Disclaimer: I don't own Hellsing or any of the characters. I do own the story. Sorry for late update. Will try my best to update sooner!

Chapter 5: Stalemate

The night sky looked as if it would turn red and cry blood, and the moon was full and glowing strong. Anderson had not seen the sky so magnificently colored. He was sure the other priest would think a demon had possessed the skies. Quickly he turned to the rouge figure still chained beneath him.

"It's awe deep-skin wound" Anderson said awed by the dent his grill made. He pushed his fingers into the wound at the vampire's neck. Alucard almost hissed at this, eying the priest with killing intent.

"Why Anderson, what is the meaning of keeping me…"

"To rid ye all from this world."

With one twisted smile he quickly grabbed Alucard and turned him to lie on his stomach.

"The only way to kill ye…is to purge."

Alucard twitched.

"Purged though the body, ye filthy haven".

Now registering exactly where the priest was going with this Alucard began to struggle using his inhuman strength to overpower the priest. Anderson quickly pulled out a blade from underneath the mattress were they laid, and stabbed the nosferatu ramming the holy blessed object forcibly in and out of the vampire's backside.

"To hell wit yee." Anderson yelled, while a bloody pool began to build up to the vampires back. He removed the blade all too fast, receiving a hiss from the nosferatu. Anderson held onto the vampire, holding him down onto the bed. He was enjoying torturing the rouge vampire, and must have been out of his mind by the time he decided to undress. "Be Silent." An undressing Anderson said watching Alucard gapping.

Anderson grabbed the red coat Alucard was wearing and pulled that down and off the vampire. He pulled off the suit and clothing, as well as any other layers that kept skin from touching skin. Nowhere to hide now Alucard thought feeling the priest move closer until his stomach touched his backside. Anderson pushed a finger into the vampire's cold hollow at his bottom. Alucard tired to move off the bed. "This, won't do.." Anderson said, removing his fingers. He pressed them into Alucard's back, soaking it in the blood that continued to pool out. By this time, the vampire was weakened at the loss of his only nutrient. Anderson returned to Alucard's hollow pressing and stretching it while at the same time restraining any fight the vampire was still putting up. He knew the vamp would come back to kill him eventually, but right now Anderson was contempt on purging the filthy demon.

Anderson was really the one trapped and chained, at least in his mind. The vampire made him feel this way. He pulled Alucard closer to him and lifted his rear, pressing himself inside the cold almost dead like body. Alucard cursed, but cut off to a silent cry as the priest pressed deeper. Anderson half-expected Alucard would feel cold but his skin as expected was soft and virgin like. The silky feeling of the vampire's skin made the priest feel as if he were touching an angel in heaven. How could a demon feel this good?

Alucard tensed now feeling the priest deeper inside "Stop.. it..Ander..son". Too late his body collapsed as the priest took the very thing that made Alucard pure in one way. Blood began to leak from his backside, the pain, the weakness; all of it took over at once until there was nothing but to let Anderson have his way.

The priest looked at the clock on the bedside, it was two in the morning. The sky looked the same just with brighter colors. Flashes of last night's interlude flooding Anderson's mind, he cursed for sending himself into damnation. Anderson didn't want anything more than the rouge figure lying beneath him. He knew that he wasn't totally out of his mind but consequences pointed in one direction. If he was found out he'd he dead. Hanged, burned, buried alive, and dead.

Anderson had tears building deep within him, it wasn't his invention that drove him to do this to the vampire. It was his infatuation and obsession to be with the dark figure. To capture him, imprison him, to tame the wild beast and make him his and his alone. He wanted to kill Alucard and consume his darkness until there was no more. The vampire had no idea how he taunted the priest and twisted his mind around.

Anderson's thoughts came back to reality. He looked down at the figure cursing in his head. What could he do to fix this?

Alucard turned to the side, his breathing rapid. He looked paler and was sweating a nightmare. Anderson touched his cheek; he smiled at the vampire sadly.

It was time for him to say goodbye. Anderson would leave from here, maybe he wouldn't come back. That would save both him and the vampire from the trouble ahead. He kissed the rouge man on the forehead and picked up his clothes putting them on as quickly as he could, turning only one last time to glace back at the dark beauty.

Integra answer the phone on her office desk, it was her butler informing her of Alucard's return. He was reported missing, and something about the priest and this new weapon called a 'grill' interfering with the Hellsing Organization. Integral sighed. Why did it take this long for Alucard to return? The door to her office flew opened as the very same person she thought of, walked in staggering a bit. Was he limping???