Ha ha! I bet you didn't expect this to be updated so quickly! Here it is, the last poem in Tenten's point of view:


I finally said it.

I finally was foolish enough to admit it.

I finally admitted my love for you.


We were walking together.

Walking home from training.

No Lee, no Gai.


We were in front of your house,

You said, "Goodbye."

It was then when I said it.


At first, you said nothing.

An awkward silence occupied the air.

"Okay," you said, and paced to your house.


Training the next day was like any other.

It was the last spar of the day.

But then, I noticed something different.


You were wrapping up my scroll.

You quickly slipped in a parchment piece,

And finished wrapping it.


We headed off on our walk.

You said nothing.

I said nothing.


We parted ways.

You said nothing.

I said nothing.


I tossed my self on my bed,

And took out my scroll.

I was curious.


I franticly unwrapped it,

Leaving the scroll paper on the tatami.

A slip of paper floated out.


Four words were written on it.

Four beautiful words.

"I love you, too."


I suppose this ends this feeling.

This painful feeling

Of existing exclusively

As a teammate.


Thank you so much for reading my terrible poems. This is the end of this little series. Do not be despaired! Chances are that I'll come up with more NejiTen works in the future, although not necessarily poems. See ya!