My alarm clock started buzzing as I opened my eyes to the new day. Gawd, was it always this bright? I look over at the clock and grumble at the time.
"Darling, you must get up now or you will miss the train."

"Yes, Mum." I drag my feet and look in the mirror. My red hair is in frenzy, and I know I won't be able to straiten it the muggle way, so I walk downstairs. "Mum, will you fix my hair." She simply flicks her wand and it is strait. I smile at my new reflection.

"Ginny, have you seen my tie." My father walks in and runs a hand through his messy hair.

"Darling, I put it in the closet.

"Oh, right." He kisses Mum a thanks, and then winks at me.

"Darling, don't forget that you are supposed to be home early tonight." My dad nods, and then turns to leave.

"Harry, this is going to be your last time seeing our daughter till Christmas."

"Oh, right. Lily, remember this, don't get in trouble, listen to all your professors, and don't give Aunt Hermione a reason to send an owl." I giggled.

"Okay, Dad, I promise not to do anything that you ever did."

"That is my girl." He hands me a package, and I raise an eyebrow. "Don't open that in front of your mother," he whispers in my ear as he hugs me goodbye. I smile and say good-bye. Mom raises her eyebrow as he kisses her goodbye again. She pulls her red hair into a bun then smiles at me.

"Well, eggs for your goodbye breakfast." I nod and sit down. All of my luggage is sitting by the door, except for my wand. That is in my pocket where I intend to keep it. I look at Mum as my older brother walks downstairs. "Al, did you get all of your things packed?" He nodded. "Then will you go upstairs and get James and Sirius down here?"

"Sure." He shook his black hair and walked back upstairs. I was so excited. I didn't have to wake up the boys this morning, because it was my first year at Hogwarts. Mum put a big plate of eggs in front of me and I began to eat.

"Mum, do you think, considering what you and Dad got into your first year at Hogwarts, that I am doomed to get into trouble like Al did his first year?" My mum started laughing.

"Darling, I think there are good chances you think you will need to get into trouble, but leave that to the boys." I smiled. My mum tried to change the subject. "So, what should I name the baby?"

"I don't know, how about Tonks?"

"No, as much as I love are favorite friend, no." I smiled. "Oh, if we don't leave now we will miss the train."