Double History of magic that afternoon was boring as ever. Harry had set up a dictaquill while he was reading in his fathers Animagus book. The stupid ghost was of course not intelegent enough to figure out that most students were reading anything else than the History's coursebook.

Harry was truely amazed by the notes his father had written in the margins about a certain Wormtail (perhaps a friend of him) who had managed to listen in on others conversations while he was hiding in his rat form under a table or behind a statue, how he sneaked out to buy sweets at Hogsmede, and used the sewers to quickly transport himself through Hogwarts Castle. Harry's father seemed to have the form of a stag, which Harry considdered less useful than the smaller and quicker rat form of his friend, and he hoped that his own animagus form would not be to big so he could make good use of it. The good of it all was that Harry found a note that Dumbledore could look through invisibillity cloaks, but couldn't detect the difference between a rat and an animagus rat. 'It would be an ideal way to spy on the old fool.' Harry thought.

The rest of double History Harry decided to sleep through. He had occlumency at seven after dinner, and he had to meet up at ten with Fred and George to help them settle in their dorms. Thinking about the things he still had to do before christmas break, he fell asleep to be awaken an hour later by the bell that signal the end of the class.


Dinner went on uneventful. When Harry had finished he messaged to his best friends that he had occlumency with Procer, and that they should go to the Slytherin common room for homework and socializing. Thereafter he stood up and left the great hall to then walk towards Snapes Office. Along the way Sliphis slithered up to Harry's sleeve and while Harry was waiting in front of snapes office he had a thelepatic conversation with his familliar.

'Have you come across anything interesting?'

'Yes Master. As I was slithering along the seperate section in the Library to see if there maybe anything interesting to snatch, the Headmaster walked in and walked streight to a particular shelf. As he was browsing along the books he mumbled under his breath 'Now, where should I hide the precious thing?' He then pulled out a certain book, looked through it and put it back while mumbling. 'No that would be too easy.' Thereafter he walked out of the library, obvious not in such a good mood.'

Harry slightly nodded and thelepatically hissed back. 'Dear Sliphis, that is very valuable information you have there. Now there is a little thing I want to ask you...'

'What is it Master?'

'I want you to spy on the Headmaster and report everything he is up to. But be very careful to not get caught. The Headmaster is a very dangerous man who is very aware of his surroundings. Do you think you can do that?'

'Yes Master. I think I can do that.'

'One more thing. The Headmaster is our enemy, but you don't need to attack him as of yet. I also suggest you stay away from his office, He might have certain security measures in place to track down any hidden pressences. However, If you can overhear conversations between the staff, preferable if it is between Dumbledore and the Gigantic Man, we could very well benefit from that.'

'Yes master, I will be very careful' the snake said before he slithered from the boys arm and disappeared in the shadows of the corridor.

Not long after the snake had disapeared, Snape showed up and signed for harry to come in. When Harry closed the portrait behind his back, Snape drew his wand to ward the office.

'Greetings Lord Fulgor, shall we start then?'

'Procer.' the young leader acknowledged. 'I would like to, but there are a few things that needs to be discussed first, preferable in a more secure place. If you want to hold on to me please? I will portkey us to my office.'

Procer did as was requested and a moment later Procer and Harry arrived in the Headmasters office of the Secret Academy. Before Harry sat down, he snapped his fingers twice, and plop, Nox appeared.

'Master Sir?'

'Please bring in one of the new chairs for Procer here.'

Not more than a minute later the elf reappeared with a plop and put down the chair.

'You are dismissed Nox. Procer, please sit down.'

The professor sat down and Harry continued. 'Do you have any idea on what Dumbledore is up to? I overheard a conversation between a gigantic man who I have seen walking around the grounds, and a goblin when I was visiting Gringotts today. He said he had a letter from Dumbledore to pick up a You-know-What in a certain vault, and my snake overheard the Headmaster mumbling to himself 'now, where should I hide the precious thing' when the man was stalking around in the Library.'

Procer thought for a moment. 'I believe, Master Fulgor, that you mean Hagrid, the groundkeeper with your description of a gigantic man. And I know nothing more than that the fake of a Trelawney has done yet another of her misinterpreted profecies. I don't know the exact contents of the profecy, but it is along the lines of 'The Dark Lord is looking for a certain artifact that gives him immortallity.' Of course our foolish headmaster takes all her crap seriously, and I think his actions might have to do with precautions from his side.'

Harry nodded thoughtful 'Hmm, that is very interesting information... Now what artifact could give immortallity... And what is that about the Dark Lord?'

⌠Perhaps Dumbledore doesn't believe that the Dark Lord is gone for good, which would be an acceptable reason for him to act in such a paranoid way.' Snape interjected.

'Reasonable indeed.' the young leader replied. 'wait a sec.' he said before turning towards the painting of Slytherin.

'Salazar?' he hissed.

'Yes my Heir?' The founder hissed back.

'Would you perhaps help us to solve a little riddle? You are more knowledgable than the both of us'

'Do you want me to emerge?'

'I think Procer here would considder it to be an honour to meet you.' Harry replied. Then he adressed Procer and just before a thick black smoke emerged from the portrait, the young leader told his follower to not be scared whatever may happen.

When the Ghostly form of Salazar emerged from the portrait, he conjured a ghostly chair sat on it and joined in the conversation.


Severus was in heart and spirit a Slytherin. He cared for his house and his students although he wasn't quite fond of the brats from other houses that kept ruining his classes. When he saw thick black smoke emerging from the portrait of his houses founder he was shocked, but to slytherin to show it. But what shocked him even more was that the thick smoke formed itself in a ghostly form of the founder, effectively erasing the founder from the portrait, leaving only the backdrop and the bubbling cauldron. He greeted the founder respectfully just when Slytherin was conjuring a ghostly chair. 'Damn, the man is still able to do magic?' Severus wondered while his young leader was explaining things.


'Salazar, do you perhaps know of any artifact that grants the owner witn immortallity?' Harry asked.

'I think so My Heir,' the founder said. 'Remember I told you about a certain artifact called 'Philosophers stone'? The object from which the Elixer of Life could be subtracted?'

'Yes Honourable founder.' Harry replied. 'But I thought that the Elixer of Life was morely a substance that could get you your body back instead of gaining immortallity?'

'True my Heir, but there are, as far as I know five ways to apply the elixer. First is to gain immortallity, second is, gaining immortallity of ones memory, something which could be really helpful when studying. Third is gaining a physical magical created body. Fourth is gaining back information that has been obliviated, and the fifth, but the most difficult to achieve use is to revive one from death.'

'That is very valuable information Salazar. Do you perhaps also know of another artifact that could gain the owner immortallity?' Harry asked.

'Not as far as I know, else I would have cared to gain it in my posession, unless... it is an invention from after my time, but I doubt it.' the founder replied.

'In that case we should first need to verify that it is indeed the philosophers stone which Dumbledore is trying to keep away from possible Dark Lords. And if that is indeed the case, I must somehow find a way to snatch it away.'

'Why?' Procer asked, becomming curious.

'I have prommised Salazar to help get his body back if it lies within my possibillities, and if the stone is indeed at Hogwarts, I might as well have a good chance to pay off my debts to our founder.'

'Debts?' Procer asked.

'Well, you see, we may use the Academy as our headquarter and Salazar has helped to install passwords and do other things to fix up the place. I might at least thank him by helping him to regain a physical body as it is his greatest wish.' Harry explained.

'Reasonable.' Procer said. 'If I can help with anything?'

'Yes Procer. I have already set Volucris and Advectum up to spy on Hagrid, and my dear familliar to spy on the Headmaster himself. I want you to spy on the entire staff and report anything that points towards the identity of the artifact and where it will be hidden.'

'That I will do.' Procer said. 'However, You may well mention to your Second and Third that Hagrid hangs on the lips of the Headmaster and believe his every word. It is also a fact that the idiot is wary about Slytherins, so I suggest you tell them this information.'

'I will tell them. Anyway, Fred and George are supposed to be here at ten o clock. I don't know if they are clever enough to use the key, or that they will sneak out of their common room and walk the entire end to your lab. I'm not sure if it is on your schedule to wander allong the corridors in search for rulebreakers...'

'It is.' Was Snapes short interruption.

'If that is the case would you please stalk the route from Gryffindor tower to your lab and make sure they doesn't run into prefects or teachers that will deffinately want to give them detention. Since they may be bringing a lot of illegal stuff with them to store here.'

'Very well Lord Fulgor, I will deal with the stupid cat, the squib and the Gryffindor Head of house.' Snape replied.

'Thank you, Procer, as I cannot risk them running right into getting detentions. Their contribution to the order is way more of importance. Now I suggest we leave occlumency for next week since you cannot be missed for too long.'

'Good Master, have a good night.' Procer said while standing up and reaching for the door.

'Procer?' The young leader halted him. 'You can floo from here to the Room of Requirement and from there floo to your office. That is the fastest way to get back there.'

The professor nodded, walked to the fireplace, threw in a hand of floo powder and disapeared in the flames leaving Salazar and his young leader.

'Do you really think the Headmaster would posses such a valuable item?' the boy asked to his houses founder.

'I don't know, but if he has, I want to have it.' the founder answered with determination.

'I will see what I can do for you in regards to that.' Harry said. 'Now, I have to do some other business in the Library. Hope that you don't mind?'

'Not at all, my Heir' the other said, before transforming into thick black smoke.

A few seconds later Salazar was back in his portrait checking his potion. Harry grinned, and left his office.