Hi everyone! It's been some time, hasn't it? Well I'm back for good this time, though I do have quite a few updates. First off, I want to say happy belated New Years and welcome to a new decade (that I personally hope is better than the last one)! I have been SOOO busy over the past nine months and no... I was not pregnant, so do not worry about that.

I am now in college, a freshman, nineteen years old (sounds normal enough). I put all of my stories on hold to get my shit together as far as schooling goes, so here I am and a high school graduate. This also means that my writing will be TONS better because of all the writing classes I am taking now. I'm working on finding a job so I can save up for nice things like anime/game conventions, a car, and AN APARTMENT. Truly, I need to be on my own and hope it happens soon. It would help in terms of my writing motivation. Really, who can concentrate with their mother or siblings in the background bothering them and interrupting the creative flow?

Now, my story... will be taken down very soon if it already is not. I plan to go back, revamping, doing some HEAVY editing with characters, storyline/plot, action, and even the sex scenes. Do forgive me if that makes my more devoted readers upset, but it means that you get more bang for your buck. I get to work on my writing skills, you all get a better story, and everyone wins in the end. I apologize for not giving everyone the story they've been waiting for, but I listened to all the reviews and I'm taking a number of things into consideration. A fair amount of the newer things will stay the same... while early chapters will be edited to near perfection. Hey, I might even keep in killed off characters *hint hint* so PLEASE be on the lookout for the new version of These Holy Yet Demonic Eyes!

Note: If you want to just say hi, ask me a question about myself in general or the story... leave a review like normal or e-mail me at . NO SPAM. Spam is not nice.