"This is a joke, right?" Cole questioned in disbelief.

"Not at all," said Fate. "The offer is quite genuine, I assure you."

"That's a Cupids' ring. You want me to play Cupid?"

"Not play," said Carl. "You would actually be a Cupid. You spent more than a century destroying lives. What better way to atone for all of that than by helping to bring love into the world?"

"What about the Elders?" asked Cole. "Wouldn't they object to a former demon working for them? It's my understanding that's how it works."

"Not exactly," said Fate. "It's more like they work together. But they will have no knowledge of who you truly are. Only the four of us will know your true identity. All the Elders will know is that you've been returned to the mortal realm in another form. They will have no knowledge of who – or what – you will be."

"So I just accept the ring and that's it? You let me out?"

"Be sure you understand the responsibility you will be accepting," said Fate. "Your former life as a demon will be over forever. You will be expected to perform the duties of a Cupid just as if you had always been one. And you can never reveal to anyone what has happened to you."

"What if I run into someone I know?" Cole questioned. "What do I say to them."

"That won't be a problem," said Carl. "If you accept this deal you'll receive a new form. One of our Cupids has decided to retire. You'll even receive all of his memories so that you can maintain the relationships he started in the past."


"Sometimes it's necessary to give people a little boost," said Carl. "Recharge their love for each other so to speak. A Cupid does much more than just bring love into the world. They help to maintain that love. Haven't you ever wondered why a person can overlook the mistakes a loved one makes and not in someone else?"

"I never really thought about it to be honest."

"Cupid is right," said El-A-Lese. "Bringing love into the world is just the beginning. But all the work we put into it is well worth it, I can assure you."

"So in answer to your question," said Carl, "not even Phoebe will recognize you. Cole Turner will be just a memory. You will, for all intents and purposes, be a Cupid with all the responsibility that entails."

"What about Phoebe?" Cole asked. "Can you guarantee me she'll find love again?"

"No," said Fate. "That can't be guaranteed for anyone. Love can't be forced onto anyone. Nor can it be forced from someone. It is something that must be freely given and freely accepted.

"I can guarantee you that she'll have as much opportunity to find love as anyone else. What she chooses to do with that opportunity will be up to her. Just as it is up to any other being. She has free will and must be allowed to make her own choices and decisions."

"Cole, your help recently has been a big help to El-A-Lese and me," said Carl. "Because of what you told us we have been able to restore her faith in love. When the time is right she'll be more willing to accept love once she finds it."

"And I'll be able to do the same thing if I accept?" Cole asked.

"With one restriction," said Fate. "You will not be allowed to use your power on someone else to cause them to fall in love with you. When and how it happens – and with whom – will be at the discretion of another Cupid. Completely without your knowledge."

"I see."

"It's the same for all Cupids," said Carl. "A Cupids' power will not work for themselves. It's something like a White Lighter's healing ability."

"Okay," said Cole. "So do Cupids ever find love?"

"It's not unheard of," said Fate. "But just as with humans it's not guaranteed. Nor can it be predicted."

"Cole, it's a chance to get out of your prison," said El-A-Lese. "To make up for all the evil you did."

"By giving up everyone and everything I ever held dear," said Cole.

"It occurs to me," said Fate, "that happened when you were vanquished the second time."

"Point taken."

"You did say you'd try to make up for al the things you did," said Carl. "If you had the opportunity. This is your chance. To atone for all that evil by bringing love into the world."

Cole stared at the three for a moment. It was an incredible opportunity. One that few, if any, creatures ever got. And Fate was right. It wasn't like he was giving up anything. He had done that long ago. And maybe, just maybe, he could change things enough so that his final fate was something a bit more palatable.

"What about Phoebe? Would I ever get the chance to see her again?"

"Perhaps," said Fate. "It won't be forbidden. But you will have your duties to perform. And they will keep you quite busy. But it is conceivable that you will see her again. Provided you never reveal to her who you really are."

Cole stuck his hand out.

"I'd say you have a deal, then," he said.

"You won't regret it," said Carl, dropping the ring into Cole's hand. "You'll see. There's no feeling like realizing that you've been responsible for bringing two people together."

"So, what do I do now?" Cole asked. "Is there some kind of training period or something?"

"Not really," said Fate. "You of all people are familiar with the use of magic. I imagine you'll have the hang of the magic in the ring in no time. For now we do have your first assignment for you. As I said, Cupids and Elders often work together. The Elders have your first assignment. And you'll find that getting up there will be quite easy. Very much like shimmering. Just decide where you want to go and there you are."

"Thanks," said Cole. "For everything."

"My pleasure," said Fate.

"He'll do a good job, you'll see," said El-A-Lese after Cole had left. "He's a very dedicated man."

"Of that I have no doubt," said Fate. "And our little surprise for him will be most welcome, too."

"Surprise?" El-A-Lese questioned. "What surprise?"

"Something not even you were told about," said Carl. "Something the Founders asked me to do.. Fate will explain it to you. Right now I have to correct a little oversight."

"What oversight?" El-A-Lese asked.

"I forgot to inform Cole of his new name," said Carl. "Oh, by the way. In the future you can address him as Coop."

And the rest, as they say, is history.

The End

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