Title: The Lone bad Wolf

Author: Jedi Claire

Why: I wrote a poem years ago when I was feeling alone. I reread it recently and thought it might be a good idea to revise it so it was about the Bad Wolf, and what her thoughts are. She is my favourite character, and any reviewers can tell me about any fan fiction about her, it will be rewarded with cookies! (The first verse is about normal people.)

The Lone Bad Wolf

They bay like bloodhounds,

They laugh like hyenas,

They are not human in their sounds.

The pack, though, play like pups.

They bay and bark, and do not see,

A lone wolf with eyes like the sun.

I am the Bad wolf, and they dare not see,

Even when they, the pack, stare and run.

And my song, which I lift to the sky,

To freeze the moon and stars,

Makes me wonder why, oh why,

I have tears in my gold eyes.

PS: If you want, I can email the original poem to anyone who lists in their review two good doctor who fanfics I should read.