Hey Dawg, all this belongs to J.K Rowling aint she great? Ya cept the plot that's all me…check it out.


Hermione woke up Sunday morning to the sun's rays leaking through the curtains. She stretched her arms up over her head and yawned. She looked around to see her bed sheets rustled, twisted around her body. The picture she had clung to the night before lay on the floor beside her. Cody was missing but she didn't worry as she could hear faint sounds of the TV downstairs.

Figuring Cody must be with Draco she untangled herself from the sheets and lazily walked over to the bathroom. She flipped her hair over and finger – combed it into a messy bun. She threw on a pair of patched jeans and a simple white halter-top. She quickly washed her face and brushed away her morning breath and after a quick look over descended downstairs.

Hermione smiled as she saw Cody crawling towards her on the floor. She scooched down to pick him up in a warm hug. "Hey handsome!" "Did you sleep good?"

Hermione held him on her hip and plopped down beside Draco who was watching Dora the Explorer. Hermione looked at the Television where Dora and Boots were. Boots yelled, "Help us stop Swiper!" "Swiper no swiping!" Draco in a daze repeated, "Swiper no swiping, Swiper no swiping!" Cody giggled which got his attention away from the cartoon show.

He smiled at Hermione, his face quickly turning pink. "Good morning" he said. Hermione laughed at Draco's embarrassment and stood up bringing Cody into their kitchen. She went to the fridge and found some yogurt and apple juice. She watered down some apple juice in a bottle and, grabbed a spoon from the utensils drawer.

She sat Cody on the counter top and began feeding him the yogurt humming to herself, when she felt a strong pair of arms slide around her waist. She looked surprised to see Draco smirking at her. She smiled up at him, "Hello." Hermione turned and wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug.

Draco made funny faces at Cody. Hermione pulled away to see what he was giggling about. Not having the faintest idea she continued feeding him his breakfast. "Well," She said setting down the spoon. "I'm going to go take a shower." She held Cody's bottle as he started sipping, wrapping his tiny hands around hers. "Would you mind…" She nodded towards Cody. Draco walked towards them, "No, not at all." He said replacing her hand with his on the bottle. His hand brushing against hers. "Ok, I'll be just a minute."

She walked up the stairs and pulled her clothes off in the bathroom. She turned on her radio and adjusted the shower heat. She lathered shampoo into her hair as one of her favorite songs came on; she sang the words as she rinsed her hair. "These heaven's gates won't open up for me, with these broken wings I'm fallen and all I see is you. These city walls ain't got no love for me, I'm on the ledge of the 18th story and all I scream for you. Come please I'm callin, and all I need from you, hurry I'm fallen."

Draco heard music coming from the bathroom and Hermione's voice. He listened, she had a beautiful voice. He couldn't really understand the words though, with the door shut. He quietly crept in and sat Cody gently on the counter. He could almost see he through the sheer shower curtain.

Her voice carried over the sound of the water pouring over her, "Show me what it's like to be the last one standing and teach me wrong from right and I'll show you what I can be, and say if for me say it to me and I'll leave this life behind me. Say it if it's worth savin' me." "BANG!" Cody had Hermione's brush in his hand and was happily banging it on the counter.

Draco heard Hermione turn off the water and peaked out of the curtain, fully exposed. She gasped when she saw Draco and grabbed the towel off the door. A few seconds later she stepped out of the shower, the towel wrapped securely around her. Her arms were crossed over her chest.

"Draco what are you doing in here?" Draco looked at the floor "uh…" Hermione snapped, "Get Out!" He grabbed Cody and pretty much ran downstairs. He sat on the couch with Cody on his lap. Damn she was beautiful. She was perfect. A few minutes later Hermione trudged downstairs and sat beside him. He turned to her, "Hey, I'm sorry I just heard you singing and…" "It's ok," Hermione interrupted. For some reason she didn't really care that Draco had seen her. "Let me see Cody, I'm going to give him a bath."

Draco starred at her funny. "What?" she asked confused. "Isn't that kind of weird?" He questioned.

"No Draco, he's just a baby it doesn't matter." Hermione laughed. "Nah, I think us guys should stick together." With that he scooped up Cody and brought him upstairs to the bathroom. Hermione chuckled and pulled out her potions essay, which she couldn't believe she hadn't finished yet.


Hermione worked through tables of different herbs and potions ingredients. She read the chapters required for Professor Binns, and started her scroll on Patronus charms, all before Draco came back downstairs.

He was carrying Cody bundled up in a towel wearing only a fresh diaper. Cody sat on the floor content to play with his toys by himself as Draco pulled out his homework to start with Hermione.

They had been working for about an hour and Hermione was droning on about something Professor Binns had talked about in class, but Draco wasn't listening. He was looking at her gorgeous hazel eyes, and their spark, which kept shining towards Draco as she spoke.

Her hair was still wet and hung loose. Draco reached over and tucked one stray curl behind her ear. Her lips stopped moving then rose upwards into a smile.

Draco leaned forward and closed the space between her lips and his. He could feel her mouth open in surprise a bit then give into his kiss before parting her lips to let him enter. She slid her arms around his neck as he caressed her cheek. Draco's tongue massaged hers in his smooth gentle rhythm.

He ran his other hand through her hair, down between her shoulders and made circles on her lower back. She leaned into his touch and ran her hands down his shoulders. Draco slowly pulled away from her mouth and gently kissed her neck. He made soft kisses up to her jaw line and to the tip of her ear, running his hands down her sides. He came back and gave her a quick easy kiss on the lips. He pulled her closer to him and they looked towards Cody to see him watching wide – eyed.

Draco laughed at turned on the TV for him.