Hi, everyone! I know I have a story for Nightmare, but I need to perfect that one. Read
and enjoy. Mystery Inc. belongs to Hanna-Barberra (WAAAAAAAA) so blah blah blah
you know the drill. If I leave any cliffies, let me know. AND PLEASE REVIEW.
It's was a quiet Saturday morning for Mystery Inc., with the exclusion of one member,
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers. He had woken up screaming from a terrible nightmare that
would make anyone in his situation scream. Well, being the last one to wake up, he
started going downstairs to the kitchen when he heard the sobs of Velma and the
comforting words of Daphne. He thought he knew why Velma was sobbing, but he soon
realized he was getting a wake-up call. "Daphne, I have loved him my entire life, and
even though he doesn't have the guts to tell me he loves me, he has the guts to go and
find some other girl to make me jealous, and then get his heart ripped out. How does he
think that makes me feel? Huh? I just wish that Shaggy was brave once in a while, and
then he could use his full potential and do everything he has wanted to do, like ask me
out on a simple date." Again, Velma broke into sobs, crying her eyes out, while all
Shaggy could do was stare with a hurt look on his face. Daphne then had her turn to
speak. "Velma, don't cry. We all know why he's like this, and you especially would
understand. He'll finally muster up the courage to sweep you off your feet, and then…."
"What, when I'm already getting married? That won't work Daph. He keeps getting
lucky and regaining his chances, but that's only because the men I've found can't replace
him. What if someone comes along that can? He'll have lost his chance, and then
what'll happen? If he doesn't get brave soon, I don't know what I'll do." Velma finally
stopped sobbing, then got up to go make breakfast. Shaggy could only shake his head in
shame, and muster a faint "Zoinks." He sighed in a very sad way, then decided he should
go downstairs. He past by the breakfast nook without even a glance. Shaggy sat down,
but wouldn't look at anyone. Fred past him a heaping plate of pancakes, but all Shaggy
did was say "I'm not hungry." Everyone's jaw dropped, and Velma even checked his
temperature. When everyone ate (with the exception of Shaggy, who just picked at his
food), the girls left for the mall, and Scooby went with them.