A/N: This is my first Naruto fanfic!(well, not including the drabbles) I'm so happy I actually had time to write this. Please review and tell me what you think of it! Thanks.

Also, a beta for this story is needed so if you're interested, please send me a message!

Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto.

A tall boy with dark hair and onyx eyes descended the flight of stairs. He looked around and sighed.

'Great. Back to this hellhole.'

He didn't walk more than 5 steps and he already heard squeals.

"Look! It's Sasuke-kun! He's back!"

Sasuke tensed. He looked around feverishly. When he spotted a 'We heart Sasuke!' sign, he made a mad dash for the exit. His luggage; he didn't bother to get it. He'd have his butler get it. He also didn't have to worry about stolen items because who would dare steal from THE Sasuke Uchiha. Well, with the exception of his fan girls. But even if they did steal something, they wouldn't get away with it because the police would catch them. And besides, the Uchihas were not only a top business tycoon, they were also the police.

Sasuke missed a lot about Japan. He would look forward to attending Konoha Leaf High. He also missed Naruto, the dobe. He had to admit, things were just too quiet without Naruto. The only thing he didn't miss about Japan was his fan girls (they were so annoying) and his brother (the man that made his life a living hell). Sasuke wasn't as sad as he was supposed to be when he broke up with his girlfriend, Ivy Hemlock. In fact, he was absolutely glad that he broke up with her.

They met in England, when Sasuke went to a prestigious co-ed boarding school. She was in a room five doors from his. All the girls in the academy were snobby and they were obsessed with him. Sasuke was lucky that his family was rich, so he didn't have to have a roommate or else he would have killed his roommate by the second day of school. Sasuke and Ivy met about two years ago.

Ivy was crying in her room because the other girls teased her about her long hair. Her hair nearly reached her knees when put down. Sasuke, who was walking toward his dorm room, heard her crying. Usually, Sasuke would have ignored it but today, he felt different. For some unknown reason, he felt attached to the crying figure.

He walked in and he saw a girl, no older than him, sitting on her bed and crying. He asked what was wrong. It seemed that the girls were making fun of her hair. To Sasuke, it looked like every other Japanese girl's hair but somehow, it was different. Instead of the usual black or dark colour hair, it was an abnormal lime green colour, with natural dark green highlights.

If Sasuke didn't look at her up close, he would have thought that she was Japanese. It turns out she was, well partly. Her mother was Japanese, however her father was British. Therefore, her last name was Hemlock, instead of Nakigawa.

At first, Sasuke thought she was weak for not sticking up for herself and was about to leave. But after deciphering several sobs, moans and high pitched shrieks (which had an uncanny resemblance to one of a banshee's) he found out that she wasn't crying because the girls were teasing her, but she was crying because the girls were teasing her and she had slapped them, calling each of them bitches.

When he heard this, a deep sound emitted from the back of his throat. Sasuke was surprised that he was actually chuckling. He told her that that was a crappy excuse to be crying. He also told her that she should save her tears for other matters. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Ivy and Sasuke. Eventually, Ivy gathered up the courage to ask Sasuke out and both were flabbergasted when Sasuke agreed.

But after a few months, Sasuke realized his mistake. Ivy kept bragging to the other girls that she snagged the hottest and most wanted guy at the academy. Of course, the girls got jealous and became even more vicious and snobbier. They constantly tried throwing themselves at him. Even the ones with boyfriends tried too. Sasuke also had to endure angry boyfriends, trying to teach him a lesson for stealing their girls. Sasuke was annoyed by the rabid fan girls. He even had to call his bodyguard once because some girl almost tried raping him.

Sasuke wanted to break up with Ivy badly but he didn't want to spend the rest of his life avoiding her. He was also scared of her infamous temper, although he wouldn't admit that to anybody. Ivy also had a mean right hook that might knock a hole through his precious face one day. When his family requested Sasuke's presence back at Japan, Sasuke was relieved. He had found his perfect escape from his girlfriend.

Sasuke spent months trying to found out how to break the news to her. One day, he realized the answer. How stupid was he not to be able to think of such an easy way? Just tell her the truth. The truth hurts and luckily Sasuke wouldn't be there when Ivy starts hurting someone. Sasuke decided to text message her on the plane so he was safe from her. That meant he wouldn't have to endure her rants. God, those were an earful.

He remembered how after typing the message, Ivy replied saying something about how funny Sasuke was and how he should come back to his dorm for his 2nd anniversary dinner with him. He tried telling her again but she still didn't get it.

'Daft woman. How could I even be attracted to her in the first place?'

He was glad when he finally boarded the airplane. But he soon remembered he had to endure the 'wrath' of his brother and the 'proclamations of love' from his fan girls.

As Sasuke looked back to see if any fan girls had followed him this far, he felt himself run into someone. Without looking to see who it was, he quickly apologized.

"Sumimasen. You see I'm in a hurry and I was just-" Sasuke started. But when he looked up to see who he ran into, his eyes narrowed. Looking back at him was a pair of crimson eyes.

"Why hello there otouto-kun. Long time no see, ne?" A mocking voice drawled.

A/N: Whoo! It's the end of the prologue. Wow...this is probably the longest chapter/prologue I have ever written. Please review! It would be very much appreciated.