehouse door open, just enough to catch a whiff of stale blood and urine. "Boss! That Ten Ten chick just phoned, she said we got an hour to get to this hotel to meet the merchandise!"

Gaara slowly slid his eyes up at the shout, annoyance evident in his face at the interruption. Deftly, he wiped clean a blood soaked scalpel, and placed it back into his case of implements, as he sighed over not being able to kill his little 'toy' like he wanted too.

The snitch currently tied up and bleeding his life out onto the floor had been responsible for the incarceration of over a hundred of Hatake's men. So, in tried and true fashion, Gaara had been dispatched to take care of this 'problem' with his special brand of pain.

Kakashi liked him because he was good at a mind fuck.

Smirking coldly, the redhead turned and watched the slow, watery breathing of his victim, as the man struggled valiantly to stay conscious.

"I'm sorry you and me couldn't prolong this longer. I was having such a good time too." He clucked his tongue with amusement. "You know what I think? I think you stupid teenagers just don't have the stamina your betters have. Can't keep up with me at all, and that's a shame."

Gaara hooded his moss colored eyes, as he slowly licked the blood from his fingertips.

"A crying shame."

Retrieving a gun from one of his shoulder holsters, he pressed the muzzle against the other man's forehead, an insane grin stretching his lips. He didn't need to imagine some fantasy elsewhere to cope with what he was about to do, and that fact alone would always separate him, the Boss, from his loyal lackeys.


The resounding bang didn't bother Naruto or Kiba much either, but it startled a couple seagulls from their perch on the wharf, as they quickly flew off in the direction of the sinking sun.

One hour, Charemonte Hotel, outside room 696

Gaara blinked at the gold-painted numbers, raising his hand to knock sharply on the door.

"It's open!"

Slowly twisting the knob, he stepped through the entry way, taking stock of his surroundings with a single glance. It was spartan, clean, and smelled faintly of the perfume found in department stores. Gaara grunted at the thought. He really hated perfume and department stores.

"Ah. Mr. Sabaku. So glad you could make it with-" the woman seated on the bed glanced at her wrist watch, "-only minutes to spare."

The redhead said nothing, moving further inside to where he could see, and catalog, the room's only noticeable occupant. She was a fair skinned young woman, mousy brown hair tied in two pigtails - which he figured were meant to give her childish look and thus have men underestimate her - and a simple red Chinese dress, slit to the thighs to provide her movement.

Or a tactic to seduce.

"You know...Uchiha said you were an excellent assasin, but he never mentioned anything about how handsome you were. I do so have a thing for red heads."

Gaara rolled his eyes at the simpering bitch. He had to end a perfectly good torture session for this kind of crap? Thank heavens he'd never particularly liked the 'fairer' sex, as they were far too conniving for his tastes.

"Where's the merchandise?"

The woman smiled in a coyish sort of way that made Gaara's skin crawl.

"Oh, I see. All business, just like the Uchiha."

Gaara chose to remain silent.

Sighing, Ten Ten adopted the same business like manor, her girlish tone instantly evaporating.

"I saw only half the agreed upon amount has been paid to me. Why is this?"

Gaara grinned darkly, enjoying the fact he could make her skin crawl too. "...Insurance. You'll receive the rest upon closure of our deal."

"...And," she cleared her throat, moving her eyes restlessly away from him, "how do I know that you'll keep your word?"

He held up a cell phone. "I'll make a call before leaving this room, and you can check your balance then."

"...Alright. That seems fair."

The red head nodded.

"Wait here a moment, please."

Moving silently into the next room, Ten Ten couldn't help the shudder that wracked her body. The man was like a crazy...fucking raccoon! His smile was a sick, twisted version of happiness!

Fiercely she promised herself that this was the last time she helped out a friend, on either side.


Tall, and cooly confident, the uncover cop stepped out from inside the bathroom, quickly mopping up the water he'd splashed across his face. His features were stony as he looked towards the female.

It seemed it was time to begin the show.


Some twelve hours previous... (Italicized, bold, signals a flash back, instead of a change of scene)

"I'm glad you decided to take on this assignment Hyuuga. Though Aburame is every bit as capable as you are, I believe your natural tenaciousness will suit this case better."

Neji inclined his head deeply, accepting the praise with neither theatrics of modesty nor boastfulness. He saw this statement for what it was; simple, unassuming fact.

"However," Tsunade looked up pointedly from her paper work, "I expect you won't let that ass stubborn personality of yours land you in a pile of shit."

Neji blinked stupidly, unable to ascertain where exactly the grudging praise had morphed into bitting insult.

"Uh, ma'am?"

"You heard me Hyuuga."

Neji growled darkly, choosing the later of two evils and remaining silent. The last thing he needed to do was piss off the woman giving sanction to his new assignment.

Though he could think of a couple 'particular' words to describe her personality as well.

She smiled that cruel smile again. "You're one fatalistic bastard, Hyuuga, and it amuses me to watch your natural instincts battle against that inevitable belief."

Neji was probably saved from being fired - even if they did have a rather close working relationship, he doubted assault would be something a Precinct Captain would tolerate - by the phone ringing at that moment.

Tsunade frowned and snatched up the receiver. "What!" She paused. "Right..."

Neji just rubbed a temple, looking on in irritated silence.


Making vague, noncommittal sounds every once in a while,Tsunade continued to listen intently to whoever it was that spoke.

"Well tell him we don't have the man power to-!"

His eyes widened at the pinched, unhappy look that came across her face, which usually only occurred when she was being cut off. Neji wondered for a moment just who had the power to infuriate his Captain so much, and wished, silently of course, he could shake said person's hand.

"Graaah! Yes, fine, oh dearest fucking brother 'o mine! Good day!"

Shifting her eyes uncomfortably, she spun her chair around so as to be out of view of the now curious Neji Hyuuga.

She mumbled quietly, but he still caught what was said, and couldn't stop the amused snort that escaped him.

"Err, Iloveyoutoo, Jiraiya."

With a bang the phone was hung up, and Neji schooled his features back into his usual mask of inscrutability, as the captain whirled herself around again.

She didn't look embarrassed at her parting words, however, but instead looked preoccupied, and just a little bit more like the fifty year old woman she was.

Neji, though he'd never admit it, was very concerned by this change of mood, but opted not to voice his thoughts. He instead pushed it to the back of his mind where other things that were none of his business lingered, and if the Captain wanted to tell him about it, well, he would listen.

Tsunade began again. "...Anyway, as you know we've managed to find a little hole for you to crawl through into the ranks of the Syndicate. Your contact will be a woman named Ten Ten, and the less you know about her, the better. The person you will pose as will be Nori Ishikawa(1)," She handed him an envelope containing one ID and one credit card under his now, assumed name. "Make sure you remember that. We've falsified a couple credentials as to your 'profession' from now on, but as soon as you learn of your target, you inform us immediately. We'll put him under heavy guard, so that a sniper assassination won't be the optimal method for these people. They are, after all, like the proverbial 'snake in the grass' and wouldn't want to cause a large debacle. Silent-but-deadly is their M.O."

Neji nodded as he assimilated this information, but still felt one small detail bother him.

"Captain-" He paused for a moment, unsure as to how to word was he was about to say. "Tsunade. Do you think that...that these people could be responsible for my father's..."

Tsunade let her eye's soften a little, and interrupted him before he could finish. "I'm not sorry to say no, Neji(2)...Christ, I don't give a fuck what family you come from. Your still too fucking young to be doing this, especially when your doing it in part for revenge. Fucking Hyuugas."

Neji sighed and gave a small chuckle in reassurance of his Captain. Like he needed a mother. He'd already had one, thank you very much.

"Look, your father's murder was over ten years ago, and this latest wave of assassinations, really kicking high gear only three years ago, is completely different in pattern. And I would also think the assasin would be quite a bit older now, and probably not up for the mass wave murdering that's gone on."

He was quiet for a moment. "...Do you think this guy I'm going to meet is the one responsible for all of them? The assassinations, I mean."

"...Possibly. But there's enough deviation in the murders to suggest other sects of assasin too. Heh, perhaps they're vying for the position of Kakashi Hatake's number one for-hire, high profile assasin."

Neji was silent, so Tsunade took this as her signal to continue.

"That bag," she motioned to large, black duffle in front of her bookshelf,"has any and all gear you may need. A rifle, two automatics, some Teflon body armor, and," she coughed, "a couple little odds and ends I had lying around my private collection. You never know."

Neji lifted an eyebrow. "Captain Tsunade, is that even legal?"

She glared in return. "Do you really think anyone in this whole dirty Precinct, is going to really give a shit what I give you?" She sighed. "Hyuuga, you know even Aburame could walk out of this place with twenty kilos spilling from his pockets, and not be looked at twice."

He grunted softly. It was a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.

"And just one of the reason's I haven't mentioned any of this business to anyone. As far as they know you're going on a vacation." She grinned, feeling suddenly vindictive. "With a woman. A hot woman. With big ass hooters."

Neji smirked as he stood, and moved to gather up his bag full of 'party favors.' Before he exited the room, however, he couldn't help one final parting shot, even if it was uncharacteristic of him.

"Hm. But Captain, I thought this was my 'vacation,' not yours?"

He chuckled evilly as he slammed her door, hearing the screams of outrage that were coming from inside.

Hotel Room, Present

"He's creepy, Neji. Watch yourself, okay?"

Neji glanced down at the petit woman, managing, although with great effort, to give her a small reassuring smile.

"Ms. Ten Ten, it's Nori now. And thank you for the warning, but it's not required."

She sighed and grabbed a wool shawl from a chair that had been sitting near a window.

"Sorry, but Ms. Tsunade doesn't want one of her best working cops injured. Or worse."

He grunted irritably, wanting to slap the woman for her foolishness. Dammit, the man who'd be hiring him to kill people was standing in the next room, and she was blurting out all these things? She might be dooming him herself, if she didn't shut that trap of hers.

Neji rubbed at the bridge of his nose. He could feel a headache coming on, but that was what he got for barely sleeping the night before. No wonder he'd been feeling so unusually bitchy that day.

"Ready to go, Neji?"

But then again, he might have good reason.

"...Nori, Ms. Ten Ten."

"Right. Don't worry, I won't do you wrong."

Why did he feel like he was going to die? He watched as she applied another layer of red lipstick. Right. His life was in the hands of an idiot.

Winking at him, Ten Ten turned and headed towards the door, shawl draped comfortably over her shoulders. Neji followed, duffle bag slung over his shoulder - Teflon strapped on just in case - and sunglasses shoved in place. He sighed, feeling an utter sense of finality envelop him.

Lights. Camera. Action.

Moving quietly into the next room, Neji scanned it for the guy who, if everything went all right, would be his new 'boss.' He didn't see anything though, until...

"Took you long enough."

The Hyuuga narrowed his eyes, discerning from the shadows in the corner, the figure of a man.

Slowly, said man stepped forward.

Neji waited two beats before releasing a low hiss of air he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Suddenly, he felt like an idiot for being so nervous, and slightly amused at the stature of the man who'd be purchasing his 'services.'

He had to be like...five foot nothing. His hair was a flaming red color, and he wore an ankle length black trench coat, a black shirt and pants. It was such a stark juxtaposing of hues that Neji felt his eyes blink rapidly even from behind his sunglasses.

The man stepped further forward, a look of annoyance flitting across his face when he realized he had to tip his head back to address the other.

Neji, for his part, couldn't help the lightening quick smirk that passed over his mouth, gone only a second later when he noticed the man growling.

So, the Hyuuga did the only thing he thought appropriate for the situation. He shrugged.

The red head wasn't growling anymore, but he was frowning quite deeply.

"You got credentials, Mr...?"

Neji was silent in response, hearing Ten Ten become animated enough to initiate introductions.

"This is Mr. Ishikawa. Nori Ishikawa, Mr. Sabaku."

Neji mentally thanked the woman for not screwing up, and then lifted an eyebrow in ponderation. Sabaku, huh? Interesting name.

"What are his credentials?"

Scathingly, Neji put in his two cents. "I can talk ya know. I been ova' seas fo' a while, been doin' jobs in a couple different countries wheres the political radicals are at unrest ya knows? Killed that old man, oh wuz his name - ah! Hajin Kelikmer, that right wing nut who the officials thoughts wuz gettin' to much power, yada, yada, yada. Hmm, did a couple men and a woman from the Defected Wind Country organization-"

Gaara growled and cut off his potential sniper with a question directed at Ten Ten.

"You have some recorded proof of what he's done, I suspect?"

She snorted. "Of course. I went to thirty of my contacts to have him checked out, and they all found the same thing. He's actually quite notorious in Wind Country."

"Feh. Wind Country is a backwater, sewage dump out in the middle of no where."

"...He is also making himself a reputation in Water Country as well."

Gaara smirked. Now that was something worth his interest.

"...Good enough for me. We'll have you do a practice run, just in case there's any discrepancy between your skills and your kills." He paused for a moment. "But I'm telling you now, if that is how you always talk, your not getting the job. And I might have to kill you out of moral obligation."

Neji smirked in response, and Gaara felt something thunder down his spine he hadn't felt in a long while.


"...Don't worry about it. I went to school and learned how to talk nice, all right?"


Two shots rang out suddenly in the darkness outside, a couple more echoing soon after.

The red head swore vividly as he stormed out the door.

Neji just grunted and followed after at high speed, his cop side kicking in at the sound of gun fire.

Twenty four hours previous... (This isn't a flashback per-se, simply because no one is actually remembering what's happening, but is more plot fodder for my growing inferno.)

Sasuke continued doing a hundred down the abandoned highway, his thoughts absorbed by the sudden re-appearance of his...little blonde.

He shouldn't be thinking about him, but he was. Just like he had been thinking about him, every day, since the moment they'd broken up.

It fucking hurt and it wasn't fair.

Sighing, Sasuke glanced at the cell phone in his passenger seat, and argued with himself for the fiftieth time that day about calling his brother. He still owed Itachi that much.

But you work for Kakashi, as you have been, for the past five years.

It was still his brother though.

So? You severed all ties when you came to Kakashi.

Had he? Had he ever really?

Where is your loyalty to the man who accepted you without strings?

Sasuke gripped the steering wheel hard, feelings of betrayal welling in his gut.

But it still didn't matter, he told himself. Blood would always be thicker than water. And his blood was the thickest.

Smirking now, Sasuke snatched up the phone and pressed three to speed dial the elder Uchiha.

On the third ring, he heard the distinct click of a pick up.

"...Allo?" ("...Hello?" )

Sasuke frowned for a moment, but easily switched over to the foreign tongue. As a child he'd learned a cool baker's dozen of languages, so it was hardly a bother to him now. He couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped him however, when he thought about how many times Naruto had yelled at him because he'd started arguing in another language. But it had made fights with the blonde so very entertaining though.


"Ah! Mon cher petit frère. Comment vas-tu?" ("Ah, my dearest little brother. Have you been well?")

"Ferme la, Itachi. J'appelle juste pour te dire quelque chose. Ce s'ra la dernière fois que j'le f'rai, pigé?" ("Cut the crap, Itachi. I just called to tell you something. It will be the last time I ever do so. Do you understand?")

Itachi smiled boredly, signaling a passing waiter to refresh his tea. He'd been in France for the last couple months, enjoying the view in the Water Countryside.

"Oui, oui, je comprends. Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?" ("Yes, yes, I understand. Now, what is it?")

Sasuke paused for a moment, as he negotiated his Mercedes around a particularly tight corner.

He grunted. "Un ami à toi, celui qu'est riche et qui vient d'une famille respectable, a été pris pour cible pour un assassinat." ("A friend of yours, the high roller from a respectable family, has been targeted for assassination.")

"...Tu pourrais pas être plus vague, cher frère?" ("...Can you be anymore vague, dear brother?")

Sasuke snarled. "Ecoute, c'est le plus que tu obtiendras de moi. Sa famille a une longue histoire comme la nôtre et il est riche. Je te suggère de le prévenir du danger." ("Look this is the best your gonna get out of me. His family's got a long history like ours, and he's wealthy. I suggest you warn him of the danger.")

Itachi was silent for a moment, before he spoke again. "Merci, Sasuke." ("Thank you, Sasuke")

The younger Uchiha smiled bitterly, saving the most important thing he had to say for last. Sometimes family are the only people who understand, even if theirs did have a severely fucked up dynamic.

"Il m'a quitté." ("He left me.")

Itachi frowned for a moment, confused as to who his brother was talking about.

"Ce dobe m'a quitté!" ("That Dobe, left me!")

The elder Uchiha sighed, feeling the beginnings of a tantrum coming on. But he now knew who his brother was talking about. He couldn't say he was surprised really, since this 'breaking up' thing happened on and off for years, and every time it did, Sasuke would yell once at Itachi and then they wouldn't speak of it ever...until it happened again.

Truly, the blonde and his brother were both children and shouldn't have been in a relationship in the first place.

"Oui, tu avais raison et il avait tort, comme d'habitude." ("Yes, Sasuke. You were right, and he was wrong, as usual.")

His younger brother was quiet and Itachi wondered a little at this new disposition of his.

"...Et s'il ne revient pas cette fois?" ("...What if he doesn't come back this time?")

Now, Itachi wasn't any kind of normal brother in the warm, familial sense, so he really had no idea what to say to this. So he did the only thing he could think of. He consoled him the Uchiha way.

"Arrête de pleurnicher. Tu es un Uchiha, alors agis comme un Uchiha espèce d'idiot. N'importe qui ayant goûté a nos bites revient toujours." ("Stop mewling. You're an Uchiha, so act like one you fool. Anyone who has had our cock, always comes back.")

Sasuke sighed and murmured his thanks, before he hung up.

Somehow calls with his older brother always managed to bolster his spirits.


Note - WHEWWW! That was a long ass chapter! I know Itachi is obviously way OOC here, but hey! It's an AU, so obviously all the messed up shit didn't happen...or maybe it did? Dun, dun, dun. AND ALSO! MY MEGA DANCE HAPPY THANKS TO TREKIAEL FOR THE SUPERB TRANSLATIONS! She did a lovely job, and as a wink and nod, I may use a little french later, and hope she'll do the translations again! I just love french. As for me, I took a class in Latin for four years, and realized a couldn't really use it 'cause, well duh, it's a dead language! But it helped me improve my vocabulary. But I just love the way when you hear ppl speak french, it sort of rolls off the tongue so beautifully. Like someone could tell you to go fuck yourself in french, and really all you can do is moon over how pretty it sounded. Sigh. Anyway, a couple explanations/definitions.

(1) - Nori Ishikawa. I looked up that Nori means "law, or rule" I'm not sure if that's true or not, but if it is, it's kind of interesting. Neji the cop, law, rule, meh, it connects. I think it also means a plant of some kind, but what do I know?

(2) - As you can see, Tsunade referred to him by his first name here, which she hadn't done up to that point. I know she comes off as a bitch, but mostly it's the fact she's one of the rare non-dirty Captains, hell, officers, in the entire city. That's gotta cause some strain. Also, she views Neji as too young to be working as a cop, even worse that she's mostly forced to put him undercover, because 1) Like I said she has only a few of her officers she can trust, and 2) he was the one that accepted, as Shino refused. Going undercover is, and I emphasize this, A VERY DANGEROUS JOB. As I will be extrapolating on in future chappies.