The league of Villains

Welcome to chapter 3 of the League of villains! I apologize for the wait, so to make it up I made this chapter as long as I could. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: After talking to Oda, he gave me permission to pretend to own One Piece for this chapter. So for this chapter it's mine, mine I tell you!


At the beach...

Luffy threw Foxy away and went for Kuro's throat.

Before he reached Kuro, Foxy called out: "Hey rubber boy!"

Luffy turned around.

Now, maybe Foxy was trying to save Kuro, maybe he hadn't learned his lesson from his beating or maybe he wasn't thinking right because of his injury, whatever the reason was, Foxy called out: "What was I thinking? You're friends aren't going to die. They're already dead!"

Luffy turned around and propelled his fist at Foxy.

When Luffy's hand was inches away, Foxy used the Noro Noro Beam on him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Hah!" laughed Foxy "I can't believe that worked!"

With that, Foxy began to do a victory dance.

"Your friends are dead! Your friends are dead!" taunted Foxy.

Even though Luffy's face was frozen, you could tell he was getting madder.

"Ah, Foxy, don't you think you should get out of the way" said Kuro.

"Why?" asked Foxy "It's only been what, 20 seconds?"

"Try 29" said Kuro.

"Oh crap" said Foxy.

With that, Luffy sprung back into action. And because of Foxy's fruit, everything Luffy was going to do in that 30 seconds will happen at once, thus the impact of the punch was 30 times more powerful. With that, Foxy received a blow to the head that almost split his head in half.

Luffy was pummeling Foxy into the ground while Buggy and Kuro just watched in horror.

"Please!" said Foxy "Spare me! I didn't mean to get you angry! Please stop!"

"This is nuts!" said Buggy "Madam said that his friends were his weakness! If anything they've made him unstoppable!"

"Yes" said Kuro "I noticed that. I'm beginning to wonder if trusting Madam was a good idea..."

Then the two noticed that the noise in front of them stopped.

They looked and saw that Foxy was lying there unconscious, but Luffy was nowhere to be seen.

They looked around to try and find him but he was nowhere.

They began to walk around the area they were fighting in but couldn't find him.

As Buggy looked behind a rock he heard something.

Heavy breathing.

Before Buggy could even turn around Luffy stabbed Buggy in the back with one of his own daggers.

What Luffy had forgotten was that Buggy can split when it comes too been attacked by a dagger, which Buggy took advantage of.

Buggy split his torso in half when he was attacked and then Buggy went behind Luffy and placed himself back to normal.

"Daggers may not hurt me Straw-hat, but I know that they hurt you!" said Buggy as he pulled out a dagger and threw it at Luffy's head.

Even though Luffy wasn't looking, he was able to dodge the dagger by moving his head slightly to the left.

"Dang it!" said Buggy.

Buggy's eyes widened as he saw the dagger was heading towards Kuro, who was looking the other way.

"KURO!" cried out Buggy.

Kuro turned around but it was too late to dodge the dagger.

His glasses fell to the ground, and he landed afterwards.

"K-Kuro?" said Buggy.

Kuro wasn't getting up, but he was breathing, but bleeding at an alarming rate.

"What happened to you?" said Buggy "Even when your friends are in danger you don't kill your enemies, now your blood thirsty Luffy, you have to snap out of it!"

Luffy's eyes lost their angry glint, his tense body eased up, his angry, heavy breath became calm.

"Your right" said Luffy "Why am I doing this? I shouldn't be hurting you three, I should be helping my friends! I have to go help them!"

Luffy ran towards the sea.

"Go Luffy!" cheered Buggy, but then he muttered "I can't believe the gullible prick fell for that!"

Then Luffy turned around "By the way Buggy?" said Luffy as his arm winded up, ready to punch him "I need a ship to get to my friends on the other side of the island. Mind if I borrow yours?"

"Um... what ship? I don't have a ship..." said Buggy.

"What about that one?" said Luffy as he pointed to a ship in the distance with his head, as his arm was still winding up.

"Um... yeah... there's that..." said Buggy "But uh... your friends aren't on the island anymore! They're at the League of Villain's headquarters!"

"That's alright, I'll find them!" said Luffy and with that, his arm propelled and punched Buggy right in the face.


League of Villain's headquarters...

The crew were still trapped in the dungeon, trying to figure a way out.

"Well let's see" said Zoro "She's taken Usopp's slingshot and ammo, Nami's Clima Tact, Tied Sanji's legs up, thus taking away his power of kicking, tied a sea stone around Robin's neck, Chopper's neck, Mrs. Merry Christmas's neck, Bon Clay's neck, and Lasso's neck, thus making them all worthless, Mr. 4's bat was taken away, so the only person who can save us is Franky!"

"Yeah Franky!" said Usopp "You can use Coup De Vent to blast the snail camera and then use your strength to break yourself out of those chains and then free us!"

"Purty..." said Franky, off in another world.

"Great" said Nami "Of all the people for Franky to fall in love with, he picks the nutcase that has us tied here!"

"I resent that" said Madam calmly as she entered the room.

"YOU!" screamed Usopp with extreme rage "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO US!"

"How dare I? How dare you work for a heartless soul who destroyed me!" said Madam "Someone who ruined my chance of true love! Someone who made me loose my job! Someone who made into a freak!"

"Look freak, just tell us Luffy did to you!" said Zoro.

"Very well" said Madam "I'll tell you, it starts off in Fuchsia Island-"

"Where Luffy grew up?" asked Zoro.

"DON'T INTERRUPT!" shouted Madam "Anyway, back there my name was Sophie, I was an average 16 year old girl who would baby-sit the children of the island. One child I would baby-sit a lot was a boy called Monkey D. Luffy..."


Fuchsia Island, 10 years ago...

Sophie was babysitting Luffy that day because his parents were out shopping (I'm not sure if Luffy had parents or he was an orphan so don't comment on that in reviews)

She had taken him to see a fire juggler in town square, which Luffy seemed to enjoy.

Luffy eyes would fill with delight when the fire juggler breathed fire or ran on burning rocks which made Sophie laugh, she thought Luffy was one of cutest children she had ever seen.

"Ace has fire breath like that guy too because of his devil fruit!" said Luffy "I remember when he ate the devil fruit and almost burnt the house down!"

Sophie giggled, Luffy loved to talk about his brother, but there was something else he loved to talk about as well.

"Some day I'll eat a devil fruit and gain cool powers!" said Luffy "And then I'll get a crew of pirates and go to the grand line to find one piece and become king of the pirates!"

"I'm sure you will some day!" said Sophie "You'll be a great pirate! Just like Shanks..."

Sophie had a huge crush on the red headed pirate ever since his crew hit the shore of their island. She saw his gorgeous face, beautiful hair, and that irresistible laugh and she was head over heels for him.

Sophie could go for any guy she wanted, after all with her blue eyes, her silky blonde hair, perfect white teeth, she was the most beautiful girl on the island.

"Yeah!" said Luffy "Just like Shanks! And I'll have a cool pirate crew and everything! I heard that he found to devil fruits yesterday! How cool is that?"

"Well that's Shanks Luffy" said Sophie "The best pirate on earth!"

Luffy looked up as the fire juggler was juggling fire balls.

"He's so cool! Not as cool as Shanks but still cool!" said Luffy "I'm going to go say hi to him!"

With that Luffy ran through the crowd and ran over to the fire juggler.

"No Luffy!" said Sophie as she ran after him "You'll hurt yourself!"

She chased after Luffy just as he bumped into the fire juggler, making him trip over and drop the fire balls.

Sophie screamed as all five fire balls hit her in the face.


"How horrible!" said Robin.



Fuchsia Island Hospital, 10 years ago...

Sophie woke up in a hospital bed with bandages all over her face.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"In hospital love" said Shanks as he walked into the room.

"S-Shanks?" asked Sophie "Is that you?"

"Yep!" said Shanks "I 'eard from Yasopp that you got a scorching today when the fire juggler tripped over"

"Why are there bandages on my face?" asked Sophie "And where's my hair?"

As Sophie asked that, she tapped her currently bald head.

"Well the doc told me that the five fire balls to your face almost burnt it off" said Shanks "And your hair is gone altogether"

Sophie gasped.

"Um... I probably should have let the doc tell you that" said Shanks as a sweat drop appeared.

Sophie took the bandages off her face and looked at a hand mirror next to her bed.

Sophie screamed when she saw a burnt and deformed face where her normally beautiful face presided.

"My face!" sobbed Sophie "My hair! It's gone! I'm hideous!"

"Sophie it may look bad but at least your alive" said Shanks "And Luffy would come to apologize to you for what he did but he's at school so he'll come later"

"I don't want him to come!" said Sophie "It's his fault anyway! I hate the little brat!"

"It's not Luffy's fault" said Shanks "He's just a kid, he didn't mean to do it. And I'd be thanking my lucky stars that I'm alive instead of blaming Luffy if I were you!"

"If my Lucky Stars can help me live through then how come they couldn't stop it happening in the first place?" asked Sophie with tears forming in her eyes.

"Because, um..." said Shanks "Because of uh... well I need to get going now, the crew and I found two devil fruits and we need to put them somewhere safe!"

Shanks hurried out of the room, as he ran out an oddly shaped fruit fell out of his pocket.

Sophie walked over to the fruit and picked it up.

"Hey Shanks!" Sophie called out "You dropped this piece of fruit!"

Though Shanks has already left.

"I guess I'll keep it here until the next time I see him" sighed Sophie as she placed the fruit next to her bed.

She then saw her face in the mirror again as she placed the fruit down and began to cry again.

She just sat there for hours and just cried until a nurse came to her door.

"You have a visitor Sophie" said the nurse "Should I bring him in?"

"Ok" sniffed Sophie.

Luffy walked into the room holding a small bag.


Luffy stood back for a second, looking shocked.

"I'm sorry Sophie" said the seven year old "I just wanted to give you a hospital gift"

With that, Luffy pulled an oni mask out of his bag and gave it to Sophie.

"I made it myself" said Luffy "I know that you like Japanese stuff so I decided to make this for you"

Sophie just glared at him. "Get out!" she said "Get out now!"

Luffy just put the mask down and walked away, sighing as he left.

She placed the mask next to her bed and just sat there crying until she fell asleep.


The next day...

The next day she woke up and a nurse walked into the room.

"You have a visitor Sophie" said the nurse.

"Let them in" said Sophie "Unless it's Luffy"

"Ok then" said the nurse as a girl with red hair walked in.

"Hey Sophie" said the girl, the girl wasn't freaked out by Sophie because she was wearing the bandages over her face.

"Hi Jolene" said Sophie.

"Hey Sophie guess what? Shank's devil fruits are gone!" said Jolene "His first one just disappeared and his second one got eaten by Luffy!"

"Figures, Luffy always takes things from people" said Sophie "Like my face"

"Anyway" said Jolene, who was ignoring her friend "Then Luffy started yelling at a mountain bandit for disrespecting Shanks so he kidnapped Luffy and ran off to the sea. And then he threw Luffy into the water and got eaten by a Sea King. But Shanks saved Luffy before it killed him. But... it cost him his arm..."

"NOT SHANKS!" sobbed Sophie.

"And then Shanks said he was going back to the sea this morning" said Jolene "The crew is packing their things now! They'll be leaving within the hour!"

"Shanks!" called out Sophie as she ran out of her room and out of the hospital.


Fuchsia Island Docks...

Shank's ship were loading supplies onto the ship when Sophie got there, when she did she saw Shanks and Luffy talking.

"So you won't be coming back to this village after this voyage?" asked Luffy.

"That's right" said Shanks "We've been using this harbor as a base of operations for a long time. Maybe too long. Are you sad?"

Yeah, I'm sad..." said Luffy "But I won't ask you to take me with you! I've decided to become a pirate on my own!"

"It wouldn't do you any good" said Shanks "You're still too little! There's no way you can become a pirate!"

"Oh yes I will!" said Luffy "One day I'll have a ship and crew better than yours! And we'll have the biggest hoard of treasure in the world! I'm gonna be king of the pirates!"

"Hmm... You're gonna be better than us, huh?" said Shanks "... Well then... Do me a favor... Keep this hat safe for me?"

With that, Shanks took his straw hat off and gave it to Luffy.

"This hat means a lot to me" said Shanks as he placed the hat on Luffy's head.

Luffy was speechless.

"Promise that you'll give it back to me someday" said Shanks "When you've become a great pirate"

That's all Sophie needed to see. After all that Luffy had done, after he cause Sophie to lose her hair and face, after he caused Shanks to lose his Devil Fruit, after he had caused Shanks to lose his arm, he gave the straw hat to Luffy.

Sophie just ran off crying.


Fuchsia Hospital...

Sophie was in bed crying.

Just crying for hours because of all she had lost, her hair, her face, her love, all she had left was the mask Luffy gave her and the fruit that Shanks dropped.

Sophie stopped and remembered that Shanks had left a fruit here, she looked next to her bed and saw it was still there.

"So that's where his other one went" said Sophie "I wonder what makes it so special"

She picked up the fruit.

"Well I'm pretty hungry" said Sophie "I might as well eat it"

She took a bite out of the fruit and regretted it instantly.

"Eeew!" said Sophie "This tastes horrible!"

Even though it was awful, Sophie still ate the whole fruit as she didn't believe in wasting food.

After Sophie ate it she felt a little different, she didn't feel strange, but... different somehow.

Sophie sighed when the doctors told her she could leave, as she didn't want to go out to the world and show her ugly face.

She looked down the oni mask Luffy made for her.

"That could cover my face" said Sophie as she put the mask on and left the hospital.


"And that was it" said Madam "Parents didn't want me babysitting their children because I refused to take the mask off, I lost all hope of ever been with Red Hair Shanks, I lost everything, all I had was this mask, and the power I obtained from my devil fruit!"

"You ate one?" asked Nami "You ate a devil fruit?"

"Yes" said Madam "After I left the island one year later I discovered my true power, so then I forgot my life as Sophie and became Madam"

"But what I want to know is: Why are you keeping us here?" asked Usopp "Isn't Luffy the one you want?"

Madam laughed.

"Yes, and I know that Luffy will beat those three morons and find his way here to save you" explained Madam "And then when he gets here I'll kill him, and do away with you and the other moron captains I hired to help me"

"You're going to betray the others?" asked Bon Clay "Just like you did with me?"

"Of course! I only need them until Luffy is dead, then I'll kill them al!" said Madam.

"How do you plan to kill him?" asked Robin.

"Will you marry me?" asked Franky.

"I'll show you how I'll kill him when he arrives" said Madam "Until then I'll be on my way"

As she left the room she saw Arlong and Wapol at the door.

"What are you two doing here?" asked Madam "I thought I told you to watch the cameras!"

"Um, sorry Madam" said Arlong "We were... checking up on the prisoners"

"But why would you need to when you can watch them from the security room?" asked Madam.

"Because we thought that they might have screwed with the camera!" said Wapol "You know, like put it on a loop or something"

"Hmm, I never would have thought of that" said Madam "Good work boys, but you don't need to worry about that so go back to the security room"

"Yes madam!" said the two as they ran off.

"I wonder what's up with those two" said Madam as she walked off.


League of Villain's headquarters, a few minutes ago...

In the security room, Arlong and Wapol were watching the security videos, Wapol had now eaten to his normal fat size.

"I'm hungry" said Wapol "And we're out of food!"

"Well you ate it all!" said Arlong "At least you got to eat something! If your still hungry than it's your fault that there's no food left!"

Wapol moaned and then stopped and smiled at Arlong.

"Actually" said Wapol "We have one bit of food left"

"What's that?" asked Arlong.

"We could have some sushi" said Wapol as he advanced on Arlong.

"THE HELL WE WILL!" said Arlong as he ran out of the room with Wapol running after him.

Wapol chased Arlong to the front of the dungeon when they heard something.

"But what I want to know is: Why are you keeping us here?" asked Usopp "Isn't Luffy the one you want?"

Madam laughed.

"Hey, I wonder what they're talking about" asked Arlong as the two leaned closer to the door.

"Yes, and I know that Luffy will beat those three morons and find his way here to save you" explained Madam "And then when he gets here I'll kill him, and do away with you and the other moron captains I hired to help me"

The two gasped.

"She's going to kill us?" asked Wapol.

"You're going to betray the others?" asked Bon Clay "Just like you did with me?"

"Of course! I only need them until Luffy is dead, then I'll kill them al!" said Madam.

The two were sweating.

"What are we going to do?" asked Wapol.

"It's ok, she doesn't know that we know so just act cool" said Arlong.

Suddenly Madam walked out the door and saw Arlong and Wapol.

"What are you two doing here?" asked Madam "I thought I told you to watch the cameras!"

"Um, sorry Madam" said Arlong "We were... checking up on the prisoners"

"But why would you need to when you can watch them from the security room?" asked Madam.

"Because we thought that they might have screwed with the camera!" said Wapol "You know, like put it on a loop or something"

"Hmm, I never would have thought of that" said Madam "Good work boys, but you don't need to worry about that so go back to the security room"

"Yes madam!" said the two as they ran off.

"What are we going to do?" asked Wapol as they ran.

"We'll think of something" said Arlong "We'll think of something"


Buggy's, Foxy's and Kuro's ship, just outside of the league of villain's headquarters...

Luffy was steering the ship while Buggy, Foxy and Kuro were tied up behind him.

Luffy then cheered when he saw a castle floating on water.

"Look!" said Luffy "I found the headquarters! And you guys said I couldn't! Well I did!"

"We never said you couldn't!" said Buggy "We said 'we'll do whatever you want, please stop kicking and punching us!'"

"Oh come on Buggy, now you're just splitting hairs" said Luffy.

To be continued...


So there you go! I hope you enjoyed that loooooooooooooong chapter, because I didn't enjoy typing it! But I do it for my fans so it's worth typing extra long chapters! Ok, see you next time for a not-as-long-as-this-chapter-but-still-pretty-big chapter!