This idea came to me in a dream, and many daydreams, I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the TMNT, but I do own my oc's Jenna, Laura, and Jacob

Dark Memories: (Casey's POV)

Ten years ago/ Grandma's Farm House-

I sat there with my older sister, she was asking me to watch my five year old niece. She was only twenty-two and I was eleven, she was going for a walk and it was dark out, I agreed. I watched as my sister walked out smiling. She recently divorced with her husband and seemed to be happy. "Uncle Casey," I turned to see my niece smiling, "do you want to play." In her hands was the game Candy Land. We played what it seemed like hours, and it was. My sister didn't return. Then the phone began to ring.

"Hello," I answered.

"Is Mr. or Mrs. Jones available," it was Officer Tyson. I turned to see my ma looking at me. I held out the phone to her.

"Hello," Ma smiled, "Officer Tyson what a pleasant surprise."

During the long pause tears began to swell in Ma's eyes.

"I'll be right there," she said, as she hung up the phone she turned to me, "Casey will you keep and eye on Jenna while I'm gone." I saw it was something bad so I nodded. I saw Jenna yawn and look at me with her crystal blue eyes.

"Jenna, I guess it's time for bed," I smiled. She replied with a nod. Shortly after she was ready for bed, she went straight to sleep. Shortly afterwards I went into a troubled sleep.

I felt some one shaking me; I opened my eyes to see Ma. She was crying.

"Where's Laura," I yawned.

"She's gone," my ma sobbed, "during her walk she was hit by a truck, and she was pinned to the metal fence, the impact caused her to be severely injured, she was sent to the hospital. She told me to send Jenna to her father, and that she loved us, and then she was gone." My heart froze, my sister is too strong to be gone, and I refuse to believe it.

"No," I whispered, "she can't be gone, she's a strong person." My ma shook her head. I ran out of the room to see Jenna standing there.

"I had a nightmare, I saw Mommy, she was an angel," she said, "she said that she said that she will always be with me and that even though I can't see her she'll be there. Then there was Mommy walking and being hit by a car." That was when I knew this was real, I had lost my sister.

The next day my niece was sent to her dad and that was the last time I saw Jenna.

---Present Day/ at a grave yard---

I stood at the grave marker; I held the daisies in my hands. I can't believe we found out the truth about my sisters death. It was done on purpose, by one of those Purple Dragon scum.

I placed the flowers in front of the grave, and it read:

Laura Melody Jones


She was a great daughter, sister, and mother.

"Sis, sorry it has been a while," I sighed, "I just have been busy an' all that I haven't had time to see you." I felt her presence, and it made me smile. I said good-bye and I walked to April's antique shop. I read the closed sign so I went to knock on the side door. She answered with a smile.

"Casey," she said, "the guys are over and have been wondering where you are."

"I had somewhere that I needed to be for a while," I smiled. I heard movement upstairs and I felt myself chuckle.

I felt a ping of guilt not telling any of them about my sister, but I felt that could wait till another day. April led me in; the guys were watching the news.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked walking to sit next to Raph. They said that they were okay.

"Emergency report," the news man said, "there has just been a devastating wreck on the highway out side New York, wear 32 Jacob Thomas was killed in a car wreck, his 15 year old daughter is in a coma, we can only hope for a miracle for the moment for the girl to survive." My heart froze hearing my niece's name.

"Wow," Mikey said, "that is the biggest news of the day, Casey why are you so pale?" I looked at my shaky hands to see that they were as pale as a ghost. I couldn't hide my secret any longer as the memories flashed through my mind.

"I know the girl," I whispered. All of them stared at me in shock.

"How do you know her?" Don asked, I saw Leo looking at me sternly.

"I didn't want to talk about it," I felt my eyes swell with tears.

"Talk about what? Case you can tell us," Raph said.

"I want you guys to promise," I sighed, "not to go an' tell my ma any of this."

"Why?" Mikey asked.

"That I kept this from you," I sighed.

"Casey," Leo said, "will you just tell us."

"I had a sister," I said, "but she was killed in an accident."

"You had a sister," Mikey stated.

"Yes, she was eleven years older than me," I said.

"But that doesn't explain that you know the girl on the news," April frowned.

"The girl on the news is my niece," I croaked, "I haven't seen her in ten years, and I knew the man too, he had gotten a divorce with my sister shortly before her death, they decided they were better off as friends."

I sat there and I felt like I had to sprint out of hear.

"Who or what caused your sister's death?" Mikey asked.

"At first we knew that it was a truck," I sighed, "we just recently got the man who was driving the truck to tell us that he was a Purple Dragon and was told to do it." I felt the anger boil inside of me. I turned to see an equally angry Raph.

"I need to go," I sighed, "I think I should go see my niece." I turned and walked out. I hailed a taxi, and asked them to take me to the hospital where my niece is. When we arrived I paid the driver, and ran to the desk.

"May I help you?" the secretary asked.

"I need to see Jenna Thomas," I said.

"Are you here for a story," she asked with a frown.

"No, I'm her uncle," I said.

"She's in room 418," the secretary smiled.

I walked to the elevator and pushed the button to the fourth floor. I went to the waiting room to see my ma, and all these TV reporters. I frowned.

"Family members of Jenna Thomas," a nurse announced. I stood up and walked out with Ma, we went to her room to see her with tubes every where sticking into her.

"Are you Mrs. Jones," the doctor asked my ma.

"Yes, and this is her uncle Casey," Ma said with a smile.

"There are chances that she will survive this, but they are pretty slim," I nodded with Ma, "and she is lucky, if she does wake up, she'll be able to walk." I felt helpless watching her lay there, her crystal blue orbs closed. She had grown to the young girl in her mid teens like in the pictures. Her dark hair fanned out on the pillows.

---two months later---

She was moving her fingers. I brought April to see her a few times; she said that she was lucky to have survived the crash.

"Jenna," I smiled, "do you remember how we used to play Candy Land when you were little," I smiled as her fingers moved. I began to talk to her everyday since I first came hear. The doctor said in a month we would try to get her to react to her name. I was happy about that hoping that she would react.

---One and a half months later---

"Jenna," Ma said. There wasn't a reaction except for the movement of her fingers and her left foot. I sighed. April stood beside me looking at Jenna. I felt hopeless at that moment; I closed my eyes looking for my sister's help. I looked at the feeding tube and sighed. They removed everything else a few days ago because of her progress, the doctors say all she needs to do is to wake up. They said in a few more months if she doesn't wake up the have to pull the plug. I felt my sister's presence in the room, and I felt her heartbreak.

"Jenna," I pleaded, "you have to wake up." She reacted by turning to her side. I turned to the doctor smiled and wrote something down and left the room.

---Three months later---

In three days they will be pulling Jenna's plug. I walked out of the hospital; I turned the corner to see April, Master Splinter, and the guys standing there.

"What did the doctor say?" April asked.

"If she doesn't wake in three days, they're going to pull the plug," I said sadly.

"How has she been reacting?" Don asked.

"Some how," I sighed, "is that she really reacts when I talk to her."

"Maybe," April smiled, "she might wake up if you keep encouraging her to wake up." I looked at her with a smile.

"I'll keep doing that," I smiled.

I thought that I would make this a one shot, but then I had an idea to keep you in suspense, MHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (cough cough)

