This is to all that wanted it.'s more a companion then a sequel, but still...I've never written anything like this before...I don't really know what to say...So...just...sorta






"Clothes. Off. Now."

"I'm not naked for a reason dammit!"

"Get off me!"



Four squealing girls dressing in clothing much, much too big for their petite frames all screamed, faces red and body movements jerky with anticipation and worry.

Four screaming guys all chased these beautiful women, faces marred with anger and bodies flushed as they tried to hide their very naked figures and hanging anatomy with random objects they found along the ground. Sticks…stones…leaves…more sticks…

Twenty academy students watched in horror as the scene erupted before their once virgin eyes.

One academy teacher was screaming his face off.

Why you may ask?







He was always so cold.

No matter how boiling hot the weather was, and no matter how high the temperature was cranked up in his small condensed apartment, his ghostly pale flesh that covered his slender figure always stayed the same frigid temperature of cool.

Wrapped up in his favorite cerulean scarf, Hyuuga Neji, age fifteen, stood near the large curving and bending river, his warm breath creating puffs of clouds as it hit against the crisp air.

Clad in a pair of his only civilian clothes, he stood there, apparently taking orders from a pack of wild and vicious women that threatened him with a barrage of kunai and katana to "stand guard" before the male Konoha teens returned from their swim in the frigid and icy waters.

His pale nose looked as though it was dipped in red as it buried itself into the frigid air, looking bright and bold in contrast to his pale skin. He slammed his pearly eyes shut, trying to distract himself from the overly bleak day and onto something more pleasant and—warm.

Water lapped harshly near his feet, splashing against his exposed ankles and nipping almost painfully as a bitter wind whipped by.

He let out a groan.






"I didn't know the boys were such easy targets."

An auburn haired teen let out a muffled giggle as she slapped her thin hands over her bursting mouth. Her acute chestnut eyes twinkled with pure amusement as she fingered over a spandex green suit, laughing as the fabric stretched across her fingers.

"Well you know what they say," A platinum blonde's voice echoes fiercely through the deserted training grounds, a slight hint of laughter tinting her voice as she speaks, "Women are the superior sex."

"We women are going to be the dead sex if you don't shut it; the boys are just over there."

An exotic haired woman shoots an alarmed look at the blonde as she bundles up a pair of loud orange trousers against her chest.

The blonde lets out a snort.

"God, forehead girl, still so uptight about everything!"

Her slender fingers bite into the fabric of a pair of ebony pants, as she slips them on, laughing as they hang loosely over her thin hips. She tugs at her coral colored shirt and lifts it over her head, exposing her pale skin and simple cotton bra.

Sakura lets out a small sigh as a fishnet shirt is pulled over her friend's curvy body, the thin strands of ebony hugging her body tightly as she begins to prance around.

A lacy red bra is revealed under the thin fishnet material, peeking out under a blanket of black.

"I'm Shikamaru!"

She suddenly stops mid trade and reaches up to her hair, pulling the blonde strands over her head into a tight ponytail. She lets her mascara colored eyelids are drooped into a half-lidded position as she lets out a sigh.


Muffled laughs echo against the trees.

An ebony haired teen lets out a sigh as she leans forward to smell the clothes in her hands, pulling back with a look of absolute disgust crossed her pale face.

"Kiba-kun still doesn't wash his clothes."

Sakura lets out a dry laugh as she leans forward to snatch the clothing from the Hyuuga's former team member. The exotic haired girl wiggles her pencil thin eyebrows as she leans forward to look at the Hyuuga child.

"Wanna wear Naruto's?"

Naruto's clothes dangling between two perfectly manicured nails, the fabric moving swiftly side and side in an almost mocking matter.

The Hyuuga child is absolutely flustered as the alarming and loud orange trousers are thrown over her head, the fabric loud and almost annoying against her pale skin. Her frigid fingers relax as the Inuzuka's clothing is pulled from her hands.

Slipping on the Inuzuka clothing, the medic kunochi laughs as the garments dangle loosely over her slender body, the grey trousers dangling over her knees in thick lumps of fabric. Giggles shower down upon the four women, all slipping the clothes on with happy and smiling faces.

Spandex stretches uncomfortably (but still dangles strangely) over the slightly bulky body of Tenten, the brunette. Her eyes turn wild with amusement as she slips her teammate's clothes on, wind whipping at her exposed neck as she turned to laugh.

The four girls burst into a fit of hysterics, all choking on spit and giggling with wide, wide mouths.

"Girl! You look like a frog—a frog—a frog with pigtails!"

The Yamanaka spat random words from laughter, tears forcing themselves out as she fell uselessly to the ground, her laughter echoing against the trees. The Hyuuga child joined in the laughter with soft showers of giggles, her face lighting up with happiness as the exotic haired woman and platinum blonde rolled about the dirty ground.

Tenten smiled, her perfect lips taking to blessing out a crescent shape.

"This clothing is the signal for youth! This is what every man should wear; this is the BEAUTIFUL GREEN MONSTER!"

The exotic haired woman hoisted herself up, brushing the Inuzuka clan member's clothes off with a sporadic grin.

"Why hello baby, I'm Kiba from the Inuzuka clan, you wanna come to my trailer for some lovin'?"

"This is so troublesome…"

"Um…I'm going to be….Hokage?"

"Are you fucking serious? Some freaky blonde like you couldn't become Hokage, I, Inuzuka Kiba could become a better Hokage then you!"

"Shuddap dobes. All of you."

Ino had dropped the shadow manipulator's clothing and had chose to adorn herself with the soft fabrics of the Uchiha clan; her face grew red with laughter as she slipped the white shorts on, the heavily embroidered fans that scattered about the white fabrics yelling out loudly against her slender figure.

"Oh Gai-sensei, how I wish you were here to see how I weep for all of my fellow students! Yosh! This is truly what it means to be a Shinobi!"

"I am an avenger…I shall kill the one who led to all my suffering….I, Uchiha Sasuke shall…shall…"

With that, the young blonde tripped over the small lump of clothing. Flinging her hands sporadically into sharp cold air, she fell back, hair whipping heavily through the air and face red with drunken giggles. With a surprised yelp, she found herself landing on something much too soft to be the dirt covered ground….

"You shall what? May I ask?"

A deep husky voice echoed horribly through the previously deserted training grounds, with an ear spilling scream, the young blonde scampered to her feet, grabbing her clothes from the ground…

More screams rang shrilly through the air as the four young women began their and panting with harsh breaths and screaming voices, face red with fear as their clothing whipped loudly through the wind.

"Hey! You little pussies! Get the hell back here!"

"My clothes!"

"Shit! They run too fast!"


Feet slapping extravagantly against the forest floor, the young kunochi's rounded a short corner, the hard rubble surface of the forestry ground melting into wood chips and with a sigh their eyes trailed down to a small academy park. Rushing, rushing, RUSHING, down the large hill that separated them, they all landed in a heavy heap on the wood chipped ground.

"That was…that was…"

"I never want to see a naked man again."

"Then today's you unlucky day!"

A dark voice thundered harshly above them, and with a frightening scream, they all turned, scared out of their minds as five very naked men towered over them, eyes swimming in anger and movements jerky and stiff with frustration.


Then the race began.

Whizzing past slides, and dodging through swing sets, the large park soon became a place for fear, obstacles only made for burning with jutsus and wood chips used as weapons against the very scary men. Clan jutsus and basic jutsus were screamed into the air as the men made a dash for their stolen garments, bodies covered in sweat as they did so.

"Clothes! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

Hands from an Inuzuka were thrown onto the body of an exotic haired female, as his wandering hands tried in desperation to pull and tear the clothes from her body.

"GAH! Hinata! Those clothes!"

The blonde's hands were roughly trying to tear his clothes off her, his frustration apparent. His bare body was thrown over her clothed…and for passerby's this looked like entirely UNAPPROPRIATE behavior.

"Yamanaka. Those. Are. Mine."

The ebony haired Uchiha teen spat words out from grinded teeth, his hands trying to shield his naked body from his top adoring fan…of one of the top adoring fans…or previously top adoring fan…She used to have a crush on his DAMMIT!

"That spandex of life belongs to no other then ME! Tenten, I am utterly amazed by your act of foolishness and—"


And the academy students.

Of doom.

Then the Iruka-sensei.

Of doom.

Oh yes.

The way they reacted is the same way you would if you saw in your public park five naked men all tackling utterly disabled women, who were screaming their faces red in half embarrassment and half fear. They also reacted the same way you would if you saw the men screaming their faces off, telling the women to strip immediately of else death for them would come much sooner.

Meaning that they were completely and utterly appalled.

Meaning that God was messing with them today.


Ah…so that just brings us back to the beginning.

You know…the beginning that you read first…which really was the ending…but the author wanted to be "artistic" and "try something new" by putting the ending first…It's a writing style…A what the hell…just REVIEW!






If you're going to sue me, please say so in your review.

Thank you.