Jaken stumbled as it was he couldn't decide if he wanted to hurry or not. As it seem that either would cause him major problems in the very near future. Being Sesshomaru's most trusted, and probably most abused servant was sometimes a real risk. Sighing he pulled his courage and readied himself for the pain that was sure to follow after his double dose of bad news. He immediately knew when he crossed into the Western Lands. It wasn't because he recognized the landscaping or any other landmark, but it was instead the aura that just screamed at travelers.

In truth the aura of the land normally reflected the leaders that ruled or watched over them. Jaken absently winced when he felt the aura squeeze the warmth out of him. A traitorous thought swam through his mind as he walked, it regarded the semi-peaceful aura when the last InuTashio ruled. He shook his head and bypassed the last human encampment before he truly hit Sesshomaru's lands. It was no secret that neither Jaken or Sesshomaru held no love for ningens, but the reason for human presence on the Western lands was denoted for another time.

Jaken impressively did not quiver in nervousness or show one once of anticipating the pain that was sure to follow as golden eyes stabbed through him. Nor did he shiver as the assessment was made by those eyes and the lips parted to let air out.

"Jaken." It was his name, stated, not spoken, and it was an order to tell him of the progress made. Though in this case, there was no progress to be made. His sharp but beady eyes did not miss the simple flick of a glance toward the direction he came from. Jaken would not be so disillusioned as to not know what the glance was for, it was a search. Then the golden eyes of his lord were back on him and it was time.

"Sesshomaru-sama, InuYasha is indisposed as is the Tetsusaiga." Jaken rushed out, and saw the golden eyes flashed.

"I see." It was short, and painfully to the point. Though fortunately or unfortunately, depending on who's point of view, a renegade demon from the other side of the war tried to attack. The key word was tried, as in a blink of an eye, the demon was clutching at the gaping wound of where his throat use to be. Jaken made no movement, hoping that Sesshomaru would not meet out punishment for his news. No matter what was described about his lord, as cold as the yokai maybe, his anger was hotter then any lava that could be found at the core of a volcano. Yet, he was spared as Sesshomaru merely bared his teeth and basically flew into battle. For a moment, Jaken forget his hard core and glanced sadly at his young lord. He had been a servant along with a couple of others under the past InuTashio, and had seen the young Sesshomaru. Would he ever get to see the young lord's smile again? That thought carried him into battle as he followed fearlessly after the whirl of grace that was Sesshomaru.

Toran grunted and laid his burden down. The waterfall of golden tresses had him smiling, he had grown up on the legend of the Lunaria Queen. It was quite a relief to actually have proof of a glorious legend. Absently he winced in retrospect to having to harm the queen, it wasn't like he wanted to. However, war is war, and he must protect his liege and honor. While he ripped a bit of cloth from his sleeve he heard a groan from the sleeping blond. He smiled slightly and gestured for Kouran to watch the Queen. Toran then ambled over to the riverside and dipped the cloth into the cool water. There was no worry of attack as they had reached the border of their tribe grounds which was no where near the Western Lands. He walked quickly back to the tribe only to be confused as the tribe was looking angry at a direction directly over his right shoulder. Belatedly he realized that the queen was no where in sight.

"Now, what's a kitty doing on my lands with such an interesting treasure?" A cocky voice asked directly behind Toran. Let it be known that Toran was no fool, and he knew immediately who stood behind him. As one would always know their next-door neighbors as it were.

"Koga-sama." Toran greeted back as he turned to face the blue-eyed wolf demon. He was lord of the Eastern Lands, who didn't mind the cat tribe residing on it as long as they didn't cause trouble. Fairly nice, extremely loyal, and fiercely protective which caused Toran to gulp. In hindsight, he had forgotten that it was mating season in the Ookami tribe, and shouldn't even be caught dead on the main land of their home.

None the less it seemed like Koga was in good humor, as he merely shrugged and smiled. "Kitty." He mused back. Toran withheld his rebellious tongue at the taunt, he hated to be called Kitty. "Now, I'll be taking this interesting treasure, and I better not catch you on my lands for three weeks Kitty." With that a strong wind picked up, and the wolf demon was gone.

"Damn, he got the White Queen!" Kouran shouted. Toran huffed and hit his head with his palm.

"Damned indeed." Toran echoed, and urged the tribe onto safer lands.

Koga basically ran to his caverns in the waterfall, the smell of mating was strong but he shrugged it off. None of his tribe interested him in that way, so he merely ignored it. However, his younger pup of a brother was with his newly made alpha female. Yes, Koga was the alpha male, but wanted nothing to do with the alpha female, he found her far to flightily. Shoving off his thoughts he instead look at the new prisoner that was held in his arms.

Blatantly he was curious as to what the cat tribe was doing with a uniquely colored ningen. Koga wasn't like most demon lords, who either hated humans, or barely tolerated them. Personally he found them interesting, as they were many dimensional in personality like yokais. Though that didn't mean he promoted species mixing, and he himself wasn't that far gone on humans. However, he didn't toss out half-breeds or look down on them. If they had yokai blood in them, they were family. Personally he thought some humans would be better as yokai, as they acted like them, more then humans but that was beside the point. Shrugging his shoulders at his confusing thoughts, he instead gazed steadily at the female in his arms.

Her eyes were closed as he noted, and his arms were warm at the amount of blond hair that draped them. What caught his attention was the golden crescent on her head. "Well, there goes the theory of her being human." Koga mused, as the design radiated energy so it wasn't a mark etched into the skin. "What did ningen's call it again?" He asked as he prodded the glowing symbol. "Ah, tattoo." Koga submitted, and a groan issued forth from said female. For a second his mind echoed a story that was told to him when he was little. Something about a Queen and moon, but he shrugged as the story was merely that a story.

"Uh, what hit me?" The blond female asked while her eyes squinted. Koga was riveted on the blue eyes that were revealed, they were almost cousin to his eye color. "Haruka?" She asked and Koga blinked. Now how could a ningen know of one of their patron gods? Her eyes must of finally focused because she gasped. "Umm, forgive me." She offered and struggled to stand, which was a little difficult with Koga holding her.

"Ne, how does a ningen know of one of our patron gods?" Koga asked as he released the blond.

"Gods?" Usagi questioned.

"Yes, Haruka." Koga responded. "God of the Wind." Koga added, and Usagi couldn't help the laugh that escaped her.

"Mou, Tenou Haruka, was a girl." Usagi giggled out.

"Impossible, then how could she mate with Michiru of the Waters?" Koga bit out.

"Magic." Usagi answered and turned her head away sadly. It was then that Koga remembered the story that was once told to him.

"Lunarian Queen Serenity?" Koga prodded.

"Usagi, it's Usagi now." Usagi corrected softly. "So, if Haruka is your patron god, do you have a shrine to her?" Usagi asked turning to look at him. Koga nodded, and gestured for her to stand.

"You'll have to be quiet." Koga warned.

"What, why?" Usagi asked.

"It's mating season." Koga answered and chuckled in good humor as he saw her blush. "Come on Queenie, let's visit Haruka." Koga urged and led her around the deeper part of the dens.

"I guess Queenie is better then some things I've been called." She mumbled as they stopped in front of a large carving of one of her protectors in royal armor.

"Now, I always thought Koneko was a good nickname." A familiar voice echoed, both Koga and Usagi nearly blanched.

"God of the Wind?" Koga asked curiously.

"That's goddess's, wolfling." Another familiar if not more calmer voice brooked.

"Michi-chan." The God of Wind whined, and a gentle laugh followed.

"Mou, the two of you haven't changed at all." Usagi chuckled out. "At least you have statues, Rei-chan just had a symbol marked grave." She added in thought.

"Well, Koneko, as much as we would like to chat with you.." Haruka trailed off, she was no good with mushy stuff.

"What Haruka is trying to say is you need to seek out Setsuna-san's soul." Michiru spoke up. Usagi nodded, and looked beseechingly at them. "Hota-chan should be able to help you locate her." Michiru offered after she caught Usagi's look.

"No, we don't know where Hotaru's soul is." Haruka added, sounding slightly put out.

"Ne, it's all right." Usagi waved it off.

"Come back and visit us at any time Highness." Michiru stated as she started fading.

"Be good Koneko." Haruka ordered and looked over at the other in the chamber. "Ne, I think we shocked the wolf." She stated and then laughed uproariously. "Keep an eye on her wolf." Was the warning before they heard a slap. "Ow Michi." Haruka's whine was the last thing that was heard.

"Right, now where in the world would I find Hota-chan's soul?" Usagi question as she walked out of the chamber. Koga woke from his trance as she walked pass him.

"Whoa, hold on Queenie." Koga halted, and Usagi sighed. Stopping she actually turned and looked at him.

When she actually looked at Koga she was shocked, before she smiled grandly. The long black hair was tamed by a ponytail which draped over his right brown furred shoulder. Sparkling, teasing, starlight blue eyes twinkled at her. She laughed not even bothering to study him further.

"What?" Koga question.

"Haruka must of freaked when she noticed her descendent looked remarkably like Seiya-kun." Usagi explained while clutching her sides.

"Okay." Koga offered, more confused then before. Though he shrugged it off as having to do with the past.

"Though, Seiya-kun's hair was longer." Usagi mused while shrugging. "Ne, now what's your name?" Usagi inquired.

"Koga." He responded.

"Steel fang, how appropriate." Usagi stated, Koga shrugged but started leading her through the den.

"You'll have to stay here for a couple of weeks, at least until the season is over." Koga mentioned. Usagi sighed, but nodded her ascent to the statement.

Long silver hair played in twin ponytails as they walked. A lavender crescent shimmering as the sunlight struck it. Red scarring around the dainty neck had some with question, though the lips pulled in a cruel smirk stopped their wondering. "Mou, walking is so over rated and peasant like." A smooth voice escape the inu yokai yasha. Her eyes fell on a human village, and she stopped momentarily. "Hmm, perhaps I need a quick snack?" She wondered to herself. Though obviously she was not hungry, or at least not hungry for human as she turned away. "I think I'll fly now." She mused and her form shifted into a large white dog. With a graceful leap she rose into the air. "Here I come." She bantered and her form was swallowed by the clouds.

Else where brown eyes were waking to the sun. "Eh, what a strange dream." They muttered while stretching. "Definitely need to stop listening Jii-chan's stories." They added and looked at the alarm clock on the small table. "I'm going to be late!" and with that there was whirl of activity.

That's all for right now. The two characters not named are probably well-known by now. Take care, and please review. Oh yeah, I know Toran is actually the blue-haired female, and Kouran is the guy, but Kouran sounds more feminine, so there. WCB.