Mistaken Love

Hi there! This is a SS4 Goku x Chichi fic, these are my favourite fanfictions, and there's hardly any of them around so I decided to write one! Hope it's good! Enjoy!

Don't own dbz

Heavy footsteps echoed around the deserted plain. Large, dark storm clouds filled the sky blocking out all but a little light, surrounding the area in darkness. Small fires crackled and burned the debris of houses and buildings that had once stood tall, a little toy doll was the only memory of a lost civilisation.

The entire population of the planet had been wiped out in a single wave of attack, a peaceful race didn't stand a chance against Frieza's forces. The Kold Empire was beginning to spread across the galaxy, planet after planet was soon beginning to fall under it's rule, either by choice or by force. Frieza was ruthless, with only one goal in mind, to rule the universe. The one race that were able to pose a threat and the ones that struck fear into Frieza's heart, was the Saiyans. They were the only ones that had the power to stop Frieza in his tracks.

The footsteps grew louder as a large silhouette became visible walking through the shadows, his large spiky hair and tail swaying in the slight breeze also dispelling some of the smoke, his yellow eyes cutting through the darkness like knives.

His entire body was covered in pink fur apart from his neck, face, hands and part of his chest, his long, black, spiky hair reaching to the back of his neck. He wore dark yellow gi pants with a hole to allow his tail to sway behind him freely, it too covered in pink fur. A dark blue sash was wrapped tightly around his waist, he also wore black shoes with dark blue 'socks' that matched his sash. He gazed at the surroundings, everything had been expertly destroyed, nothing of any use could be salvaged from the wreckage, the planet had now become a dull empty rock.

A large bleeping sounded through the air coming from a small space pod within a crater signalling that a message had been received. Walking back to his pod, he opened the door and pressed three buttons to begin playback.

Kakarot, sir, King Vegeta requires your presence back at Planet Vegeta-sei, it is urgent and it concerns our plans on the Kold Empire.

Short and sweet, Saiyans never were much talkers. What they lacked in communication, they made up for in their tremendous fighting skills and powerful transformations. Saiyans were a very unique race, they had a total of five different transformations that they could perform when the occasion called for it, some more reliable than others. The first and more traditional transformation that a Saiyan could perform was at the full moon, the moonlight triggers a gland in the tail that transformed them into an Oozaru, a large ape creature.

However new Saiyan forms had evolved making this transformation obsolete and rarely seen. New, more powerful Saiyans had begun to evolve, Super Saiyans. There are four different ranks of Super Saiyan, 1, 2, 3, and the newly discovered 4. These new transformations have allowed the Saiyans to become one of the most powerful races in the universe. When becoming a Super Saiyan 1 and 2, the Saiyan's hair begins to stand on edge and turn a bright gold, and also the eyes become a bright green colour. In a super Saiyan 3 state, the hair grows longer and reaches right down the back, the eyebrows disappear and the eyes, once again change. Super Saiyan 4, however, was much different from it's predecessors, there was only two people that had reached the ranks of Super Saiyan 4 in the entire universe, the King of the Saiyans, King Vegeta and his loyal General, Kakarot.

Frieza had feared the Saiyans as soon as word of them reached his ears, he realised the power that they held and could achieve, but he still had the advantage. Technology. By taking over planets from many different galaxies, he had purged them of every single piece of their scientific knowledge, making him a powerful enemy. The Saiyans may be stronger, but they certainly weren't smarter.

Returning to back inside his space pod, Kakorot sat down tucking his legs inside and tapped in the co-ordinates to Planet Vegeta-sei. The door shut with a hiss and a roar of the engines sounded as the space pod took off back into the sky.

King Vegeta tapped his fingers against the armrest of his throne in annoyance, his tail flicking at a fly that was buzzing near-by him. Like Kakarot, he too was a Super Saiyan 4 but his fur was a much darker red and his eyes were a steely blue. His black, spiky hair was much longer and reached half-way down his back and he wore loose fitting black trousers (). He rested his head in his hand and continued to tap with his free hand, his gaze never leaving the heavy, wooden doors across the room. Where on Vegeta-sei is Kakarot? I should never of given him clearance to leave the planet, but I thought the extra training would help us. Obviously not if he can't even make it to meetings on time! He growled in anger and his scowl deepened on his face.
Pink gas was pumped into the space pod and Kakarot roused from his sleep, he jutted fully awake from the turbulence as the pod entered Vegeta-sei's atmosphere and headed towards the landing area. With a loud thump it landed and the door immediately opened with a hiss. Two scrawny looking Saiyans ran towards the pod and bowed their heads and placed their hand on their chests in a sign of respect for their superior. "King Vegeta is awaiting you're presence in the throne room sir." One spoke in a shaky voice. Kakarot raised his hand in acknowledgement and walked straight passed not speaking a word. He didn't have time to speak to worthless Proles, he was late enough as it is (#). Proles were the rejects of the Saiyan race, they were the ones that were unable to transform to any rank of Super Saiyan, they were the inferior stock. They were mainly used as slaves or for entertainment purposes, when there was an excess amount of them they would be exiled to other planets. They also made the perfect training dummies, where stronger warriors would use them for training purposes, usually killing them or severely injuring them. There was a common saying used many times on Planet Vegeta-sei, only the strongest will survive.
King Vegeta raised his head towards the double wooden doors that were now being opened by two proles, his gaze falling straight onto the approaching figure. "It's about time Kakarot, I was beginning to think you had deserted." Vegeta snarled. "Sorry for the delay Heighness, one of my booster rockets became damaged during my journey slowing down my trajectory. What is it that you wish to discuss with me?" Vegeta stood from his throne and walked down the three stairs of the platform and made his way towards Kakarot. He turned his head towards the two proles standing at the open doors. "Leave us!" Vegeta snarled with utmost contempt. The two guards couldn't get out of the room quick enough and shut the heavy wooden doors with a loud bang behind them. They certainly didn't want to anger two Super Saiyan 4's.

"According to our scouting troops in Nalthara, the Kold empire has once again been 'recruiting', it appears they have taken five planets in the last two days, the threat is growing and they're getting closer to us every day. It won't be long until Frieza acquires a plan of action and uses it. Time is running out." Vegeta said to the taller Saiyan. Although Kakarot was taller than Vegeta, he was younger than him by five years, also making him naturally weaker than Vegeta. "I noticed, I was on one of those planets when I received you're message. There's not a trace of anything left, no life, no technology, no nothing. It appears that Frieza had attacked that Planet on purpose, which certainly isn't like him." "I agree Kakarot, and in the wake of Frieza changing his strategy, I believe that it is time to change ours." This surprised Kakarot greatly, Vegeta was the type of man to come up with a plan and stick with it, even if it was doomed to failure. Changing his strategy would cause too big a blow to his pride. "A couple of days ago I sent a scouter Prole to a planet in a nearby quadrant, I believe that this planet is the key to the destruction of the Kold Empire and will insure our place as the strongest race in the universe. The scouter Prole recently sent us a message saying that the Planet is interested in my deal and will be awaiting our arrival. So, gather three of your stongest warriors and prepare them for our Journey, we will be leaving tomorrow morning sharp." Vegeta walked back towards the platform and sat back on his throne. "Would I be out of place if I was to ask what this plan was?" Kakarot grumbled, slightly annoyed that a Prole knew more of the plan than he did. "Now now Kakarot!" Vegeta chuckled, one of his favourite forms of enjoyment was annoying Kakarot. "I will brief you fully when we arrive on the Planet, for now, obey your orders. You are excused." Vegeta waved his hand in a signal for Kakarot to leave, to which he obeyed and opened the heavy doors with ease and disappeared down the hallway.

() Vegeta isn't wearing those stupid leather trousers that he wore in GT, I mean what smart arse came up with that idea! They certainly deserve a slap for that!

(#) In English Literature I'm studying the book 1984 by George Orwell. This is were I got the Proles idea from.

That's it done, please review and tell me your opinions and if you like it or not, I hope you do like it!

Till next time!

Figure in Black