A/N: And we're back! Today's disclaimer will be read by Tsurugi, who is now conveniently the center of attention.

Tsurugi: Gee, thanks. Anyway, Aki doesn't own Inuyasha, Memoirs of a Geisha, or any other random thing she's referenced or used in her story throughout the entire series of them. She owns her plot and her characters. That is all. So please don't sue her. She still doesn't make enough money to afford the legal fees.

Without further delay, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Thirty-four: The Best-Laid Plans

All eyes in the tent immediately focused on the Taisho heir, who felt the sudden urge to recoil from the intensity of their anxious gazes. But he held strong, taking a deep calming breath to brace for the onslaught of questions he was surely about to receive.

"How is she?" Hana asked immediately.

"Zetsuei says she's finally starting to heal now," the Inuyoukai boy answered. "At some point she woke up earlier today and was able to have a meal. As far as I can tell, she appears to be alright. She was resting comfortably when I stopped by."

The miko-youkai sighed with relief, some of the weariness in her eyes lifting. Across the table, Inuyasha scoffed.

"Keh. I'm surprised Zetsuei even allowed you in," he said.

Tsurugi shrugged indifferently. "I asked nicely. Funny how well that works when you try it."

"Speaking of Zetsuei-kun," Kagome began. "How is he holding up?"

"He's better now—calm, in control. It was kind of surreal, actually. After having to deal with him in the state he's been in for so long, you kind of forget that that's not who he really is."

"So you've forgiven him, then?" Mizumi asked, arching a brow curiously at him.

The Taisho heir nodded. "Yeah, I guess I have."

"And Tsukimisou's injuries?" Mei Lhi inquired. "Has her youkai healing kicked in yet?"

"It's just starting to now, yes. Apparently she looked worse an hour before I stopped in."

"How bad is it?" Kyo asked.

"She's still bruised and got cuts and scrapes all over, at least, from what I could see. So if that's an improvement, I shudder to think how she looked when she arrived."

Hana's expression turned somber. "I don't ever want to see my child in such pain again." She paused, her eyes finding her son's. "That goes for you as well. Between the two of you, seeing either one of you hurt is almost too much to bear."

Tsurugi lowered his eyes with regret. "Gomen, Hahaue."

Silence permeated the tent as they reached a lull in conversation. Tsurugi sighed, watching the others around the table. Throughout all the questions so far, only Sesshoumaru had remained as stoic as ever, as if he were silently taking in everything he'd heard, mulling it all over.

The quiet grew ever tenser as it had the night before, everyone recalling the one question they did not want to ask. Mizumi took a long sip from her cup, and judging by how the way she shuddered afterward, there was more than just tea in it.

"Did something untoward happen to your sister?" she asked. "Did Noboru violate her?"

Tsurugi glanced around the table, finding everyone's eyes on him once more. Even his father's gaze seemed a bit harder than it had been a few minutes ago. So everything depended on this one answer, then. No pressure, Tsu, he thought.

Taking a long, steadying breath, he answered, "Yes and no."

From the far end of the table, Sesshoumaru's brows narrowed. "Explain."

"Noboru saw fit to violate sacred youkai law. He intentionally touched Zetsuei's mark on Tsukimisou."

Waves of shock and outrage rippled across the length of the table as the Taisho heir's words registered.

Inuyasha growled. "That fucking bastard."

Kyo seemed to echo the hanyou's sentiments. "I can't even believe it…to do something so despicable."

"Men have been killed for less," Mei Lhi muttered under her breath. "Ugh! The very idea of it makes my skin crawl!"

Hana said nothing, her eyes on the table, the anger clearly written on her face. Next to her, Sesshoumaru's expression was unreadable, but if one looked closely, they could see the rage simmering just below the surface, smoldering in the amber of his eyes.

The only other person in the tent who did not seem as affected was Mizumi, her eyes met the Inuyoukai boy's, and she gave a half-hearted shrug. Of course neither one of them would understand. They only knew what they'd been taught in lessons and heard from their parents.

They'd both been told that mating marks were sacred, deeply intimate connections that formed a bond between two people for life. From what they'd seen, marks allowed one the ability to sense their mate, to feel their emotions as if they were their own.

But in spite of that, learning about it, seeing it, was not experiencing it. There was probably no way to explain it, unless one had a mate that they'd marked as their own.

Tsurugi cleared his throat, redirecting everyone else's attention to him once more. "Perhaps you could enlighten Mizumi and myself as to the reason for your pronounced anger? I realize she and I are of an extremely small minority."

"Sorry, of course," Kyo said before turning to Sesshoumaru. "Do you mind if I explain it?"

The taiyoukai shook his head. "By all means."

Nodding, the kaze no ryuu redirected his attention to the Taisho heir. "So as far as marks are concerned, it's more than just a simple bite, as I'm sure you've ascertained. In truth, there are different types of marks—two, actually. There's a mark of Intent and a mark of Possession. Depending on the type of mark, when it's placed, and where it's placed will determine the strength of the connection forged between mates. With me so far?"

Tsurugi nodded. A glance at Mizumi confirmed that she too was still following along.

"But no matter what type of mark one has, it still serves the same purpose. A mark is your pledge, your solemn vow to commit yourself and bind yourself to one person so long as you live. It's a sacred bond that, in essence, binds a pair of souls together. So not only are you linked to your mate on the physical level through the actual mating, you're also linked to them on a spiritual level as well. This connection you share with your mate runs so deep and is so intricate that when your souls bind together, both your lives are bound together as well. Every part of you that was once separate is now joined together with the very fiber of your mate's being. It's a very deep and intimate connection that you don't want to share with anyone.

"When you take a mate, you bond for life. Mates are meant to live for the same length of time so that neither has to suffer living without them. But in rare instances, that time can get cut short. If your mate falls ill or is mortally wounded, they can die before you do. It's an incredibly painful loss that many are simply unable to recover from."

Mizumi frowned. "My father changed into something awful after my mother died," she said quietly. "Her death made him change—he wasn't my father after that."

Kyo gave an understanding nod, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "It is a pain I hope no one else ever has to endure. Words cannot even describe how it felt."

At this, Mei Lhi reached for her mate's arm. The two shared a long look, a silent understanding passing between them. Kyo wrapped an arm around the hanyou woman, holding her close, as if to reassure himself of something. He heaved a sigh before redirecting his attention to Tsurugi and Mizumi, who looked at him with patient expressions.

"Anyway," he continued. "As you know, there is a list of unwritten rules that are universally accepted by all youkai clans as 'sacred youkai law' and these same rules are used to govern all of youkai society. Given what a mark represents, it only makes sense that such a thing would fall under the sacred youkai laws. The law is as follows, 'no mating mark not belonging to you or your mate shall be touched by another person.'"

"When a third party touches a mark, they are trespassing upon the vow you made to dedicate yourself to your mate for the rest of your life. And, since this mark is also a link to you and your mate's bonded souls, when a third party touches a mark in this way, they're also laying their hands on your souls, your love, and your very essence of being. It's a spiritual violation, the equivalent of being touched against one's will in all places."

Tsurugi's brows narrowed. "So when Noboru touched Zetsuei's mark on Tsukimisou…"

"When Noboru touched the mark Zetsuei placed on Tsukimisou, he was laying hands on her in a far more violating way—a spiritual assault. And as Noboru is far from being Tsukimisou's mate, naturally, Zetsuei was furious that another person, especially Noboru of all people, would dare to touch her in such a way, since only a person's mate is ever allowed to touch a mark. There are certain things you're able to feel through marks, one such thing is knowing when someone other than yourself touches your mate."

"So that's why he got so pissed, huh?"

Kyo arched a brow at the Taisho heir. "Wouldn't you feel the same if your enemy did something similar to someone you were in love with?"

Tsurugi considered this for a moment. "I suppose."

"It's for that very reason that marks prevent others from pursuing a marked and mated person. Knowingly doing so is legal grounds, under youkai law, for that person's mate to end the life of the one doing the pursuing, if not cause the violator grave injury as punishment for their actions.

"Because of the universality of this law, for the most part, all youkai adhere to and respect it, since any would-be violators would still expect others to adhere and respect the law and not pursue anyone they've claimed as their mate. So in essence, it's a matter of mutual respect that follows the most fundamental of morals, 'do unto others as you would have done unto you.'"

"Unless, of course, your name is Noboru and you simply don't give a shit either way," Inuyasha muttered under his breath.

The hanyou's words earned him a laugh in response. Kyo sighed, shaking his head at his brother-in-law. The laughter in the tent died down, slowly ebbing into an easy silence. Everyone sipped quietly from teacups for a few moments, taking pause to enjoy the peaceful lull in conversation.

"Well," Tsurugi said after several minutes. "Thanks for clearing that up, Kyo-oji-san."

The Ryuuyoukai nodded. "It's what we adults are for."

"Oh! Before I forget, I told Zetsuei to come join us here as soon as he's able. He said he will once Tsukimisou is well enough. He thinks she'll have valuable insight."

At this, the others looked at him with interest, suddenly hopeful that maybe, just maybe, they'd see the very person they had been so worried about with their own eyes. Apart from Tsurugi, Hana, and Mizumi, no one but Zetsuei had seen Tsukimisou since they'd left the West weeks ago.

"I think," Hana began. "We could all do with some much-needed rest. It's been a trying day, and if we don't take the time to rest while we can, we may not get a chance later on."

One by one, they all nodded in agreement, and slowly, they filtered out of the war tent, retreating to their own tents and crawling into bed. Before they knew it, sleep took them, dragging them under into a restless sleep.


Noboru snarled furiously as he attempted to sit up, only to slump back against his futon. Any sort of movement caused him excruciating pain. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, he could feel the full extent of the injuries he'd received from his former captive. The very thought of the little bitch infuriated him to no end.

When he'd learned she'd actually managed to escape, he'd been livid. But there was a small silver lining to it all. She had not returned to her family unscathed. From what his archers told him, she was in a grave state. With any matter of luck, she'd succumb to her injuries and die. The thought made the pseudo-Taisho smile.

A wheeze of laughter escaped him and he growled with agony. On the other hand…he hoped she survived long enough for him to make her suffer as he suffered at that very moment. The girl's purifying power was no joke. His physicians all told him he should have died; it was sheer strength of will and stubbornness that kept him breathing. He clung to both as a lifeline, using them as strength.

He had, at the bare minimum, three days to wait before he could so much as sit up in bed. It was going to be a long couple of days. Grumbling, he settled himself into a more comfortable position on his futon, determined to recover as quickly as possible. He couldn't afford to draw out this inevitable war any longer than necessary. He had to strike; it had to be quick, decisive, with no time for mistakes.

With this in mind, he smiled. One way or another, he'd make the little bitch pay, both her and her mate. Watching the two of them suffer would give him great pleasure.

Silently, he prayed for the strength to walk again.


Tsukimisou awoke the following morning, finding herself lying on her stomach against her mate's chest. At some point he must have changed clothes, sleeping only in his dark blue yukata, her eyes tracing over the bare skin of his chest exposed by the loosely done collar of the robe.

Zetsuei was still asleep, his expression one of someone totally at peace. The Inuyoukai girl smiled. It had been far too long since they'd lain in bed like this. Not since before he'd left for the East.

A whisper of a sigh escaped her, and her eyes traveled from his waist to his neck, lighting upon the mark she placed on him. Before she could stop herself, she tilted her head upward, pressing her lips against the hollow of his neck and collarbone.

Zetsuei began to stir immediately, a contented growl escaping him. His arms moved to firmly grip her waist, and slowly, he sat up, his eyes locking with his mate's.

"I must say, that's certainly one of the best ways to wake up in the morning," he said with a grin.

Tsukimisou smiled sheepishly. "I didn't mean to wake you. You looked so peaceful…but I couldn't help myself."

The Torayoukai laughed. "By all means, feel free to wake me however you see fit in the future."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Tsukimisou shifted, gasping in surprise as she realized the position she was now in. She sat astride her mate's lap, straddling him, and her movement put her in the perfect position against him that she could feel the warmth of his length pulsing against her thigh. An embarrassed flush crept into her cheeks, but her embarrassment was short lived.

A carnal desire seized her at that moment, and she leaned closer to him and captured his lips in a kiss. Zetsuei's response was immediate, his hands moving to pull her closer against him. Tsukimisou embraced him, tangling a hand in her mate's hair and pushing him back down against the mattress with the other.

Zetsuei growled again, and Tsukimisou's hands dropped lower, moving to pull the obi of his yukata free and pressing her hips insistently against his, leaving no question as to what she wanted at that moment.

The Torayoukai smiled against her lips, then reluctantly pulled away, relaxing his hold on his mate as he moved to upright the both of them once more.

"Now I know you're starting to feel better," he said with amusement.

"Why did you stop?" Tsukimisou asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Believe me, I didn't want to, but we have to. I can't compromise your recovery with any strenuous extracurricular activities. As soon as you're well, I promise you, we will."

"But I'm well enough now."

Zetsuei shook his head at her before leaning in close, his breath tickling her ear. "Soon."

Tsukimisou gave a frustrated whine, her mate offering her a sympathetic smile in response. She sighed in resignation, knowing there would be no chance of winning this round. The Torayoukai laughed, carefully lifting her from his lap and setting her beside him on the mattress before moving to stand.

He crossed the tent to search through his pack, withdrawing a set of hakama and a dove gray nagajuban. Glancing over his shoulder at his mate's interested expression, he smirked. "Don't get any ideas now," he said as he untied his obi and slipped the dark robe from his shoulders, leaving himself exposed for a few seconds before he reached for his inner robe and tied it on.

"You say that like it's actually possible," the Inuyoukai girl muttered, her eyes still on him.

Zetsuei met his mate's heated gaze and sighed, shaking his head at her once more as he finished dressing. "Consider it motivation to succeed at the next step in your recovery," he said as he turned and walked back to the bed.

"Next step?"

He nodded. "Yes. Weight-bearing exercises. We're going to see if you can stand and walk on your own."

"But my leg—" she started to protest.

"—has been healing nicely," he finished. "We're going to practice that today, and if you succeed, we'll join the rest of your family in the war tent."

Tsukimisou arched a brow inquiringly at him.

"Your brother stopped by last night while you were sleeping," he explained. "I imagine your family is anxious to see how you're faring."

"Tsurugi was here?"

The Torayoukai nodded. "He was really worried about you."

"Of course he was," she murmured. "Shall we get this over with?"

Zetsuei moved to take her arms and carefully eased her to her feet. Once she was standing, moving ever so slowly, he led her forward one step at a time. Hesitantly, Tsukimisou placed one foot in front of the other, walking her first steps in nearly two days. After half a dozen timid steps, she stumbled, falling into her mate's waiting arms.

The Inuyoukai girl sighed with aggravation. At this rate she was never going to walk. And she didn't have time to be frail and delicate like this, not when they were at the verge of war. She had to regain her strength once more. Otherwise she was a liability—and not just to Zetsuei, to everyone around her.

Gritting her teeth, she pulled away from her mate, still keeping a firm hold on his hands. "I want to try again."

He gave her a knowing half-smile. "I thought you might."


At Tsukimisou's insistence, they practiced for the rest of the morning and afternoon, stopping only for meals. By dusk, the Taisho heiress was able to cross the length of the tent, an arm looped through Zetsuei's for support. After one last lap around the tent, the Torayoukai stopped.

"Alright, I think you've got it," he said.

"Finally!" the Inuyoukai girl muttered irritably.

"Are you too tired for a longer walk?"

"No, I can manage it."

Zetsuei smiled as he firmed his grip on her arm before slowly leading her out of the tent. It was the first venture outside either one of them would make in two days, but for Tsukimisou, it was her first time outside as a free woman, as no one's prisoner.

They made their way to the war tent at an even pace. Every few yards a passing soldier would stop to greet them, bowing respectfully before they took their leave. The Taisho heiress focused on keeping her breathing even, timing each step with her breaths. Her mate glanced at her, silently asking her if she needed to rest.

Her determination to continue forward was answer enough. They kept going forward, and in time, their persistence paid off. Within minutes, they had reached the war tent, the muffled voices of the others inside reaching their ears.

Zetsuei reached his free arm out to push the canvas flap aside, and suddenly the voices stopped, all eyes suddenly fixed upon the tent's entrance. The Torayoukai stepped through first, and the others all prepared to welcome him, their voices falling silent as they noticed the slender, feminine hand in his grip.

When Tsukimisou entered the tent, an awed hush filled the small space. None of the others present could hardly believe she was truly there, standing on her own two feet, walking, and, in spite of the few bruises that still marred her otherwise flawless skin, she appeared to be in good health.

Relieved smiles spread across the faces of many gathered around the table, Tsukimisou offering a small smile of her own in kind. Slowly, she and Zetsuei moved to take the last remaining places at the table, her mate carefully easing her into a sitting position before taking his seat at her side. From the corner of her eye, she could see her father watching them both from the far end of the table. The taiyoukai seemed to have taken note of the fact she was wearing Zetsuei's clothes, an ever so subtle hint of distaste in his expression.

The Taisho heiress mastered the urge to roll her eyes. Clearly, her father was assuming she and Zetsuei had been engaging in the very activities that her mate had denied her earlier that morning. If only, she thought.

As if sensing her thoughts, Zetsuei gave her the same sympathetic smile he'd offered her several hours prior, his promise of "Soon" resonating in her mind once more. She sighed. "Soon" could not arrive fast enough. Although, now would be better, she mused. But then that would be a little awkward with everyone here.

The corner of Zetsuei's lips twitched into a smirk for a moment before he regained his usual composed, neutral expression.

And still, no one spoke, as if Tsukimisou's arrival had shocked them into stillness, not yet quite certain if she was really there or merely a figment of their overly optimistic imaginations.

"It's good to see you, Nee-chan," Tsurugi said, finally breaking the silence. "You're looking better."

She nodded, her expression turning somber. "From what I've heard, I must've looked awful when I arrived." She paused, a frown creasing her brows ever so slightly. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

"You have nothing to apologize for," Zetsuei said.

"He's right," Tsurugi agreed. "You didn't ask for any of this to happen. But you did something very few people could—you got out, in spite of everything, and you survived."

"Hai, I suppose so," Tsukimisou murmured.

"But all things considered, you're doing well?" Hana asked. "No strenuous activities?"

"Hahaue!" the Inuyoukai exclaimed, feeling a flush of embarrassment mixed with anger coloring her cheeks. "Zetsuei has been nothing less than honorable over the course of my recovery. And not that it's any of your business, but we haven't done anything like what you're suggesting in quite some time, nor is there any intention to do so until well after my injuries have fully healed."

The miko-youkai nodded, seeming satisfied with this answer. Beside her, even Sesshoumaru had a glimmer of curious interest in his gaze for a brief moment before it was quickly replaced with cool indifference.

"Now then," Zetsuei began, the sound of his voice attracting everyone's attention. "If we're all quite finished debating what Tsukimisou and I have been doing with our time alone together, then I suggest we get to business. I was under the impression we were still preparing our next move against Noboru."

"Right," Mizumi said, recovering quickly. "So far we've considered sending a few units to each of the far ends of the neutral zone and make a push from the rear, behind enemy lines. Though, given that we'd be the initial invading force, if we screw up, we pretty much screw up our chances altogether."

"Which is why we came up with an alternate plan," Kyo continued. "One that draws Noboru out and forces him to make the first move, the only available move. A move we'd expect."

"The only problem with that is," Inuyasha started. "We're still debating what the draw would be to convince Noboru to let down his guard and take the risk of invading first."

Tsukimisou arched a brow. "That's obvious though, isn't it?"

"What's obvious?" Hana inquired. "What are you thinking?"

"We give Noboru what he wants. We let him think he's won."

"And how exactly do you suggest we do that?"

"Easy. I have to die."

"What?" Several voices cried out in alarm.

The Taisho heiress raised a hand for silence, effectively stopping the others from voicing their protests.

"I don't mean I actually have to die," she began. "But we need to let Noboru think I did. We'll put up mourning banners and let him think something tragic—that I succumbed to my injuries I received over the course of my escape. He'll think us all vulnerable and riddled with grief. It'd be an opportunity too great to pass up. He'll most definitely make his move then. But what he won't know is that we'll be ready for him. And when he makes that move, we'll end him."

"You know, that might actually work," Inuyasha said.

A few seats over, Sesshoumaru was smirking, the pride in his expression unmistakable. Tsukimisou was his daughter indeed.

"What do you think, Zetsuei?" Tsurugi asked. "You know Noboru better than anyone. Would he buy it?"

The Torayoukai nodded. "In the state he's in right now, he'll fall for it. He's desperate for an opening—he won't be thinking of possible traps. His mind is focused on one thing, and one thing only—revenge. After what Tsukimisou did to him, he's out for blood."

"What she did to him?" Mizumi asked, raising a brow with interest. "Does this have anything to do with that explosion a couple nights ago?"

Tsukimisou laughed nervously. "My youki burst from me, and Noboru happened to be closest to the blast. It's nothing short of a miracle that he's not dead."

"Serves him right, the bastard," Inuyasha muttered.

"So we're agreed, then?" Kyo asked. "We're going with Tsukimisou's idea?"

One by one the others nodded.

"I'll pass instructions to the soldiers to raise the mourning banners at first light tomorrow," Mizumi said. "Now that that's handled, I think we've covered everything, right?"

Again, the others nodded.

"In that case, we'll just be waiting for Noboru to make his move. My gut tells me stealth forces will be used for infiltrating our camp, and if we're too relaxed, our plan will backfire. So rest up, but don't let down your guard. Dismissed."

Slowly, the tent began to empty. Inuyasha and Kagome slipped out first, Mei Lhi and Kyo following close behind. Mizumi was next, and moments after, Tsurugi, who glanced back at his sister and parents, curious as to why the latter had yet to leave.

Before Zetsuei could so much as move to help his mate to her feet, Sesshoumaru's voice sounded, effectively halting any plans to leave.

"Stay," the taiyoukai said, his voice, albeit quiet, ringing with authority.

"Your father and I would like to speak with you both," Hana said.

Tsukimisou sighed in aggravation. "Do we have to do this right now?"

The miko-youkai glanced at her daughter sharply, leaving no room to argue. There was no avoiding this.

"Now then, let us discuss the two of you and your marriage."

A/N: Woo! Another one done! It only took five hundred years! Well, not really. But you get the idea. Sorry it's taken a while. But hey, at least it's less than a year and a half or so between updates, right? Stay tuned for the next one!